Road Doc

Chapter 14

“Hey Beth, if you see Kevin will you please send him my way?” Theresa said, walking through the wardrobe area. It was early afternoon and an hour or so before the boys were due to arrive for their sound check.

“Not a problem” Beth said, looking at Theresa with a worried look.

“Thanks” Theresa said, heading in the direction of her office.

Standing in her designated area, she stood with her eyes closed. She could hear people walking around, busily setting up for the night’s show.

“Um, Doc?” A raspy voice from behind her said.

“Yes AJ?” Theresa answered, not turning around, knowing full well it was AJ.

“I’ve got this little problem I need to talk to you about.” he said.

Theresa still did not turn around. She was angry with him for the stunt he had pulled, sneaking into her room, trying to take advantage of her in her drunken state.

“What’s bothering you?” she asked coldly.

“I’ve...uh...I’ve got this red spot...on...on know” he said, laughing nervously.

Theresa sighed. She knew the amount of women who constantly threw themselves at the members of the group. She couldn’t blame them for taking advantage, but she wished to hell they’d learn to wear protection.

“Well, I guess we should take a look” she said, turning around. AJ stood before her, his pants and boxer shorts down around his ankles, his penis erect and standing straight out. Theresa glared at AJ and he simply smiled.

Theresa set her jaw, clinched her teeth and walked over to him. The last thing in the world she wanted was to even be near him, but she had an obligation as his physician to tend to any medical needs he might have.

“Where?” she asked, still not taking her eyes from his.

“” he said, looking down.

Theresa looked down as well. He was holding himself in his hand, slightly stroking his erection. “I don’t see anything” she said.

“Hmmm....” he said, continuing to run his fingers up and down the length of it.

“AJ, I don’t see a red spot. You’ll have to show me.” she said, getting frustrated.

“Oh, my bad. I guess it must have been lipstick” he said with a slight chuckle.

“Go now” Theresa said angrily, turning away from him.

“Oh no. I don’t think so.” AJ said, roughly grabbing her arm and spinning her around.

“AJ, let go of my arm and get out of here”

“We’re done playing hard to get, Theresa” AJ said quietly.

“I am not playing hard to get, AJ” Theresa said firmly. “When I say no, I mean no. Now please let go of me.”

AJ pulled her close and forced his lips on hers. Theresa pulled back and slapped him hard on the face. She could smell the alcohol on his breath, and by the way he slurred his words she was certain he was drunk.

“Oh yeah baby” AJ whispered “You know I like it rough”

“AJ stop”

Again he kissed her, spinning her around so that she was pinned up against the one solid wall of her office.

Theresa tried to fight him off, but despite his small build he was surprisingly strong. She managed to push him away, and again slapped him. This time he slapped her back. Theresa fell to the floor, stunned and hurt.

AJ bent down, grabbed her roughly by both arms and lifted her to a standing position again. Theresa began to cry.

“Fucking bitch, play hard to get with me” he hissed, ripping open her shirt, sending buttons flying.

He lifted her skirt and tore at her panties. Theresa continued to fight, but he was simply stronger than her and nothing she did seemed to phase him. He slammed her against the wall and pressed himself against her.

“AJ, please don’t” Theresa begged. But AJ didn’t hear, he was out of control.

Theresa’s legs gave out as he thrust himself into her. Pain ripped through her body as he quickly rammed himself against her. He bit at her shoulders, all the while making animalistic grunts and moans. By the time he was finished, Theresa had given up the fight. He pulled up his pants, kissed her softly on the forehead and left her in a weeping, crumpled mess on the floor.