Road Doc

Chapter 45

“We can just cancel the show” Brian said grimly.

“This is the third time he’s done something to miss a show here” Howie said. “I’m beginning to
think there’s a curse on this city or something.”

“He’s sick, not possessed.” Brian said, laughing a little at Howie.

“We’ve all gone on sick before” Howie said, not giving up.


“Kevin” Theresa said, sitting on the bed beside him. Kevin was buried under a pile of blankets.
His skin was pale, he was sweating and shaking.

“I feel like I’m going to die” he said, his voice scratchy.

“It’s going to get worse before it gets better, I’m afraid.”

Tears started to roll down the sides of his face.

“It’s worth it though” Theresa said softly. She had seen people going through withdrawal
symptoms before and knew that it was neither easy, nor pretty. He had a long road ahead of
him and the first few days would be hell.

“What about the show?” Beth said quietly, coming back into the room with a fresh washcloth
which she placed carefully on Kevin’s forehead.

Theresa shook her head no.


“Where’s AJ?” Marty asked, looking to Brian, Howie and Nick. “We need to make a
decision here and we need to make it now.”

“I say cancel the show” Nick said.

“I agree” Brian said. They all had a pretty good idea of what was going on with Kevin and
their concerns were more about him getting better than canceling a show.

“We’ve gone on without him before” Howie said matter of factly.

AJ half walked, half stumbled into the meeting room. He was pale and the stench of alcohol hit
everyone in the room the instant he opened the door.

“ alright?” Nick said, noticing AJ’s glazed over eyes and the way he was holding his

AJ moved quickly across the room, nearly falling over a chair. He grabbed a small trash can,
slumped to the floor and began vomiting into the small receptacle.

“Oh shit” Brian said, moving over towards him.

Nick was by AJ’s side in a flash, his hand on his back as AJ continued to retch into the trash

“Fucking great” Howie said, obviously disgusted. “I suppose we’ll all get sick now. Thanks

“AJ, man, you okay?” Nick said, shooting Howie a dirty look.

AJ nodded and lifted his head slightly. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and let his
head fall back.

“Oh shit” Nick said, seeing that AJ’s face and hand were covered with blood. “Get doc.”

Brian and Howie stood there staring in disbelief.
