Road Doc

Chapter 35

As Theresa packed up her things at the arena she continued to sing to herself. She worked quickly, expecting Howie to come in at any moment. She couldn’t wait to spend time with him again, and she vowed to herself that she would never let her mind stop her from what her heart wanted to do.

She was just finishing up when Reggie, one of the dancers, came into her office. Theresa groaned with a smile. “Please tell me you’re not sick, hurt, or anything like that.”

Reggie laughed and shook his head no.

“Good” Theresa said with a sigh. “God, I’m sorry. That was really rude of me. What can I do for you Reggie?”

“Here” he said, handing her a long stemmed, white rose. And he left without saying a word, only smiling at her.

The rose was from Howie and it had the address of a restaurant called “La Dolce Vita” It instructed her to be there promptly at midnight. Theresa stomach was suddenly filled with butterflies. Howie was such a romantic, and despite the reputation he had amongst the road crew as being a player, he was doing everything just right in Theresa’s book. She couldn’t help but feel that there was something special between them. She had been warned by a few of the female dancers that Howie had a reputation for using women for his physical needs and then discarding them as quickly as soon as they’d met his desires. Theresa felt that things were different when it came to her. At least she hoped so.

Theresa started down the long corridor that lead out of the arena. A burly security guard stopped her and Theresa instinctively showed him her identification badge. He laughed and handed her a single white rose. Theresa looked at him bewildered and continued walking. When she got to the door leading outside, one of the sound men was standing there holding a white rose. He handed it to her and winked. Theresa blushed.

She rushed out to the van that usually carried her and several other tour employees back to the hotel, but it was no where to be found. She hissed a few choice words out loud and looked around.

“Excuse me, Miss” a tall man in a black suit said, startling Theresa. “Your car is this way”

Theresa looked in the direction the man was pointing and saw a long white limousine. Theresa smiled as the man lead her to the car, opened the door for her and offered her a glass of cold champagne.

They drove out of the large fenced area behind the arena and stopped for a security man to open the large gate. Theresa’s window rolled down by itself, or so she thought, and the security man handed her yet another rose. Theresa could only laugh and smile.

“I’d like to run by my hotel, please” she said between sips of the bubbly liquid.

“I’m sorry Miss, but I have strict orders to take you directly to the restaurant.” the man said.

“But...” Theresa looked down at herself. She was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Not exactly appropriate attire for a date. “I really do need to go change my clothes. It won’t take but a minute. I promise”

“I’m sorry, but I have strict orders to take you directly to the restaurant” the man

Theresa slumped down in the seat, a bit frustrated over not being able to freshen up for Howie, but she decided she’d simply make the best out of the situation. If Howie truly did have feelings for her, it wouldn’t matter what she was wearing.

The car pulled up to the quiet restaurant and the driver quickly got out and made his way around the car to open the door.

“Have a nice evening” he said, smiling and nodding at her.

“I hope to” Theresa replied, smiling.

“Oh Miss” the man said as Theresa started towards the building. “I almost forgot.” He walked to her and handed her a single white rose.

Theresa was greeted at the door by a nicely dressed gentleman who unlocked the doors so she could enter. The restaurant was obviously closed, but the lights were on and she was going in. She was in awe at the measures that Howie went to to surprise her. Tonight was obviously no exception.

The host led her into the large dining area and motioned to a young waitress. The young girl, who couldn’t have been more than eighteen hurried over, all smiles.

“This is Miss Franklin” the man told the girl.

“Come with me” the girl said excitedly, motioning for Theresa to follow her. Theresa looked everywhere in the restaurant for Howie, but he was nowhere to be seen

The girl led Theresa to the ladies room and Theresa looked at her with a perplexed smile.

“Okay, like, I know this is really weird, but trust me” the girl said, opening the door for Theresa. Theresa hesitated for a moment and then went in. On the vanity was a large violet box with a huge pink ribbon. Theresa shook her head and laughed.

“Open it” the girl whispered, nodding towards the box.

Theresa bit her bottom lip and smiled at the girl. She went over and lifted the lid to the box and stared down at it’s contents. Tentatively she lifted the pale blue tissue that hid her treasure beneath. Theresa let out a small gasp as she pulled a charcoal gray sequined dress from the box.

The young girl let out a small squeal and then quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry” she said. “This is just...oh my god....this is just so romantic!”

Theresa smiled warmly at her and held the dress up against her body, looking in the mirror to admire her refection.

“Put it on” the girl encouraged. “He’s waiting, you know.” Theresa nodded. “I’ll step outside, but can I please see you before you go?” Theresa nodded again. The girls excitement was contagious and Theresa felt as if a million butterflies had taken flight in her stomach.

“Theresa quickly undressed and slipped the short slip of a dress over her head. It fit her as if it had been made for her. She walked over to a full length mirror and studied herself. The green socks she was wearing would not do, she thought to herself with a laugh. She went back to the box and looked inside. There were a pair of matching shoes, a silver hairbrush and a bottle of her favorite perfume. Howie had left no detail untouched.

She slipped on the shoes, brushed her hair and spritzed on a tiny amount of perfume before returning to the mirror. She liked what she saw and she was certain Howie would to.

“This is the night” she said to her reflection. “Don’t you dare blow it”