Road Doc

Chapter 37

Theresa walked out of the ladies room to find a small group of the restaurant’s employees waiting for her. They all smiled at her, admiring how beautiful she looked.

“Right this way” the host said, offering his hand to her.

As she walked through the small crowd, they each handed her several long stemmed white roses, adding to the few she was carrying from earlier. By the time she reached the bottom of the stairs, she had a small armful of fragrant roses.

“He’s waiting for you up there” the gentleman told her, pointing up a narrow flight of stairs.

Theresa looked back at the restaurant staff and smiled timidly. The young girl who had taken her into the ladies room smiled and nodded towards the top of the stairs. Theresa went upstairs without looking back.

When she got to the top of the stairs, she opened a small door and stepped outside. On top of the building was a small group of tables and chairs, bright white umbrellas, there to shade diners as they ate during the afternoon hours. She looked across the rooftop and saw Howie standing by a table that was decorated with white linen and china. The table held a beautiful bouquet of white roses surrounded by flickering candles.

Howie stood with his hands behind his back, smiling in admiration at Theresa. He was wearing a dark suit with a shirt and tie. He looked more handsome than Theresa could ever have imagined he’d look. As she walked over to him, his eyes took her in from head to toe. To him, she was more beautiful than any woman he’d ever seen before.

“Wow...” Howie said softly, taking Theresa’s hand and pulling her into a warm embrace. “You look absolutely stunning.”

“Thanks fully to you” Theresa replied, nuzzling her face in the crook of his neck. “You are really just too much.”

“You’re worth it” he said, kissing her softly on the top of her head.

They sat down at the table and drank champagne while they waited for their selections from the gourmet menu. They talked quietly about many things, the conversation flowing easily. They ate, devouring their food, as it was the most incredible either one of them had ever had. Theresa would wonder later on if it was the food that was really so incredible, or just the company they shared that night that made everything, the food, the stars, the warm desert breeze seem more intensified.

“Can I interest either of you in something for dessert?” the young waitress asked, interrupting a longing gaze between Howie and Theresa.

“No” Howie said, not taking his eyes from Theresa’s.

“Okay” the girl said, turning to walk away.

“Wait, actually yes, we will...” Howie said, still not taking his eyes from Theresa. “But we’ll take it to go. Cannolis good for you?”

Theresa nodded, smiling at Howie. He could have just as easily asked her if she wanted goat dropping cheesecake and she’d have agreed, she was so lost in his eyes.

They were given small boxes containing their dessert, Theresa gathered her roses and they made their way downstairs. Howie thanked the host, slipped the waitress an hundred dollar bill and they went out to their waiting car outside. Howie opened the door and Theresa slipped inside. Howie sat down close to her and wrapped his arm around her. Theresa laid her head on his shoulder as they drove away.

When they pulled up to the Venetian hotel Theresa looked at Howie with a confused grin on her face.

“This place is supposed to be really nice” he said, grinning back at her. “And I had your things brought over from the other hotel. I hope that’s okay”

They were ushered without being noticed to their suite.

“I couldn’t get the presidential suite” Howie said, apologetically.

Theresa stared in awe at the suite where they would be staying. It was simply beautiful. Decorated in rich browns and deep reds, the main room continued the Italian theme of their night together. Howie led her through the large rooms, seeing it for the first time himself. He led her to the bedroom where even more white roses where placed throughout the room.

Theresa looked at him and smiled warmly.

“This is too much, Howie” she said softly.

Howie’s smile faded.

“No. God no. I don’t mean it like that. I mean, too much in a very good way” she said, slipping her hand behind his head and pulling him into a deep kiss. Howie’s arms slid around her waist and he pressed his body against hers. The electricity between them was almost overwhelming, and Howie wanted her, wanted her immediately. But he knew he had to take things slow with her this time. There was no way in the world he was going to ruin things this time.

Theresa’s fingers slipped the band holding Howie’s hair back and she immediately began running the fingers of both of her hands through his dark, curly locks. She gently grazed the back of his neck with her fingernails and Howie moaned softly. Howie broke their kiss and they stood, forehead to forehead staring at one another.

“Make love to me, Howie” Theresa said, her voice a mere whisper.

“Anything you want” he said, sliding his hands up her arms.

