Road Doc

Chapter 13

A loud knock on her hotel room door brought Theresa out of a deep, hard sleep. She opened her eyes and a sharp pain exploded in her head.

“Damn tequila” she hissed.

She pulled on her robe and shuffled to the door. She peered through the peep hole, but her vision was blurry and she couldn’t have seen anyone standing right in front of her, let alone someone on the other side of the door.

She opened the door a crack and peered out into the hallway. No one was to be seen and she silently cursed whomever had knocked and not waited for her to answer. She was about to close the door when she noticed a large brown paper bag laying on the floor just outside the door.

She picked it up, looked up and down the hall, and seeing no one took the bag inside. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes as she walked over to the bed and sat down. She pushed the bag around, trying to find any identifying marks on it, but there were none. She smiled to herself, thinking that this must be a belated birthday gift.

She opened the bag, reached in and pulled out an empty medicine bottle. Confused, she reached in and pulled out two more, and then two more after that. Completely baffled she picked up one of the bottles and read the label.

RX#6073997 Dr. Franklin, Theresa K.
Richardson, Kevin


VICODIN 100mgs

Theresa was puzzled. She picked up a second bottle. The label read the same, but was from a different pharmacy in a different city. She quickly scanned all of the labels and found that they were all the same, filled within days of each other. Theresa’s heart began to pound. She reached in the bag, felt around and pulled out small pad of paper. She recognized it immediately as one of her own prescription pads. She reached in the bag again and pulled out several crumpled up pieces of paper. Her heart sunk as she smoothed them out and saw her name scrawled in what was obviously several attempts to forge her