Road Doc

Chapter 32

“I need to visit the ladies room know” Beth said, pulling away from Kevin.

“No. I can’t wait that long” Kevin said, pulling her to him and kissing her neck.

“Kevin, I have to put in my diaphragm.” she protested, pulling away from him again.

“Come on...just this one time....please” he said, moving her over to the bed and beginning to pull at her pants.

“Kevin Richardson. What has gotten into you? Let me up. It’ll only take a minute, I promise” Beth said, amused at Kevin’s persistence.

“You don’t need it. I love you. Please...I can’t wait” Kevin said, removing her pants and panties in one swift motion.

“Kevin....” Beth said, trying to resist.

“Beth...I love you” he said, planting soft kisses on her thighs, slowly making his way to her most sensitive spot.

“We can’t...I don’t want to get....”

Kevin buried his face between her legs, deftly sucking her hardening nub into his mouth.


His tongue swiftly trailed from as far back as it could reach clear up to her navel.

“God...what are you doing to me?” Beth asked breathlessly.

He wrapped her legs about his neck and buried his tongue into her wetness, lapping at her juices as she involuntarily climaxed.

“That was easy” Kevin said with a slight chuckle as he moved upward and positioned himself between her legs. His sweatpants were pushed down around his ankles, revealing his throbbing erection. He pressed himself firm against her opening but Beth clenched her legs together, pushing him away.

“Kevin, I’m not going to do this without protection. Let me up so I can go into the
bathroom” Beth said, pushing him away from her.

“No” Kevin said, pulling at her arm as she stood up.

“Yes. Good Lord, what is with you?” she said, getting a bit frustrated.

“No. Come on...just this one time. I’ll even pull out”

“No. I said I’ll be right back.” and with that Beth broke free of the hold he had on her wrist and walked toward the bathroom.

“Wait” Kevin said, jumping up from the bed and grabbing Beth’s bag. “Let me put it in. Come lie down on the bed....let me do it”

“Kevin, that’s gross” Beth said, laughing.

“It’s something I’ve always wanted to do. Come’ll really turn me on.”

“Well it will really embarrass the hell out of me, so no” Beth said, grabbing the bag back and going into the bathroom.

“Beth, wait” Kevin said as she closed the door.

Beth laughed to herself a bit, amused by Kevin’s antics. She had managed to bribe a key to Kevin’s room from the manager of the hotel by simply explaining that she was the head of wardrobe for the band and that Kevin was having a wardrobe emergency that she needed to tend to while he was out enjoying the casinos. The manager had been more than happy to oblige and Beth was unsure if he actually bought her story or if he was simply put in a trance by the blatant display of her cleavage.

She had snuck into his room, knowing full well he would be indulging in his afternoon
nap. Laying down next to him she had been able to enjoy watching him sleep for a few short moments before he sensed her there. He had seemed shocked at first, but immediately began kissing her. When things got heated the whole scene with the diaphragm had started.

Beth laughed out loud as she fished through her bag for her spermicide creme. Maybe he wanted her to get pregnant she thought to herself. She smiled at herself in the mirror. She contemplated for a moment and then tossed the spermicide back into her bag. She reached for the container that held her diaphragm, having decided to forgo it for this one time. If she got pregnant, well, then it was meant to be.

As she grabbed the small plastic container she spotted the bottle. A prescription bottle. Her heart sank as she picked it up. She read the label then let it drop to the floor. It had Nick’s name on it and it was empty.