They moved towards the bed and Howie leaned Theresa back to lay her upon it. Theresa protested gently and instead pushed Howie back on the bed. She fluffed a pillow and placed it beneath his head and told him to relax. She walked over and dimmed the lights. Standing at the end of the bed, she began to slowly undress for Howie. She kicked off her shoes and pulled the thin straps of her dress down on her shoulders. She turned around and in a teasingly slow movement unzipped the back of the dress. Howie sat up on his elbows and licked his lips. She turned back around, holding the dress in place with her arms across her chest. She stared at Howie, who laid upon the giant bed, a hungry look in his eyes. Without taking her eyes from his, as he was lost in her eyes as well, she let the dress fall to the floor, revealing her completely nude body.

Howie drank in the beauty of her, her ivory skin glowing in the dim light of the room. He moved to the end of the bed and sat down, pulling her towards him. He buried his face in her belly, just at the base of her breasts. She smelled amazing to him, a combination of her sweet smelling perfume and that intoxicating essence that was just her. He kissed her stomach and breasts, teasing each nipple with his tongue. His hands roamed down her thighs and then around to glide smoothly up her buttocks, back and shoulders. Theresa shivered at his touch, letting her head fall back in ecstasy.

He moved her around to lay on the bed and began to return her favor by doing a slow strip tease for her. He unbuttoned his shirt, slowly revealing his firm chest and stomach. He ran his hand seductively across his chest, which was covered by fine, dark curly hair. He unbuckled his belt, and with a sly smile, pulled it from the belt loops on his pants. Theresa could not take her eyes from the large bulge that was growing beneath his pants. He unfastened his pants and slowly unzipped them.

Theresa could stand the torture no longer and she moved to him, making quick work of pulling his pants and boxers down and off. She took his engorged member in her hands and stroked it softly. Howie let out a deep, long moan as she took him into her mouth. His hands in her hair, he moved his hips ever so slightly, allowing himself to glide in and out of her hot mouth. Theresa’s hands slipped behind him and she dug her fingernails into the delicate flesh of his ass.

Howie felt himself losing control so he stopped her. Theresa protested, wanting to taste all of him, but Howie could wait no longer to be inside her. He laid down on the bed, pulling Theresa up to lay next to him. Lying on their sides facing one another, Theresa brought her knee up and wrapped her leg around Howie’s small waist. Howie’s hand ran down her side to her hip, and then up her smooth leg. They kissed passionately, Howie crushing his lips to hers, their tongues exploring the other’s mouth.

Howie rolled to lay upon Theresa, and her legs instinctively wrapped around his hips. In a slow, fluid motion he entered her. Howie broke away from their kiss and looked down at Theresa. A blissful smile played upon her lips and he knew in that instant that everything was going well.

Howie moved in and out of her slowly, enjoying the feeling of her heat wrapped so tightly around him. Theresa knew that she was near climax, and she encouraged him to pick up the pace by digging her heels into his buttocks. Howie followed her lead and moved in and out of her more quickly, pressing himself into her as far as he could go, then pulling out of her completely. Theresa exploded around him, covering them both with her juices. Howie was overwhelmed by the sensation of her walls contracting around him and he too released, filling her with his hot juices.

Their bodies spent, they lay unmoving, silently reveling in what had just transpired.
Theresa’s fingers ran through his curls, his traced tiny circles on her shoulders.

“Did you hear that?” Theresa finally managed to say after catching her breath.

“What?” Howie said, sitting up.

“Listen” she whispered, and Howie did.

“I don’t hear anything” he finally admitted.

“It’s a tiny little voice...almost sounds...yes...sounds Italian” Theresa whispered with a laugh.

“How much wine did you have with dinner?” Howie asked, laughing along with her.

“It’s saying...” Theresa cupped her hand to her ear. “’s’s saying ‘eat me’”

Howie looked at her with a puzzled grin on his face. He ran a finger down her stomach to the juncture between her legs. “I didn’t know you were Italian” he said, slipping a finger inside of her.

“Not that!” Theresa said, lifting her hips to pull his finger deeper into her.

“I don’t know...this sounds like it wants to be eaten pretty bad” he said, moving down and spreading her legs.

“I thought it was the cannolis I was hearing” she said with a gasp as he plunged his tongue into her.

“I don’t think so” he said, flicking his tongue on her swollen bud. “They can wait”

His fingers worked their magic inside of her as he licked, nibbled and sucked on her
clitoris. It took no time at all for her to reach orgasm, as his hands and mouth expertly probed and teased her most sensitive places.

As Theresa lay there trying to recover from her powerful orgasm, Howie sat back with a smug look on his face. Theresa could only laugh at him. He was good and he knew it. Howie got up and left the room, only to return a few minutes later with their cannolis and a bottle of cold champagne. They spent what was left of the night eating, drinking and talking, truly getting to know one another on a level deeper than either imagined possible.