Crash Into Me
Chapter 9

Kelly sat on the airplane beside AJ, reading a book. She tried not to look at the smug, self-satisfied smile on his face as they headed toward Orlando.
"I'm so glad you're with me," he said quietly, his hand resting on her arm.
Kelly didn't respond, and acted as though she hadn't heard him. AJ reclined in his seat and closed his eyes. Kelly looked at her surroundings. Ultra-mega-platinum first class. That was the only way she could describe it. It was a commercial flight, but they were in a private cabin of the plane. The high-backed seats were soft leather, and their personal flight attendant refilled her glass of champagne every time she so much as took a sip. It was supposed to be the life Kelly had always wanted to lead, but for some reason, she didn't feel fulfilled. She looked out the window. The sky was cloudless, and she could see the earth below. It was green, as most of the South is, and she could make out the snaking rivers that led down to the Gulf of Mexico. She closed her eyes and tried to nap. She felt so empty inside. She had given up her lease, and AJ had convinced her to leave her car in Atlanta. He promised her a new one to replace it. In fact, he had pretty much promised her new everything. He hadn't let her pack much of anything at all. Only the basics... makeup, hair stuff, a few outfits, and underwear. That was it. He had her put everything else in storage. For some reason, she felt obliged to honor his request. After all, he was paying for everything.
"Ladies and Gentlemen," the pilot said, "we'll be making our initial descent into Orlando in just a few minutes. I hope you've enjoyed the flight. Welcome to Disney World, everybody."
"We're here, baby," AJ said, smiling brightly. "Your new life. I'm going to make you so happy."
Kelly smiled half-heartedly and closed her book. She hoped he was right. She hoped this dirty feeling would go away. This... apprehension. AJ had changed. He was a nice guy. She kept telling herself that AJ had changed. Maybe if she said it enough, she'd eventually believe it.
"Here we are, Kel," AJ said, as he pulled into the driveway of his huge house. Kelly's eyes grew wide as she saw the enormity of the place. It was amazing. Simply amazing. The kind of place she had always dreamed of living. AJ came around to her door and helped her out of the car.
"I hope you like it," he said. "If you don't, we'll see if we can find one you do like. I want you to be happy, Kelly. I want that so much."
Kelly nodded as they walked hand-in-hand up the sidewalk. She admired the gorgeous palm trees and exotic flowers growing against the house. AJ opened the door, and the sight nearly took Kelly's breath away. Marble floors, columns, and arches greeted her. The house was impecably decorated, but it didn't look like AJ. No, it just wasn't him.
"Come on. I'll show you our room," AJ said excitedly.
"Our room?" Kelly managed.
"Uh huh," AJ said, his smile fading slightly. "Oh... you want your own room?"
"Well," Kelly said, trying not to sound too disappointed. She couldn't stand the idea of never being away from him. That might be a deal breaker right there.
"Oh, I understand," he said sadly. "You need some privacy, huh?"
"Yeah," Kelly said. "I hope you don't mind."
"No. No, I don't mind. I'll show you the guest rooms and you can pick out which one you want," AJ said, dropping her hand. Was that a hint of bitterness she detected in his voice?
AJ walked up the stairs in front of Kelly and pointed out the guest bedrooms. They were all lovely, but they were very masculine.
"You don't like any of them, do you?" AJ questioned, folding his arms over his chest.
"Well, they're all beautiful, but they're just not me," Kelly said softly.
AJ nodded. "Ok. Just pick one, and I'll give you one of my credit cards later so you can decorate it just like you want it."
Kelly couldn't help but smile. Now that was more like it. Credit cards were her best friend. They never let you down. They were always there when you needed them. And they always had ways of making you smile even when your day was going so shitty that you felt like you were going to die.
"Ahhhhhh the magic words," AJ chuckled. "All women love credit cards. Come on. I'll show you my room now."
He took her hand and led her down the hall to the master suite. It, too, was decorated beautifully. Very masculine, yet soft. Like AJ...
