Road Doc

Chapter 24

“Howie” Theresa said, laughing nervously. “What are you doing?”

Howie carefully tied a long silk scarf across Theresa’s eyes and hummed quietly, obviously ignoring her question.

“Howard Dwain Dorough” she said, now laughing hysterically. “You had better tell me what you’re up to”

“Whoa. Don’t call me that. Makes me feel like I’m six years old and I’m in big trouble with my momma” he said, laughing along with her.

“Just trust me” he said as he led her from his hotel room.

“Wait a minute. Where are we going?”

Howie started humming again, not wanting to answer her.

Theresa sensed that they were on an elevator and soon enough she heard the door slide closed and felt the elevator start to move.

“You sure you’re friend Suzy doesn’t mind that you’re not spending time with her
tonight?” Howie asked as the elevator slowly crept upward.

“I lied to her” Theresa said with a laugh.

“That’s not nice!” Howie teased.

“I told her that one of the band members had a golf ball sized boil on his ass that needed to be lanced. I invited her along to watch but she seemed to think she’d have more fun hitting the casino.”

“That’s nasty” Howie said, cringing. He moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. “But I’m glad it worked. I’ve been planning this for awhile now.”

“Planning what?” Theresa asked, hoping he’d give her some hint as to what he was up to.

Howie began humming again and they both laughed.

The elevator door opened and Howie led her out into a hallway. They walked a ways and then Theresa heard a heavy door being opened.

“This way” a strange male voice said.

“Thanks so much” Howie said.

“Okay, this is the tricky part” he said, taking ahold of her elbow. “Step up and hold on to the rail. We’re going to climb some stairs”

After climbing what Theresa guessed was the equivalent to Mt. Everest, they finally reached a landing. Theresa heard a door open and Howie guided her forward. The dry desert heat took her breath adding to the heated flush that was forming on her cheeks.

“Don’t open your eyes until I tell you to, okay?” Theresa felt his fingers on the blindfold as he carefully loosened it. He pulled it away not realizing a large lock of her hair was entangled in the knot.

“Ouch!” Theresa yelped and then began laughing.

“Oh my God. I am so sorry” Howie said, pulling her into him, one of his hands moving up into her hair. His fingers softly massaged her scalp as he held her tight. She could feel his heart pounding against her chest and she was certain there was no way he could not feel hers, as it felt as if it were going to explode completely out of her chest.

“Ready?” He asked softly and Theresa nodded.

“Open your eyes”

Theresa did as instructed, opening her eyes to a breathtaking site. They stood on the edge of the roof, the entire city of Las Vegas spread out before them in a glow of neon and flashing lights. Howie moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

“Nice view, huh?” he said softly.

Theresa nodded in agreement, not fully able to process the beauty before her because she was so distracted by his body pressed against hers. Things were moving so fast, but the pace seemed effortless. Theresa knew that having a relationship with anyone on the tour staff was frowned upon, although it happened often. She knew that Howie had feelings for her, he had made that obvious by his every move, his every word, by the way he looked at her. She was fighting a battle within herself. She wanted him. She longed to be with him. But what her heart and her body yearned for was against every ethical lesson that had been pounded into her head during medical school.

In the matter of a few seconds Theresa made up her mind. Things were moving far too quickly and she had to tell Howie that she couldn’t allow this thing between them to progess any further until after the end of the tour.

“Howie” Theresa said quietly, turning to face him. Her heart was aching, her eyes were closed tightly, she was not wanting to turn him away.

Theresa didn’t have a chance to say anything else. Howie pulled her to him quickly and kissed her softly on the corner of her mouth.

“Howie” Theresa whispered, determined to end this before she lost control. Howie
cradled her face in his hand and delicately ran his thumb across her lower lip.

“Open your eyes, Theresa” he said softly.

“Howie” Theresa protested. “I can’t....we can’t....” she opened her eyes. What she saw behind Howie stopped her.

“What is this place?” she asked, her voice a mere whisper.

Howie smiled broadly. “Just a little desert oasis I heard about. And you just thought I’d brought you up to the roof of some big building” he said with a chuckle, obviously proud of his accomplishment of blowing her mind.

Theresa looked around. Hidden on top of the tallest building in the city was indeed a desert oasis. The top floor of the hotel was actually only half of the size of the entire building. A small pool and Jacuzzi was surrounded by huge tropical plants. There was a small gazebo that housed a small bar, complete with stools and a stocked liquor cabinet. Each and every plant was strung with tiny white lights that seemed like diamonds hanging from the leaves.

“Howie, this is amazing” Theresa said, any thought of pushing him away suddenly lost. Howie took her hand and led her around the rooftop. Theresa walked with him, exclaiming her surprise over and over again. Howie simply beamed for knowing he had pleased her so.

“Okay, now check this out. This is the best part” Howie said, leading her away from the pool where lit candles floated amongst rose pedals. He led her to a wall of windows with heavy drapes concealing what was inside. He slid a large glass panel aside and stepped inside, taking Theresa’s hand and leading her inside.

Theresa had never seen such a beautiful room. The large suite was decorated in crisp whites and soft creams, accented by dark cherry woods and black accessories. One wall of the suite’s main room was a massive fireplace with two large sofas and a few scattered easy chairs in front of it. In one corner of the room was a large white baby grand piano and a few more chairs. Howie watched as Theresa walked through the suite and over to a set of double doors. She opened them slowly and gazed at the most luxurious, largest bed she had ever seen.

“The whole place is ours for as long as we want it” Howie said, moving behind her.

Theresa turned to look at Howie, her eyes locking with his.

“Howie, this is too much” she said.

“I know. It’s amazing isn’t it?” he said, looking around smiling.

“No, Howie. This....what we’re doing. It’s too much” she said as he turned to her his eyes searching her face. He was confused. “It’s too much....too much too fast”

“Look Howie, I like you. I really do. This just isn’t a good time for us to do this”
Theresa said, sitting down next to Howie on one of the large sofas in their suite.

“That’s cool. Really. I just thought....” Howie’s words trailed off and he sat silent, not looking at her.

“I know this is hard to understand. I have been fighting myself over this for awhile now. I am just afraid that if we start seeing each other it will make things weird at work, ya know?”

Howie nodded and they sat in silence. Theresa’s cell phone ringing off broke the heavy stillness.

“Great” Theresa said, pulling the tiny phone from her waistband. “It’s 2 a.m. This had better be important or I’m going to.....Dr. Theresa Franklin....yes it is.....okay.....where are they taking him? serious?......I’ll be there as soon as I can”

Theresa closed the small phone and looked at Howie who had a concerned look on his face.

“Everything okay?” Howie asked, following Theresa towards the door of the suite.

“No. Nick got hurt. I don’t know how or how bad, but they’re taking him to the hospital right now. I’ve got to go”

“I’ll come with you” Howie said.

“No. It’ll be a circus at the hospital as it is. You wait here and I’ll call you when I know something.” With that said, Theresa was gone, leaving Howie standing in the middle of the most luxurious suite in Las Vegas all alone.