Crash Into Me

Chapter 8

Kelly carried her glass of white wine into the bathroom and sat it down on the side of the huge marble garden tub. She turned on the water and squirted some bubble bath under the faucet. While the tub was filling, she lit a few vanilla bean scented candles, turned on the radio, and turned off the lights. She stared at her reflection in the mirror as she pinned her long, auburn hair up. God, what would her mother say if she could see her now? If she knew what Kelly did for a living? The Senator would have a fit.

Kelly's mother, Senator Barbara Ashton, was one of the most influential women in Washington. She had sponsored more bills that were passed into law than any other politician in history. There was even talk of the Senator being the next Republican candidate for Vice President. Kelly sighed deeply as she thought of her mother. The mother would never accept her. She never had, and she never would. Kelly shook her head and returned to the bathtub. As she sank into the hot water, she winced a little. The water was really a little hotter than she normally liked it, but it would cool off soon enough.

Kelly reclined in the tub, allowing the tiny bubbles on top of the water to tickle her skin as she enjoyed the scent of the vanilla bean candle that was burning beside her. The hauntingly beautiful voice of Enya filled the room, and Kelly began to relax. She allowed her hands to freely explore her body, running soft trails up and down her legs. She let out a soft sigh, and she felt the two Valium she had taken earlier to begin to kick in. She needed some rest. She was beginning to show signs of exhaustion from her sleepless nights. She could feel the tension leaving her body, as sleep began to overtake her.

AJ made his way silently onto the back porch of the lake house. He slid the glass door open, listening carefully for any barking dogs or alarms. There were none. The lights in the living room were off, and the only light in the room came from the fire in the fireplace. Kelly had done a beautiful job decorating, he noticed. There were tons of plants around the room, and the new furniture she had purchased made the room look homey, yet elegant. AJ crept through the living room, snipping the lines of any phone he found. He reached Kelly's purse, which was sitting on the kitchen counter, and he fumbled around inside until he found her cell phone. He took the battery off the back and hurried onto the back porch, where he chucked the battery into the dark woods. Once he was back inside, he followed the enchanting sounds of Enya until he found Kelly. He walked into the steamy bathroom, inhaling the dreamy scent of vanilla. His glasses immediately fogged up, so he had to remove them.

Kelly was reclining in the tub, her gorgeous neck exposed and begging for his lips. Her eyes were closed, and she appeared to be sleeping. He knelt beside her, and let his fingers barely graze the side of her cheek. Kelly's eyes opened slowly, as if she wasn't sure she had actually felt something. As soon as she saw him beside her, she jumped.

"Oh my god!" Kelly squealed. "What the hell are you doing here?"

She obviously wasn't as glad to see him as he had hoped.

"I wanted to be with you again," AJ said, smiling slightly. "I missed you, Kelly."

"Get the fuck out of here!" Kelly screamed. "I'm calling the police!"

"No you're not," AJ said, shaking his head confidently. "You don't have a phone anymore."

"AJ, please leave me alone," Kelly pleaded.

"Are you afraid of me? You look scared," AJ said softly.

"Yes I'm scared of you! You broke into my apartment. You trashed my car. You followed me here and you broke in. Why the hell wouldn't I be afraid of you?" Kelly cried, tears threatening to choke her.

"Wha...? I never touched your car," AJ said, his brow furrowing. "I'll admit I did go into your apartment, but only to get my sunglasses and my shirt back. They were expensive. I never meant to hurt you, Kelly. I just wanted to see you again. That's the only reason I followed you here. I had to see you again." The look in AJ's eyes was earnest... pleading.

"I want you to leave," Kelly said, unevenly. "Please... go."

"I can't," AJ said, looking down at the cold tile floor. "I wish I could, but I can't."

"Why can't you?" she asked, swallowing hard. She was absolutely terrified.

"Because I love you. Can't you see that? I love you, damn it!" AJ cried, tears coursing down his cheeks. "I don't want you to be afraid of me. I love you, Kelly. I'd never do anything to hurt you."

"You already did," she said flatly.

"NO!" AJ exclaimed. "I already explained that. I thought we were playing a game. Kelly, I love you so much. I would rather die than hurt you. Can't you see that?"

"AJ..." Kelly started, but AJ silenced her with his finger on her lips.

"Baby, let me talk, ok?" he whispered.

Kelly recoiled from his touch.

"I love you. I want to be with you and nobody else... ever again. I knew the first time I met you that I wanted to be with you forever. I know you don't love me, but if you'll just stay with me, I'll give you everything... anything in the world. I swear, I'll never hurt you again. Just come be with me," AJ pleaded, tears still streaming.

The time between AJ's plea and Kelly's response seemed an eternity. Kelly's eyes narrowed as she watched him. He seemed so sincere... so honest. But...

"I can't," she said quietly.

"Why not?" AJ asked, swallowing hard.

"Because I'm afraid of you," Kelly whispered.

"Don't be afraid of me. I'd never hurt you. Can't you see that? You're too precious to me, and I'd never let anything happen to you. I swear on my life, I'd never let anything bad happen to you again," AJ said, as he looked into her eyes.

"I don't love you. It wouldn't be right for me to let you..."

"Yes it would," AJ interrupted. "Kelly, I know you don't love me. And I'm ok with that. I don't expect you to love me back, so don't feel like you're using me."

"No," Kelly said, shaking her head. "That doesn't make it ok."

"But you don't love the other men you're with, do you?"

"Well... no," she answered. He had her there.

"So what's the difference? I know you don't love me. I'm willing to accept that. But maybe... over time... you might learn to love me," AJ said, still pleading his case. "Please, baby. I have to be with you."