Once he had shown her the entire suite, they made their way back into the bedroom. AJ turned to Kelly and gently pushed her against the wall. His lips locked with hers, and his tongue found its way into her mouth. Kelly closed her eyes and put herself into fantasy land again... She imagined... Nick. Yes, Nick was quickly becoming her favorite fantasy. His big, strong body, his beautiful blue eyes, and his soft blonde hair. He was definitely her favorite. As AJ's lips moved down her neck, she imagined they were Nick's lips. Full and soft, and moving ever so lightly over her skin. A smile came to her own lips as she used her imagination.
"Oh you like that?" AJ whispered. He smiled and bent his head back to her neck. His tongue grazed her soft skin, and he inhaled her delicious scent. He encircled her waist with his arms and pressed his body against her. She braced herself by grabbing onto his shoulders, and allowed her head to drop back. AJ's hands moved around to her stomach, and he pulled her shirt out of her shorts, then over her head. He buried his mouth between her full breasts, kissing and licking her flesh, as she grasped the back of his head and let out an impassioned gasp. Yes, Nick, yes, she thought.
"God I love you, Kelly," AJ rasped. Damn it, every time he spoke, he ruined the fantasy.
"Shhhhh," she whispered.
"Sorry," he said, as his hands cupped her breasts and pushed them up to his eager lips again. He pulled the material of her bra down and slowly circled her hard nipples with his warm, wet tongue. Kelly could feel the tingling beginning between her legs, and she knew she was getting wet... and ready.
"Open your eyes," AJ said. "Watch me."
Kelly reluctantly did as he asked, and watched as his tongue teased her sensitive nipples. Despite the fact that it was AJ, she still felt turned on. This surprised her. She took a deep breath and ran her hands softly over his shoulders. His skin was so soft and smooth, and she found herself actually wanting to touch him. AJ turned her around and led her to the bed, where he gently laid her down. He stood at the foot of the bed, staring down at her.
"Kelly, I want you," he said, his eyes filled with lust.
Kelly nodded, and slowly began to lower her shorts. AJ finished the job, dropping her clothing to the floor. She couldn't stop staring at him as he pulled his shirt off, and began to unbutton his jeans. He really did have a beautiful body, even if he did cover himself with tattoos. She had to admit that. AJ dropped his jeans and crawled up her body, placing kisses wherever he wanted. Kelly closed her eyes again, drifting back into her Nick fantasy.
AJ's long, hard shaft penetrated her wet cleft easily, and he began a slow, sensuous rhythm. He kissed her collarbone and her neck, murmuring sweet things as he went along. Kelly wrapped her long legs around his hips, drawing him in deeper. AJ let out a soft chuckle, then rolled over onto his back, never once withdrawing from Kelly. Kelly gasped at the sudden movement. She wasn't sure what he was doing at first, until she found herself sitting on top of him. She smiled down at him, as he folded his hands behind his head. She ran her hands up his firm stomach and began a rhythm of her own. He closed his eyes and groaned when he felt her walls tighten around his hardness. Kelly positioned herself where his cock was directly stimulating her g-spot and found herself rocking harder and harder as the sensations got more and more intense. AJ grasped her hips and thrust himself deeper into her body, pushing her to go faster and faster. Kelly threw her head back and let out a loud moan, as she reached her climax. AJ followed very soon after, pumping her full of his hot seed. Kelly collapsed onto AJ's chest and closed her eyes again. She ran her fingers over his hot flesh, tracing the outline of his nipple.
"I want you to be happy, baby," AJ whispered. "Just tell me what I can do to make you happy, and I'll do it."
Kelly didn't respond. She just lay there, listening to the beating of his heart.
Nick sat in his living room, watching the phone... waiting for it to ring. He missed AJ. He missed AJ a lot. Since AJ had become so... obsessed... that was the only way Nick could think to put it... with Kelly, he hadn't paid much attention to Nick except when he wanted a quick fuck. Nick was always happy to oblige, but he missed the friendship they had shared. He missed the attention AJ had always paid him.
Finally, the phone did ring.
"Hello?" Nick said, hopefully.
"Hey buddy," Brian said cheerfully.
