Road Doc

Chapter 22

“Kevin” Beth said quietly, sliding beneath the covers and laying next to Kevin.

Kevin stirred, turned over and smiled softly at Beth.

“This is a surprise” he said turning to face her.

“It’s been awhile, huh?” Beth said, moving a few stray hairs out of his hair.

Kevin nodded, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her warm body close to his.

Beth ran a hand up his neck and cradled his face in it, running her fingers across the rough stubble on his chin and jawbone. “I’ve missed you” she said softly, her fingers tracing his lips.

“I’ve missed you too” Kevin said, rolling on top of her, the heat of their bodies radiating through their clothes.

“I haven’t really been myself lately. But I have missed this” he said, pressing his groin against her.

They kissed timidly at first, like lovers savoring a first kiss. Kevin’s hands tangled in her hair as his tongue explored her mouth. Beth lifted her chin, pressing her mouth more firmly to his, her hands running the length of his back, softly scratching through the thin fabric of his T-shirt.

“Can we talk?” Beth said quietly as Kevin’s mouth moved to her neck.

“No. No talking tonight. Just let our bodies speak to one another. No words, just our bodies” Kevin said in a breathy whisper, sending chills down Beth’s back.

Kevin lifted himself up and with one hand pulled his shirt over his head. Beth’s hands went instinctively to his chest. Kevin reached down and unbuttoned her shirt, and made easy work of unfastening her bra. Her breasts free, Beth thrust her chest upwards in a silent invitation. Kevin slowly, tortuously lowered his mouth to them. Beth whimpered as he sucked one of his nipples into his mouth, slowly rolling his tongue over it until it
became erect. Satisfied with his results, he turned to the other, doing to it the same until it too became hard.

Beth’s head rolled to the side as Kevin kissed, nipped and licked each breast, leaving not a single inch of them untouched by his hot mouth. His hands roamed down to her waist and began unbuttoning her pants, slowly pushing them down to her knees. Beth wiggled beneath him pushing her panties and her pants completely off.

Beth pushed Kevin off of her and moved over to straddle him. She studied his body, noticing how thin he had become. She traced her fingers over his chest, across his ribs, each one showing, and down the trail of hair that led to his pubic area. She slowly rubbed her naked crotch against his pelvic area, feeling him begin to get hard through the fabric of his boxer shorts.

“I’ll be right back” she said with a sly smile.

“Where are you going?” Kevin asked.

“Gotta....well...I have to go to the ladies room know” she said, reaching over and taking the container that held her diaphragm from her purse.

“Oh” Kevin said with a chuckle, pulling her down and softly kissing her on the forehead.

Beth walked slowly into the bathroom, deliberately teasing Kevin with the view of her backside slowly swaying as she walked. She smiled to herself knowing full well that he was laying on the bed staring at her ass as she walked, and that more than likely, his mouth was hanging open.

She closed the door to the bathroom and set about her routine of setting out the things she needed to put her trusty old diaphragm to use. Having ‘protected’ herself, she tossed a wad of tissues in the trash. Something caught her eye and when she bent down to move the tissue out of the way, she found the medicine bottle.

Beth closed her eyes and said a little prayer. She hoped that this had just been an empty left over bottle she had missed when she had first discovered the small leather bag of pain medicine filled bottles in Kevin’s wardrobe locker. She took a deep breath and read the bottle. The prescription had been filled the day before, and it was already empty.

“Kevin” Beth said, walking out of the bathroom, wrapped in a robe. “What is this?”

Kevin looked up, squinted to see what Beth was holding in her hand, and then realizing what it was hopped up off the bed and over to her.

“That?” Kevin said, taking the bottle from Beth. “That’s just an old bottle I found in the bottom of one of my suitcases”

“Kevin, the date says it was filled yesterday” Beth said, hurt in her voice.

Kevin was silent. Finally he moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Beth followed and sat down next to him.

“I’m sorry” he eventually said. “I did go get this filled. Dr. Sewick called it in for me. But I didn’t take them. I swear.”

“Kevin” Beth began, getting upset “You have to stop this. These things are going to kill you”

“I didn’t take them, alright?” Kevin shouted. “I-I brought them back here and was going to but I didn’t. I ended up flushing them down the toilet.”

Beth wanted to believe him. She had been worried sick about him, and had talked to Theresa about his appearance and behavior lately. Beth seemed to think that he was indeed getting better, but as Theresa pointed out, an addicts most valuable asset is being able to hide their addiction.

They sat in silence and slowly Kevin’s body began to relax.

“Beth” Kevin said, turning her face to his. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you”

“What?” Beth said, her voice cracking and tears beginning to fill her eyes.

“I love you” he said with a smile.

Beth couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. They had been having an affair off and on for several years, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine he’d ever say those words to her.

Kevin leaned over and kissed her. Beth sat there unmoving, stunned by his admission of love. Slowly her senses returned and she eagerly kissed him back. They laid back on the bed, their lips never leaving the other’s.

Kevin removed Beth’s robe and stood before her naked form on the bed. She had a
different look about her suddenly, one of contentment, satisfaction, and total trust. He moved to lay upon her, his long, lean body easing her legs apart. Slowly, with whispered promises of love he entered her.

Their bodies moved together, him filling her completely, her aching to take his whole being into her. As their pace slowly increased Kevin mumbled over and over again “I love you Beth, I love you”. Beth tried to speak, she tried to reply, but the intense physical pleasure he always brought out of her left her unable to barely breath, let alone speak.

Finally, as her body was taken over by rapture she gasped “I love you too, Kevin” His body spent as well, Kevin rolled off of her and gathered her in his arms.

Beth drifted off to sleep quickly, without the worry that had plagued her sleep since she’d discovered Kevin’s addiction. Kevin laid there silent, not sleeping. His mind was a whirl wind of thoughts, the most prevalent being his need to be more careful about hiding the evidence of his pain medication. Eventually sleep took hold and he drifted off, satisfied in knowing he had managed to divert her attention away from what THEY called his “problem” by telling her that he loved her.