Road Doc

Chapter 10

“Nick, you’re up!” Theresa shouted into the hotel hallway.

Nick walked in slowly, dragging his feet in a way that reminded Theresa of a three year old. He was obviously not excited about getting his immunizations so they could leave for South America.

“You’re the only one left on my hit list” Theresa teased.

“I hate needles” Nick said, shuddering.

“This won’t be bad, I promise” Theresa said as she rolled up the sleeves of Nick’s t-shirt. She swabbed his arm and gave him two injections. He flinched and she could tell that he was clenching his teeth. “Try to relax, it won’t hurt as bad.”

Nick took a deep breath and slumped down in the chair.

“That’s better” Theresa said as she moved to the other arm. Again she swabbed it clean and gave him the injections.

When she was finished she patted him on the shoulder. “All done Nick.”

Nick sat there with his eyes closed.

“You okay?” Theresa asked as she placed the used syringes in the waste container.

Nick opened his eyes and looked at her. “Yeah, I’m cool. Thanks Doc” He hopped up and started towards the door. About half way out he stopped, turned around and started to say something. Theresa looked at him, waiting for him to speak. He looked at her, shook his head and turned back towards to door.

“Nick?” Theresa asked, and he turned around. “Anything else I can do for you?”

Nick began to chew on his lower lip, looking at her. Finally he shook his head no, turned back around and walked out the door. No sooner had the door closed, it opened again and Nick walked back into the room. He sat down, his elbows on his knees, his head in his hands. Theresa sat next to him and waited for him to start talking.

“I’ve....I need to ask you talk to you about something” he stammered.

“Okay, go on” Theresa said in a soothing voice.

Nick looked up at her, shook his head and stood up. “Nevermind, it’s....just nevermind” he said starting again for the door.

“Nick” Theresa said, grabbing his arm. “Sit down.”

Nick followed her directions and sat back down, taking the same position he had before, staring at the floor.

“Nick, whatever it is you need to talk to me about, I want you to know one thing.” she said, her hand still on his arm. “Anything you tell me as your doctor is kept strictly between the two of us, and I mean that.”

Nick looked up at her and studied her eyes. “Really?” he asked.

Theresa nodded. “Absolutely. I promise.”

Nick took a deep breath and started to speak. “God, this is embarrassing” he said, starting to blush.

“It’s okay, really” she said.

“I’ve got this....this....dammit. I’ve got this rash. There, I finally said it.” He turned his head away from her and began chewing on a fingernail.

“Okay, not a problem we can’t take care of. But you’re going to need to give me a little more information” Theresa said, relieved that he had opened up to her. “Where is this rash?”

Nick looked at her with a pained look and then looked away.

“I’ll take that to mean that it’s in a private area, right?” Theresa asked. Nick nodded.

“How long have you had it?”

“It’s been coming and going away for awhile now....maybe six months” He said, still not looking at her.

“Do you have it right now?” she asked, hoping to be able to look at it.

Nick shook his head no.

“Do you practice safe sex, Nick?” Theresa asked frankly.

Nick nodded.


Again Nick nodded.

“You’ve never had sex without a condom, not even once?”

Nick looked at her. “I’m very careful. I’ve always used a condom. Always.”

Content that he was telling her the truth she moved on.

“Does this rash seem to come ago in relation to any particular activity, like sex, or swimming, or mud wrestling?”

Nick laughed.

“Just trying to lighten the mood” Theresa said smiling. She could tell that Nick was terribly uncomfortable talking to her about this, but she wanted him to trust her.

“Sex” he finally said, looking down again.

“Do you get it every time?” she asked, starting to make notes in his chart.

“Well, no, not everytime”

“Okay, can you think of anything you do different when it comes up?” she asked, getting a bit confused.

Nick looked at her, studying her face, searching for a sign that he could trust her. His heart was pounding and his head was beginning to spin.

“Do you think it could be the condoms you’re using?” she asked quietly.

“It only breaks out when...” he spoke so softly that she could barely hear him. “only when...I’m...I’m not the one wearing a condom.”

Theresa was confused. “I thought you said you always wear them”

“I do” he said, getting frustrated at his inability to just come out and say what he needed to say. “It’s only when I’m not the one who is wearing the condom.”

“I don’t understand Nick” Theresa finally confessed. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s only when the other person is wearing a condom.” he said, hoping she would understand what he was saying.

Theresa sat back and thought for a moment, trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle that Nick was giving her. Slowly it came to her and she began to nod in understanding.

“So it’s when your sex partner is wearing a condom, not you” she said, trying to say it in a way that wouldn’t make him uncomfortable.

Nick nodded.

“And it’s not on your genitals, it’s around the rectal area?”

Nick nodded again.

“Do you use lubrication?” she asked, and again Nick nodded. “What do you use?”

“Just this stuff that I...I bought at of those adult bookstore places” Nick said, avoiding her eyes.

“Well, let’s do this” Theresa said, relaxing a bit. “Try using a different lubricant for a few weeks. See if that doesn’t keep it from coming back. Deal?”

“Yep” Nick said, and then added “You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?”

“Nick, I promise you. Anything we talk about stays just between you and me.? She patted him on the back. “And listen, if you ever want to talk about anything, know...secrets you’re keeping, you can come to me, okay?”

Nick nodded and stood up. Theresa stood up as well and was surprised when Nick leaned down and gave her a big, long hug.