Road Doc

Chapter 25

“Brrrrrraaaaapppp!!! Oh yeah. That’s better.” Suzy laughed hysterically after letting out a loud belch.

AJ fell over onto his side in a fit of laughter on the other side of the booth.

“You know, I could seriously eat another piece of that cheesecake, but damn if I can get my stuffed butt up and walk over there” AJ said, sitting up, leaning back and rubbing his hands over his now swollen belly. “I don’t think I have ever eaten this much food before in my life”

“Good grief, it’s 1:30 in the morning. What exactly would we call this meal...late supper, early breakfast?” Theresa asked.

“I’ve never had lobster for breakfast so I guess it’ll have to be late supper” AJ said,
pushing a plate of discarded lobster shells away from him and towards Suzy.

“ looks like something got hit by a car and they threw it on your plate!” Suzy said laughing and pushing the plate back towards AJ.

“Let’s get out of here and go do something. I need to walk some of this gut off” he said, grabbing his belly and wiggling it around.

“What do you want to do?” Suzy asked.

“Let’s just go get married” AJ said with a laugh.

“Umm...okay. That could be fun!” Suzy said, gathering her purse and finishing her iced tea. “Hey wait! Where’s my ring you cheapskate?”

AJ dramatically checked his pockets, then looked around the table. He pulled a daisy from a small arrangement of flowers on their table and quickly tied the stem, fashioning a small ring.

“Suzy....uh....wait. What is your last name?” AJ said laughing.

Suzy rolled her eyes at him. “Butler you dork”

“Suzy Butler, would you do me the honor of going to some cheesy-ass wedding parlor and standing up before Elvis and probably some half naked show girl and becoming my wife?” AJ slide the daisy ring on Suzy’s finger and held her hand.

“Hell no! I’m not going to marry some tattooed freak boy who I haven’t even....” Suzy fell over laughing. "Nevermind"

“Okay, how about we go watch somebody get married. I dunno. I just wanna go do something totally off the hook” AJ said, getting up and offering his hand to Suzy.

They walked down the Vegas strip relatively unnoticed. AJ slipped his hand around
Suzy’s and they walked hand in hand.

“Wait, hold up” AJ said, stopping in front of a small building.

“Oh shit” Suzy said when she realized they were standing in front of a tattoo parlor.

“Come on. Let’s go in”

“Hell no. I am not getting a tattoo” Suzy said trying to pull him away from the door.

“Let’s just go in and look around, okay?” AJ said, pleading.

Suzy reluctantly agreed and they walked in. The place was deserted except for an
exceptionally large man standing behind a counter. He was covered with tattoos and piercings and Suzy had a sudden urge to ask him if he’d ever been on the TV show Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.

“Let’s get a tattoo” AJ said, wrapping an arm around Suzy. “Come on. Do something wild.”

“I don’t think so” Suzy said pulling away and shoving him hard. They both laughed.

“Theresa would trip out” AJ said still laughing. “Oh shit! Let’s get henna tattoos with each other’s names or something stupid like that. We’ll totally fake everyone out and they go away in a couple of weeks”

Suzy thought for a few minutes and then slowly nodded her head. “On one condition” she said with a sly smile.

“Anything” AJ said, thoroughly enjoying himself.

“I get to pick what tattoo you get”