Road Doc

Chapter 47

Theresa finished packing her bags and sat down on the bed. The tour postponed she was, for
the moment, unemployed. She couldn’t really think beyond getting out of Denver and as far
away from Howie as possible.

She had seen AJ first thing that morning and was pleasantly surprised to find him up and chatting
away with one of the nurses. He was as spirited and animated as ever, but there was something
else...something new...he seemed truly humbled by what had happened to him. He told Theresa
about his plans to take some time off from touring to focus on beating his drinking problem and
his eyes sparkled when he told her that Suzy promised to be by his side through it all.

Theresa walked quietly into Kevin’s room. He was sleeping peacefully on his side, wrapping
his long lean body around a huge pillow. Beth smiled down at him and then looked up at
Theresa with tears in her eyes.

“I love him so much” she whispered.

“I know you do” Theresa said, sitting down beside her.

“He’s going to get through this, you know” Beth said confidently.

“He’s got you. Of course he will.”