Road Doc

Chapter 43

The plane ride from Lexington to Denver was a quiet one. Flying under the cover of
darkness, most of the passengers slept soundly. Kevin and Beth did not sleep, nor did they talk.

They had spent a few precious hours in Lexington. After his emotional visit to his father’s grave, Kevin had wanted to see his mother. Although he didn’t mention his problems to her, she sensed something was wrong with her son. It was her first time meeting Beth and her impression of her was that she was a good woman, much stronger willed than any of the Barbi doll looking girls he had dated before.

Kevin spent nearly an hour sitting on the couch with his mom, neither speaking, him
simply curled up in her arms. He explained as they left that he’d wanted the two most important women in his life to finally meet, and that he’d been terribly homesick lately. His mother had kissed him on the head and watched them drive away, tears rolling down her cheeks.

Beth sat close to Kevin on the flight, their arms touching, their fingers intertwined. She didn’t know what the next few days would hold, but she knew that they would be difficult, no matter what the outcome. As their plane landed in Denver, the sun began to rise. In twenty-four Kevin had run the emotional gamut, from anger, shame, sadness, realization and finally gratefulness and love. Beth had rode that same emotional rollercoaster right along with him. They were both exhausted, but had far too many things running through their minds to sleep.

They slipped unnoticed into their hotels, and with a long hug went their separate ways to their rooms. Kevin laid on his bed, reliving the last twenty-four hours. He knew in his heart and his head that he needed to straighten up and get his life back together. It was his body that was unconvinced. He felt a strange twinge deep in his stomach, a reminder from his body that it needed to be numbed. He closed his eyes and tried to block the urge. He pictured the clouds in Kentucky, white and velvety, floating across an unbelievable blue sky. He remembered a hidden stash of opium, buried deep in the bottom of his suitcase. He clinched his eyes closed even tighter, picturing the lone hawk that had glided above him, the hawk that had called out to him, the hawk that he was certain was the spirit of his father. With trembling hands he undressed and slipped into bed. He covered his head with a downy pillow and drifted off into a fitful sleep.

Down the hall, Beth laid in bed unable to sleep. Worry was not something that Beth dealt with well. She imagined Kevin in his room, smoking away his pains in a glass pipe filled with opium. She imagined him smirking to himself, smug in the knowledge that he’d fooled her once again. She fought the urge to go to him, to check up on him. She told herself over and over again that he would be fine, that eventually he’d realize that he was slowly killing himself and their relationship.

Beth finally fell asleep and instantly began to dream. In her dream she was walking down a long country road, hand in hand with a small boy. She looked down at the boy, knowing in her heart that he was her son, and smiled warmly at him. He looked up at her, his raven black hair shimmering in the sun, his piercing green eyes filled with tears.

“We’re going to see your daddy” she said in her dream, her words drifting on a soft
breeze that made the trees dance.

They walked along a path through emerald green grass, small patches of wildflowers
scattered about in brilliant colors that seemed to glow in the warmth of the sun. They walked towards a huge tree who’s limbs hung heavy with dark green leaves that whispered in the wind.

Kneeling down, Beth took the boy in her arms. The boy reached out to touch a large stone that lay flat against the ground.

“Daddy” he said, running his fingers across the words engraved in the stone. “Daddy, I miss you”

Beth awoke with a start, her heart pounding, her entire body covered with sweat. She quickly wrapped herself in her robe and ran down the hall towards Kevin’s room. She pounded on the door, and realizing Kevin was not going to answer, she went to the next room to wake Carlos, his bodyguard.

Carlos sleepily gave Beth a key to Kevin’s room and closed the door, obviously not
alarmed by Beth being so distraught. Beth went to Kevin’s room and unlocked the door, terrified by what she feared she would find. She stared across the room at Kevin lying in bed. Beth’s heart skipped a beat as she watched for the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Kevin’s body shivered violently, startling Beth. She rushed to his side and looked down at him. He was pale and his skin felt clammy. Beth quickly undressed and laid down, wrapping her warm naked body around his cool, trembling body.

Kevin opened his heavy eyes and looked at her.

“Don’t leave me Beth” he said, his voice a mere whisper. “Don’t leave me to go through this alone”