Road Doc

Chapter 4

Theresa settled into an uncomfortable chair and smiled at the men sitting around her. It was two hours before the first show of the tour and this was the first time she’d had an opportunity to meet the men behind all of the activity going on around her. The Backstreet Boys were one of the best selling music groups of the moment. They were immensely popular, extremely successful and all very rich. But to Theresa they were just five men who’s health would be in her hands for the next nine months.

“Guys, I just thought I’d take a few minutes to tell you a little bit about our road doc.” Marty, the tour manager spoke. “Dr. Franklin here comes highly recommended and has a resume that would blow your mind. She graduated first in her class from Georgetown University and went on to graduated in the top ten at the University of Nevada’s med school. She just recently finished her residency at University Medical Center in Las Vegas. We are really lucky to have her with us on the road.”

Theresa blushed as Marty bragged about her accomplishments, and the five men sat silent, but obviously impressed with her credentials.

“She knows what she’s doing or she wouldn’t be here, right doc?” Marty said smiling.

Theresa nodded.

“I’ve given her a little background on each of you” Marty continued “kind of to fill her in on some problems you’ve been having, things like that. I want you to be sure to see her if you have any questions or concerns about your health. She’s our doctor and you need to know that you can go to her for anything. Dr. Franklin, anything you want to add?””

Theresa was suddenly very nervous and didn’t know why.

“Well” she said, making eye contact with each of the guys “I just want you to know that you can come to me for anything. I know as much as I could possibly know about each of your medical backgrounds, which is helpful, and although I hope not to have to see any of you for health problems, I want you to know that I’m prepared if anything should come up.”

“Yo, Nick” AJ spoke up “Maybe she can give you a shot or something for that nasty rash on your jock you showed me earlier” AJ cackled loudly and the others joined in the laughter.

“Shut up McLean” Nick said, a bright red blush covering his face and neck.

Theresa and the guys talked for awhile before it was time for curtain call. She felt more relaxed after getting to chit chat with them and she was truly looking forward to spending time on the road with them and the rest of the crew.