"Oh... hey," Nick replied, sounding sad.
"What's up your ass?" Brian chuckled. "You don't sound like my call is the one you were waiting on."
"I'm ok," Nick sighed. "I was just..."
"Just what?"
"Waiting for AJ to call me," Nick said. He rested his head on the back of the couch and closed his eyes.
"So he's still got the hots for that girl, huh?" Brian laughed. "Ah, don't worry about it. He'll come around soon. You know how he is. He never sticks with one girl for very long before he loses interest."
"Yeah, you're right," Nick said, trying to smile.
"Why don't you go see him? He's home now, you know. He left Atlanta 3 days ago," Brian offered.
"You're kidding," Nick said, shaking his head. "He never even called me to let me know he was home."
"Go on over," Brian said. "I'm sure he'll be glad to see you."
"I think I will," Nick muttered.
Kelly was busy in the kitchen baking chocolate chip cookies. She was having one of her extremely rare cravings for chocolate, and she just HAD to have cookies. She spooned out enough dough for a dozen. She knew she couldn't eat that many, but she figured she'd be nice and make some for AJ, too. He had been on his best behavior since she had come to stay with him. She was almost convinced that he had indeed changed. Almost...
The doorbell rang, and Kelly called out for AJ to answer it. When he didn't answer, she walked into the foyer, licking cookie dough off of her fingers. She opened the door, trying not to get the doorknob sticky, and found herself staring face to face with Nick.
"Kelly!" Nick exclaimed, obviously surprised to see her.
"Nick!" Kelly exclaimed, equally surprised.
"What are you doing here?" he asked, his eyes narrowing.
" AJ invited me to... uh... stay here," Kelly said quietly, her eyes dropping from the floor. She couldn't look Nick in the eye after some of the thoughts she had been having about him. Damn it, she had never felt this utterly goofy around a man in her life.
"Oh," Nick said simply. Damn that AJ... Damn Kelly was more like it... She had taken away Nick's friend, and there was nothing Nick could do about it.
"Where's AJ?" Nick asked.
"Oh, I'm sorry," Kelly said, moving aside so Nick could come in. "He's in the screening room, I think."
Nick made his way into the screening room, where AJ was finishing up Blade. Nick sat down beside AJ, and they were both silent until the credits began to roll.
"So... you finally did it, huh?" Nick said quietly.
"Did what?" AJ asked, not looking at him.
"You got her. You brought her down here. So how long is she staying?"
"Forever," AJ said, eyeing Nick.
Nick's eyes glittered dangerously. "Uh huh," he said, nodding. "So she agreed to this? What'd you have to do? Give her a million bucks?"
"That's none of your business," AJ snapped loudly.
Nick looked down at the floor. He wasn't used to AJ speaking to him in such a harsh tone. AJ noticed Nick's discomfort, and he walked to him.
He put his hand around the back of Nick's neck and lifted his chin with the other.
"Look at me," AJ said softly. Nick complied, and blue eyes met soft brown eyes.
"Nicky, she's here, and she's mine. That's all that matters to me, ok? What I had to do to get her here is none of your concern. As long as she stays here and she's happy, that's all I care about."
Nick blinked a few times, then nodded slightly. His lower lip began to tremble a little.
"Hey, what's wrong?" AJ soothed, bringing Nick into an embrace.
"I just... missed you. That's all," Nick said, as the tears spilled down his cheeks. He buried his face in AJ's shoulder and breathed deeply the scent of AJ. God, he loved that smell. It was the smell of comfort. The smell of familiarity. The smell of... everything that Nick held dear.
"Hey, I missed you, too, you big dope," AJ laughed, hugging Nick tightly. "But you don't have to cry about it."
Nick pulled back slightly and looked down at AJ. He leaned in for what he thought would be a soft, sweet kiss, but AJ put his hand on Nick's chest, pushing him back slightly.
"Sorry buddy," AJ said softly. "I love Kelly. I just... can't."
Nick felt his breath leave his body. He felt his face go white. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He had lost his AJ... He had lost his AJ to KELLY.
