Road Doc

Chapter 38

“That has got to be the worst Elvis I’ve seen in my entire life” Suzy whispered, looking over to see AJ sitting next to her with totally stunned look on his face.

“Is that...holy that a woman?” he whispered back as the Elvis impersonator on stage began to sing.

“God, somebody shoot me now. I can’t stand this” Suzy said, burying her face in AJ’s shoulder.

“Better yet, somebody shoot” he said with a chuckle.

“Let’s blow this joint” AJ said, standing up and pulling Suzy.

“Wait...maybe it’ll get better...” she said, staring at the performer.

“ won’t. Oh ‘Love me Tender’ is wrong. This is sooooo wrong” AJ said, sitting back down beside Suzy.

“It’s like...I don’t a bad car wreck. I know it’s wrong...tragic even...but I can’t stop looking.”

AJ laughed loudly and the few other people in the small club turned and shot him dirty looks.

They both decided it was indeed time to leave. It was 4 a.m. and neither was particularly tired so they decided to head back to the hotel and see what movies were available on pay-per-view.

AJ ordered every possible junk food off of the room service menu and they settled in to do some channel surfing.

“Porn...*click**click**click*....more porn” Suzy said as she flipped through the channels. “Um....we can either watch the home shopping channel or porn. What’s it gonna be?”

“Whoa...turn it back to that lawn sprinkler.” he said, grabbing the remote from Suzy and going back to one of the televised shopping programs. “Dude....that is awesome!”

“That is a wooden cutout of some big ass woman’s butt holding a hose” Suzy said,
laughing hysterically. “That is the tackiest thing I’ve seen since....well....since that
he/she/it Elvis impersonator”

“You want one too?” AJ said, picking up the phone.

“Yes please” Suzy replied quickly and they both fell onto their sides laughing.

“God, you are just so much fun” AJ said, suddenly very quiet and serious.

“So are you, AJ” Suzy said, smiling.

“It’s funny” AJ continued. “I used to think that I had to get totally shit faced drunk to have a good time. I don’t know why, but when I’m with you I don’t have to...”

Suzy silenced him with a kiss. AJ’s eyes got big, as he was not expecting that sort of reaction from her, but soon enough he relaxed and began kissing her back. Suzy laid back on the sofa and pulled AJ with her so that he was lying on top of her. She shifted her weight and rolled onto the television remote. The television channel changed from the shopping network to a porn flick and loud moans and funky porn music from the television filled the air.

They stopped their kiss long enough to look at the television and they both started

“Looks like they’re having fun” Suzy said, nodding towards the television.

“Uh, yeah” AJ said, tipping his head in different directions and looking at the screen. “How are they....what that are they doing that?” he said, rolling off of Suzy to lay on the couch, his head dangling off the side towards the floor so that he could look at the screen upside down.

“Get back up here and let’s try to figure it out” Suzy said, grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him back up to lay on top of her.

“Grrrrrawrrrrrr” AJ growled at Suzy.

“Good tiger” Suzy said, stroking the top of AJ’s head.

“I’m a lion” he said, biting her shoulder.

“You don’t have enough hair on top your head to be a lion” Suzy said, teasingly. “Lions have beautiful manes.’re more like....”

“What?” AJ said, pulling away from her.

“You’re more like a Mexican hairless dog” she said, laughing hysterically.

“You!” he shouted, and started tickling her.

“Stop!” Suzy managed to say, she was laughing so hard she could hardly breath.

“First IHOP, now Mexican’re in big trouble now” he said, continuing to tickle her.

Suzy easily over powered him and threw him to the floor. She straddled his chest, pinning his arms down in the process.

“Now who’s in big trouble” she asked, looking into his eyes and smiling.

“Shut up and kiss me” AJ said, lifting his head up to her.

Suzy complied and leaned down to kiss him. His hands released, he began to explore her body. It didn’t take long before their clothes were being thrown about the room. They were nearly frantic in their actions, neither one wanting to put off the inevitable any longer.

Rid of their clothes, AJ pulled Suzy to lay on top of him. His hardness pressed between their stomachs as Suzy kissed him. She kissed his lips, his nose, his cheeks, his amazingly long eye lashes. She slowly slid her body up his, his throbbing member still laying on his belly. She slid her wetness up and down his shaft, teasing him each time she reached the tip of it. He wanted to be inside of her, but she wasn’t finished torturing him yet. She slid her wetness up his shaft one final time then slid downward, moving her entire body across the length of him. AJ moaned as she moved her chest down and pressed his cock
between her breasts. She pressed her breasts together and moved slowly, letting his hardness glide between them.

AJ came before he knew it was even going to happen. His hot juices hit her chin and ran down her neck. He frantically grabbed at Suzy, pulling her up to lay face to face with him. He stared at her, unable to speak. He knew she was good for him. Since she’d walked into her life a few days before, he’d been happier than ever before. She was an unknowing assistant in his beating the bottle, and although he hadn’t had the urge to drink since they’d met, he feared what lay ahead in the days they’d be apart.

“Suzy...” AJ said softly. “I l...”

A knock on the door interrupted him.

“Hold that thought” Suzy said, bounding up and going to the door. She peered through the peep hole and started to laugh.

“Room service is here” she said, still giggling. “Who gets to open the door?”

“I dare you to answer it just like you are” AJ said, never in a million years expecting her to actually do it.

Suzy opened the door to a very surprised young man. She smiled demurely and asked him in. It was obvious that the young man was in shock, as he tried without much success to divert his eyes from Suzy’s naked body.

AJ had jumped up to sit on the couch before she’d even gotten to door open, and was sitting with a strategically placed shirt on his lap.

The young man wheeled in a cart filled with covered platters, keeping his eyes on the floor. Suzy moved behind him, and after catching AJ’s attention, shimmied her shoulders at him. AJ tried to stifle a laugh, but it was useless. He laughed loudly, startling the poor young man so much that he pushed the cart into the corner of the bureau housing the television. He looked up, saw the porno playing on the screen, looked at AJ, looked back and Suzy and turned beet red. He left quickly, never looking back.

“I guess he didn’t want a tip” Suzy laughed, lifting the lids off of all of their food.

“I think seeing you naked was tip enough” AJ laughed. “Whoa...I want that burger”

Suzy looked down at the large burger, picked it up and tossed it in AJ’s direction, sending lettuce and tomato flying across the room. AJ caught the burger and took a huge bite, never missing a stride.

“Now, what were you saying before we were so rudely interrupted?” Suzy asked, sitting down next to AJ with a huge ice-cream sundae.

“Oh” AJ said, taking another big bite “I wff ffaynn dat I ffnk I luffff oou” he said, his mouth filled with burger.

“In Ennlisss?” Suzy said, her mouth filled with ice-cream

“Huh?” AJ asked, swallowing his food.

“I said, in English?”

“I don’t get it?” AJ said, confused.

“I didn’t understand what you said so I said ‘In English’, like can you please repeat that in English” Suzy said, laughing.

“Oh! I get it now” AJ said and continued eating his burger.

Suzy flipped a blob of whipped cream at him. “Tell me what you said!”

AJ opened his burger, pulled a pickle off of it and flung it at Suzy.

Suzy gave him a contemplative look and crammed her ice-cream sundae in his face. She laughed hysterically.

AJ sat there shocked, and wiped the dripping, sticky mess from his eyes.

“I said I love you” he said, turning to her.

“What?” Suzy said, no longer laughing

“I love you”