Road Doc

Chapter 17

“Kevin, I need to see you” Theresa said, catching Kevin as he walked off the stage after their sound check. It had been three days since the incident with AJ, and although she had managed to avoid the obvious problem with him, she couldn’t avoid the problem with Kevin any longer.

“What’s up” Kevin asked, following Theresa into her office.

Theresa looked around before closing the curtain, giving them as much privacy as

“THIS is what’s up, Kevin” she said, tossing the brown paper bag at him.
Kevin opened the bag up, shuffled around the contents and then laid the bag beside him on the floor.

“Care to explain?” Theresa asked, trying to control her temper.

“Well...” Kevin began after a very long while.

“Kevin, dammit, do you realize that what you did is against the law?” Theresa


“Do you realize what you did is a felony? That means you could go to jail”
Kevin chuckled.

“Two to ten years, Kevin. And what is worse, is that this could get my ass in a lot of trouble too. I don’t think this is a laughing matter.” Theresa was so angry her face was red and she was shaking.

“What are you going to do about it, doc?” Kevin asked with a crooked smile.

“What do you think I should do?” she hissed. “I know one thing, I’m going to make sure this doesn’t happen again. You’ve obviously got a problem...”

“I don’t have a problem. The only problem I have is you not giving me what I need. You made me do this because you wouldn’t write out the prescriptions for me, so I had to do it myself”

“I talked to Dr. Sewick. He told me that you’re 100% healed and that he himself has told you no more pain medication.” Theresa said.

“Well he’s there and you’re here. I’m telling you I am in pain, so you have to give me the medications I need.”

“That’s not how it works, Kevin.”

“Well that’s how it’s going to work” Kevin said firmly.

Theresa shook her head.

Kevin glared at her and Theresa glared right back.

“So what are you going to do? Go tell Marty or something?” Kevin hissed.

“If that’s what it takes” Theresa retorted.

“Like he’s going to believe you. It will be your word against mine.”

“He’ll believe me Kevin. I’ve got the evidence right here in this bag” Theresa said, picking up the paper bag and locking it in the box that contained medications she might need.

“I’ll tell him that you’re trying to set me up” Kevin said matter of factly.

Theresa glared at him.

“I’ll just say that....oh yeah...this will be good....I’ll just tell him that you’ve been making advances at me...that you’ve been propositioning me. I’ll tell him that I turned you down and that you said you’d get even. That sounds pretty believable to me.” Kevin said with a smirk.

“He’ll never believe you Kevin” Theresa said, certain she was right.

“We’ll see....we’ll just see”

“That story won’t work, Kevin” a voice from behind them said. They both turned to see Beth standing in an opening of the curtains.

“Shit” Kevin said under his breath.

“That’s right Kevin” Beth said, walking to stand before him, her hands on her hips. “That story won’t swim because I saw you practicing signing her name. You didn’t think I did, but the last night that we...” Beth looked to Theresa, then back to Kevin. “the last night that we were together, in your room, you thought I was asleep. I saw you Kevin. I saw what you were doing.”

Kevin shook his head and lowered it.

“Look, I’m sorry.” Kevin finally said after a being silent for several minutes.

“Kevin, you have a problem. You’re addicted to these damn pain killers and you know it” Beth said, sitting down and putting her arm around him. “You and I, we go way back. And this thing between...” Again Beth looked at Theresa, afraid of anyone knowing what was going on between her and Kevin. “this thing between us....sure it started out as just sex, but I’ve grown to care for you a great deal. You know that, and I know you feel the same. It’s just killing me to see you do this to yourself.”

“Kevin, we can help you. We can get you the help you need to beat this” Theresa piped in. “But you have to want to stop You do want to stop, don’t you Kevin?”

Kevin looked up. He looked at Beth with sad eyes, and then turned to Theresa. He sat looking at them both for several minutes before standing up.

“I don’t have a problem” he said firmly, and walked away.