Road Doc

Chapter 27

“Oh Howie” Brian swooned in a mock female voice as he walked into the huge suite “You shouldn’t have!”

“Shut up Brian” Howie said with a chuckle.

“I just want you to know” Brian continued, his voice sounding frighteningly like a woman’s “That I don’t go past first base on a first date”

Howie threw a pillow at Brian, hitting him squarely in the head.

“Seriously man” Brian said, his voice returning to normal “This is a pretty awesome pad”

“Well I didn’t plan on being here alone, you know that. I guess things don’t always work out like I want them to.”

“Well you’ve got me!” Brian swooned again, dramatically batting his eyelashes.

“Some consolation prize” Howie said, fetching them both a beer.

“Mmmhmmm. You call me at four in the morning, tell me to come up here cause you want me to see this place and then call me a consolation prize” Brian was trying not to smile.

“I’m sorry man....” Howie said.

“Well I never!” said Brian, again with the high feminine voice.

“Look, something happened to Nick tonight” Howie said, handing a beer to Brian.

“What?” said Brian, confused.

“He got hurt. I don’t know anything about how bad or anything. I just didn’t want to tell you over the phone”

“Where is he?” Brian asked.

“Theresa...I mean Doc Franklin went to the hospital. I guess they took him there.”

Brian sat down, leaned over and put his head in his hands.

“I’ve been waiting for her to call and let me know how he is and everything” Howie said, sitting down across from him.

“Do you know about Nick?” Brian asked after a long silence.

“What? What do you mean?”

A knock on the door startled them both. Howie went over, peered through the peep hole and opened it.

“Howie” Theresa said.

“Is he okay?” he asked, moving aside to allow Theresa to enter.

Theresa saw Brian sitting on the sofa and looked at Howie.

“I just told him that Nick got hurt” Howie said, walking over to sit next to Brian.

Theresa sat across from them and sighed.

“He got beat up pretty bad, but he’s going to be okay” she said, matter of factly.

“How’d that happen? Where was Billy? Who beat him up?” Brian asked.

“I’ll let him tell you the story” Theresa said, avoiding his questions. “For now he’s fine. He’s back in his room. He’s pretty shaken up, but he’s going to be just fine”

“I’m going to go check on him” Brian said, getting up.

Brian left in a hurry, leaving Theresa and Howie alone.

“Howie” she said.

“Theresa” he said at the same time.

They both laughed.

“Look, I’m sorry” Howie said softly.

“No.” Theresa said, moving over to sit next to him. “I’m sorry. I haven’t been very fair to you”

Howie leaned back on the sofa, listening.

“I...I shouldn’t have said what I did earlier...about this not being the right time” she said.

“You said what you felt. Don’t apologize for that.”

“I didn’t say what I felt, Howie.”

Howie looked over at her.

“I am just scared” she finally confessed. “I have spent the last....God....thirteen years of my life concentrating on my career. I haven’t taken the time to enjoy...I don’t know....enjoy being a woman”

Howie listened carefully.

“I’ve dated a little bit here and there” Theresa continued. “but I’ve been too busy to really have anything serious...too busy to let myself feel anything serious. Does that make sense?”

Howie nodded. Theresa leaned back on the couch as well.

“I like you, you know that, right?” she said.

“I kind of hoped you did” Howie said with a soft laugh.

“I told you that this wasn’t the right time for the wrong reasons” Theresa said, leaning over to lay her head on Howie’s shoulder.

“I’m just a big chicken shit” Theresa said with a laugh. Howie chuckled too. “I thought that I could convince myself that it was unethical...that I couldn’t, or at least shouldn’t want....” she looked up into his eyes. “...want you as bad as I do.”

Theresa closed her eyes and tipped her head towards him. Following her lead, Howie leaned down and kissed her softly. Their lips only slightly parted, they took each other into a soft embrace. Howie’s hands found their way to Theresa’s hair, softly tangling themselves in its silky length.

Theresa pulled back and looked at Howie, who sat with his eyes still closed, his mouth still poised for a kiss. He leaned forward, and not finding her lips with his he opened his eyes.

Theresa smiled at him.

“What?” he asked, suddenly very self-conscious.

“Nothing” she said, still smiling at him.

“What?” he said again, pulling back and grinning.

“Just...” she said, her smile widening.

“To hell with ethicallitiness.” he said, pulling her to straddle his lap. “Is that even a word?”

Theresa laughed. “It is now”

She leaned down and kissed him hard, her tongue parting his lips, slipping into the warmth of his mouth. Her hands went to his hair. Hungrily he kissed her back, his hands on her waist gently pressing her down on his lap.

He pulled her shirttail from her skirt and slipped his hands beneath the silky fabric, running his hands up and down her sides. Theresa rolled her head back and Howie instinctively went for her neck. His mouth on her throat, his hands slid to her back, pulling her forward. Her scent was intoxicating and Howie felt as if he could devour her.

Theresa could feel him getting aroused and she pressed herself down against his growing erection. Her head still thrown back she slowly began to grind against him. Howie deftly unfastened her bra and moved his hands around to cup her firm breasts.

Theresa took her hands from his hair and started to unbutton her blouse. Howie leaned back and watched. Her fingers shaking, she fumbled with the top button, unable to get it undone.

“Damn” she hissed, laughing at herself. She continued to fumble with the buttons,

“Grrrr” Howie growled, removing his hands from beneath her blouse, trying to help her. His hands were shaking too.

Theresa fell against him, frustrated.

“Rip the damn thing off” she whispered, breathing heavily into his ear.

Howie took her by the shoulders and pushed her off of him. He sat up, moving her with him and threw her down on the couch.

“I want you right now, Howie. Right now” she said, desperation in her voice. “Hurry”

He straddled her hips and in one fluid motion tore open her shirt, sending buttons flying. The sound of the buttons hitting the floor triggered something in Theresa's mind and she gasped.

Memories of AJ tearing at her shirt flashed in her mind.

“Howie” she gasped as he lay himself upon her, fumbling to unfasten his pants.

Memories of AJ slamming her against the wall flashed in her mind.

“Howie...please” she said, her words broken, her breathing jagged.

Howie pushed up her skirt and pulled at her panties.

“I’m hurrying baby. I want you right now too” he moaned.

Memories of AJ tearing off her panties flashed in her mind.

“Howie....stop....please” she tried to say, but the words caught in her throat.

Howie freed himself from his pants and he pressed the tip of himself against her opening.

“Fucking bitch, play hard to get with me” she thought she heard Howie say.

Memories of AJ’s eyes, crazed and cold flashed in her mind.

Howie thrust into her.

Memories of AJ ripping into her flashed in her mind.

“AJ, please don’t!” she finally screamed, pushing Howie off of her.

Theresa ran from the room and slammed the bathroom door behind her, leaving Howie sitting on the couch, hurt, confused and angry.

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