Road Doc

Chapter 23

“You can’t use this elevator” a uniformed security officer informed Suzy as she attempted to catch the car that AJ and his bodyguard had just gotten into.

“It’s okay. She’s a friend of Doc Theresa’s.” AJ told Marcus, his bodyguard.

Marcus nodded to the uniformed man and Suzy was allowed through and onto the elevator.

“Did you enjoy the show?” AJ asked her, looking over the top rims of his sunglasses.

“It was amazing” Suzy said, trying to sound cool despite the fact that her insides were about to explode from excitement. “Very a....umm....visual way, ya know?”

AJ laughed and Suzy blushed, praying that he couldn’t read her mind and the her thoughts that it had been more than visually stimulating.

“Gonna go paint the town red tonight?” AJ asked.

“I have no clue. Theresa has some sort of prior commitment that she said she couldn’t get out of. So I guess I’m on my own. What about you?”

“I don’t know” AJ said with a dry laugh. “Probably just hang in my room, watch a movie or something....try to stay out of trouble”

“Now that doesn’t sound like much fun!” Suzy said as they walked from the elevator car, realizing they were staying on the same floor. “Did you know that there are 1,964 clubs in Vegas?”

“No shit? Wow! I didn’t know that” AJ seemed truly amazed.

“Okay, I made that up." Suzy said with a laugh. "What I’m saying is that there are a ton of clubs in this city and you’re going to stay in and watch a movie rather than go out, have a few drinks and shake that little ass of yours?”

AJ was laughing. Suzy was an interesting character. A mixture of youthfulness and playfullness wrapped up in a mature and sophisticated looking package.

“I’m just trying to avoid that scene” AJ finally confessed.

Suzy gave him an exaggerated confused look.

“I don’t know” he said, continuing to walk down the hall with her. “I guess going out and getting shit faced’s just getting boring.”

They reached the door of Suzy’s room and stood there for a moment in awkward silence.

“Well....” AJ finally said, breaking the silence. “I’m...uh...that way” he said pointing down to the opposite end of the hall.

“Okay” Suzy said, placing the card into the door and opening it.

They locked eyes for a long moment and then AJ turned to walk away.

“Hey” Suzy called out, AJ having gotten about halfway down the hall. He quickly turned around and kind of trotted back to her.

“Let’s go do something” she said, praying he’d say yes.

“Yeah? Like what?”

“I don’t know. Anything more fun than sitting in our hotel rooms or going out and getting pukin’ drunk” she said with a laugh.

“Well...what do you have in mind?” he asked, a slightly suggestive smile spreading across his lips.

“I don’t know. Give me twenty minutes to change and come up with something. I
promise you won’t be disappointed” Suzy said with a broad smile.

“Deal. I’ll be back in twenty” AJ said and walked away as Suzy shut the door.

AJ flung his bag onto the bed and then flung himself down beside it. He had had every intention of staying locked up in his hotel room during their entire stay in Vegas. He was trying to break the habit of going out to the bars every night after the shows, and Vegas was a virtual cesspool of temptation to him.

His eyes fell upon the mini-bar and his stomach sank. He closed his eyes, got up and went over to it. He opened it and studied its contents; several small bottles of various liquors, different nuts and snacks, soda pop, bottled water. He reached in and grabbed a small bottle of Jack Daniels, then grabbed another.

Sitting on the edge of the bed he slowly turned the lid, the cracking of the seal breaking the silence that hung in the air. He ran the bottle under his nose, smelling the bittersweet liquid. He put the bottle to his lips and slowly laid his head back, pouring the amber liquid into his mouth. He held it there, it burning his mouth and tongue, making his eyes water.

His eyes closed, he swirled the spirits around his tongue. He opened his eyes, freeing the tears that had been trapped beneath his long, thick lashes. He jumped up from the bed and raced to the bathroom and spit the liquor into the sink. Propped up against the fine vanity, he leaned in towards his reflection and studied it.

“Dammit” he hissed to his reflection. “You can do this.”

He wiped the tears from eyes, sighed deeply and whispered “You can beat this”