Road Doc

Chapter 42

The long line of buses stopped to refuel in a small town in western Colorado not long after Theresa left AJ. She checked on Suzy, and confident that she would continue to sleep until they reached Denver, she left AJ’s bus. She silently boarded Howie’s bus and found him sleeping. She sat watching him sleep, in awe at how beautiful he was. His flawless tanned skin was like satin, his long curls like liquid ebony. She was in love with him and she couldn’t deny it. Every time she looked at him her stomach fluttered, and each time he touched her she felt as if her heart was on fire.

She quietly crawled into bed with him, careful not to wake him. He stirred briefly, rolling over to face her, draping an arm across her stomach. Without opening his eyes he smiled and nuzzled his face in her hair. They slept together until they reached Denver. Theresa felt she’d never slept better in her life. The constant hum of the tires on the pavement, the gentle rocking of the bus and the feeling of being wrapped in Howie’s arms provided comfort unlike any she’d ever known.

The buses arrived in Denver just before 2 a.m. Sleepily, everyone checked in and made their way to their rooms. Suzy was feeling groggy and Theresa helped her carry her bags and they both settled into the same room. Once Suzy was tucked safely in her bed, Theresa headed to Howie’s room. Howie was waiting for her, wearing only a pair of silk boxers and an oversized T-shirt. Theresa grinned slyly when he opened the door, and it didn’t take but a moment for her to pull him into a long, deep kiss.

Howie’s tongue softly caressed Theresa’s. He was an amazing kisser, far more gentle and passionate than any other man Theresa had kissed before. His hands were soft as silk on her body, gently caressing and exploring every inch of her. Theresa’s head begin to spin as his kisses traveled from her mouth to her neck. He lifted her shirt over her head and continued to kiss her shoulders, throat, chest. He unfastened her bra and let it fall to the floor, his mouth hungrily kissing her breasts, gently sucking and biting her nipples. Theresa pulled Howie’s shirt over his head and pressed her naked breasts against his chest.

“Make love to me” she whispered in his ear.

Howie answered by picking her up and taking her across the room to his bed. He quickly pulled off her shoes and socks, and in one fluid motion pulled her pants and panties down. He tossed them on the floor, stood back and pulled off his boxers. He stood back and admired Theresa laying naked on the bed. He took one leg by the ankle and lifted it to his mouth. He planted soft kisses on her foot, her ankle, her calf. Theresa closed her eyes and lost herself in the sensation of his hot mouth. He kissed the inside of her knee, the top of it and began kissing up her thigh. Instinctively, Theresa spread her legs as his mouth moved closer and closer to her core.

Howie wrapped Theresa’s legs across his shoulders, slipped his arms beneath her buttocks and kissed a soft, slow circle around her heat. He kissed her hips, her belly, her thighs. Theresa was in agony, his teasing driving her mad. She ran her fingers through his tousled hair and guided him to where she wanted him. With a slight chuckle, Howie ran his tongue up her opening and to her most sensitive spot. Theresa let out a long moan and pressed him further. Howie followed her lead and plunged his tongue into her, swirling it in small circles, slipping it in and out of her wetness. Theresa gasped in ecstasy. He moved up a bit and sucked her throbbing bud into his mouth. Keeping her firmly in his mouth, he ran the tip of his tongue over and across, up and down, over and across her clit. Theresa grabbed at the bedspread, pulling it up and into her mouth to stifle the scream that she knew was soon to come. Howie continued his rhythm, over and across, up and down until he felt Theresa’s body tense. Her legs shuddered, her breathing stopped and that familiar warmth began to spread from the pit of her stomach downward. Howie slowed his pace, wanting to draw out the intensity that he knew she was experiencing. Theresa opened her eyes and looked down at Howie. Howie’s eyes locked with hers as her orgasm took hold. Her body wrenched upward, pulling her into a sitting position as the first swells of orgasm overtook her body.

Her hands on his face, she pulled Howie upward and laid back, pulling him to lay upon her. He slid into her effortlessly, as her walls gripped his erection, pulling him deeper and deeper into her warmth.

“God, you are so hot and wet” Howie gasped as he plunged into her over and over again.

“See what you do to me?” Theresa moaned, wrapping her still trembling legs around his waist.

Howie thrust into her hard and Theresa cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain.

“You like that?” Howie growled in her ear, holding himself still deep inside her.

“God yes” Theresa said, barely able to speak.

“You like that?” he said, again pounding into her.

“Yes” Theresa said loudly, about to explode again.

“You like that?” he said again and again, each time slamming into her.

“Yes! God yes!!” Theresa screamed, lifting her hips to meet each of his blows.

She dug her fingernails into his back as she came, and Howie in turn let out a deep moan as he exploded inside her. He collapsed on top of her, sweaty and out of breath. Theresa buried her face in his hair, drinking in the scent of him, a mixture of sex, sweat and soap.

“Howie” Theresa said, finally catching her breath.


“I love you”

Howie lifted his head and looked at her. His dark eyes were soft, his pupils dilated. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, then her lips. Slowly he rolled off of her and pulled her close, their bodies spooned together.

“I love you” she sighed quietly, lifting her arm and caressing his face with her hand. When he didn’t reply, she turned to look at back at him. He was sound asleep, a slight smile on his face.