Kelly watched him for a few minutes, considering her options.

"You can live with me. I'll buy all your clothes. I'll pay for your car. I'll pay all your bills. Just come with me," AJ begged.

AJ grasped her hand and pressed her palm to his lips, then to his cheek. It felt so amazing just to touch her again. His body felt alive again. He could feel the energy flowing through his veins. The energy she gave him...

Kelly closed her eyes, her mind racing. He just seemed so sincere. This was something she had always dreamed of... someone to take care of her and to make sure she had everything she wanted. No more strange men. No more looking for new clients. No more being ashamed of what she was. But, in her heart, she knew she would still be a whore. Only this time, it would just be for one man. A man she didn't love. A man she could never love. But also a man who seemed to worship her. But... he had hurt her. Had he really meant to hurt her? She was beginning to have her doubts. Maybe he really did think she was playing a game with him. Ok, so he was a little scary. Obsessed, even. But, she tried to reason, he obviously cared for her a lot. She took a deep breath.

"Ok," Kelly said, finally. "We can try this for awhile. But I swear, if you ever hurt me again, I'll leave and you will never, ever find me."

"Oh God, thank you!" AJ cried. "I swear you won't regret this, baby. I swear."

"Could you go out there and wait for me?" she asked quietly.

"Sure," AJ said, smiling. "And Kelly... I promise, I'll do everything in my power to make you happy. Anything and everything."

Kelly nodded, but didn't smile. She still wasn't completely sure about this whole arrangement, but she was willing to give him a chance. Maybe she was being shallow, but those who said money couldn't buy you happiness had obviously never been poor. She had. She knew what money could buy.

After AJ left the room, Kelly emerged from the bathtub and dried off. She wrapped her robe around herself and went into her bedroom. AJ had pulled her clothes out of her drawers and was folding them into neat stacks on the bed.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Helping you pack," he said, smiling. "I hope you don't mind."

"No. No, I guess not," she replied.

AJ sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled her to him. His arms encircled her waist and he rested his head against her stomach. She tentatively ran her fingers through his hair, which was dark brown again.

AJ let out a contented sigh. "I love you, Kelly."

"Ok, let's just get one thing straight," she said. "Let's keep the 'I love you's' to a minimum, ok? I feel weird enough about this as it is. If you keep saying that, it's just going to make me feel worse."

"Ok," he said, looking up at her with a sweet smile on his face. "Whatever you say. You're the boss."

Kelly nodded and tried to back away. AJ's arms remained firmly in place around her waist. No matter what he said, she knew who was really the boss... he was.

"No. Don't go," he said softly. "Just let me sit here for a minute. I've missed you so much. I just want to feel you in my arms."

"Ok," Kelly said, but her voice came out a cracked squeak. He still made her nervous.

AJ pulled back slightly, and his fingers went to work on the sash of her robe, untying it. Her robe fell open, and he pressed his cheek against the warm, soft skin of her stomach.

"God you smell good," AJ whispered, placing a soft kiss on her belly. He looked up at her, his brown eyes glistening with emotion. She couldn't think of anything to say in response, so she just smiled slightly. AJ planted a few more kisses on her stomach, then pulled her down gently onto the bed. He laid beside her and opened her robe. He watched his own fingers travel between her breasts and over her stomach. His heart was beating so hard, he felt lightheaded.

"Kelly, is it ok if I do this?" he asked, feeling like a scared, inexperienced teenager again. He couldn't believe a woman could have this effect on him.

Kelly nodded. He was the boss, no matter what he said. She knew that. And if she was going to go through with this, she'd better learn to accept his touch, no matter how much it repelled her.

AJ smiled warmly and his lips met hers in a soft, sweet kiss. He ran his fingers lightly over her thighs, giving her chills. Kelly closed her eyes, imagining that he was anybody but himself. It was easier that way. She had learned this trick a long time ago. She imagined he was Nick. Nick was safe. Sweet. Obedient. Like a puppy.

"Kelly, I want to make love to you," AJ whispered. Kelly nodded without opening her eyes. She knew this was coming. She'd have to get used to it sooner or later. AJ sat up and pulled his shirt off. Kelly still didn't open her eyes, but she could hear him undressing. He grasped her hand and pressed it to his hot chest.

"Do you feel that? My heart is racing," AJ laughed softly. "I can't remember the last time my heart raced like this. You do that to me, Kelly. You make me feel like I'm not in control of my own body. Like I belong to you."

But Kelly knew the truth... she actually belonged to him.

AJ made love to Kelly in a way he had never made love to another woman. He was nervous. So afraid he would hurt her, or that she would reject him and pull away from his touch. He was sweet, attentive, caring. And gentle. Very gentle. But still, he was posessing her again. He had her body once again, and she was his. His and his alone. Forever.

Kelly could tell that AJ was purposely trying to control himself. As he moved in and out of her, he was obviously restraining himself. He bit his bottom lip and closed his eyes, his face contorted almost painfully. It drove her crazy. She could feel the tension in his body. It was like a snake coiling to strike. She just wanted to scream at him and tell him to let go. The tension in him was so strong, she could almost feel his pain. By the time he reached his climax, she felt he was about to explode from the stress. He erupted into her body like a volcano, filling her with sticky hotness. She hadn't made him wear a condom this time. She didn't know why.

AJ laid down on top of her and rested his head on her chest.

"God that was amazing," he said softly. "If you only knew how much I..."

"Stop," she interrupted. "Remember... keep that to a minimum, please."

"Sorry," AJ said sheepishly. "I forgot."
