Road Doc

Chapter 46

Theresa walked slowly down the hall of the hotel, headed towards Howie’s room. It was 4
a.m. and it had been an exhausting day.

Kevin was finally sleeping, Beth by his side.

AJ had been admitted to the hospital with a severe bleeding ulcer, the result of alcohol abuse
and undoubtedly a great deal of stress. He had been given two pints of blood and started on
medications to start the healing process. His physical recovery would most likely be quick, but
his emotional healing was what concerned Theresa the most.

The tour had been postponed until further notice. Just how they would explain why had yet to
be decided. No matter the explanation, Theresa knew that the next few days would be rough
on everyone, the two who were sick and the three who weren’t.

As she neared the door to Howie’s room it opened. She smiled to herself, thinking he must be
coming to look for her. The shock of bright yellow hair caught her attention first as the leggy
blonde stepped out of the room, looking back in through the open door.

Theresa stopped walking and stood to watch as Howie took a step out of the room. He was
wearing only a pair of pants, his hair disheveled, a huge grin on his face. They exchanged a few
words, the girl handed him a small piece of paper and they kissed.

Theresa’s heart sank. The blonde walked by and gave Theresa a shit eating grin, the smell of
sex trailing behind her. Theresa closed her eyes, clinched her jaw and fought back the tears that
threatened to spill. She gathered her courage and went to his door, knocking softly.

“I figured you’d be back for more” Howie said as he opened the door. When he found
Theresa standing there instead of the blonde he was obviously surprised.

“Hey beautiful. How’s AJ?” he said, trying to act as if nothing had happened.

“Can I come in?”

“Um, sure.” He said, moving aside to let her in. “Is everything okay? Is AJ alright?”

“AJ is fine.” Theresa said flatly. “he’s going to be in the hospital for a few days, but I think he’ll
be okay.”

“Good” He said, his eyes shifting to the large bed that looked as if a herd of elephants had had
a dance marathon on it.

“Who was the woman?” Theresa asked, tired of making small talk.

Howie didn’t say anything.

“Howie, what’s going on?” she said, her voice filled with hurt.

“I just needed someone to talk to”

Theresa slowly shook her head. “It sure looks like you guys had fun talking” she said, nodding
towards the bed.

“Look, I was...I was lonely, okay?” he snapped, his voice hateful.

“Lonely?” Theresa repeated incredulously. “LONELY??”

Howie looked away from her, guilt written all over his face.

“And what about us? What was that?”

“I...I was just lonely...and were just there...”