Road Doc

Chapter 6

They could hear the music before they even opened the door to the club. When they walked in Theresa couldn’t help but smile. The club was decorated in a beach theme, and with a name like Tiki Bob’s, she expected nothing less. The tables were actually surf boards mounted on legs, and several of the booths were made of bench seats out of cars.

The atmosphere was relaxed and no one seemed to notice their group as AJ, Howie,
Theresa and two body guards walked towards the pool tables. Once settled into a large booth, having ordered their drinks, Howie turned to Theresa.

“Tell me about medical school” he said loudly, trying to be heard over the loud music.

“Well, it’s not nearly as glamorous as most people think” Theresa said, taking a big gulp from a huge frozen concoction that they called an ‘Arctic Ass-kicker’.

“I could never actually be a doctor” Howie said laughing. “Too much blood and guts and gross stuff....can’t handle that!”

Theresa was about to tell him that you get used to it after awhile when AJ grabbed her arm. “Let’s dance!” he yelled, not giving her a choice.

AJ and Theresa made their way through the crowd to the packed dance floor. A song was playing that had an intense Latin groove to it and AJ immediately pulled her near, pressing his body against hers and began rocking back and forth to the rhythm. Theresa’s body was tense, as she was not sure what to make of his bold moves. She was used to his flirtations by now, and had even flirted back on occasion, but it was always done innocently and without any real intent or purpose.

“Let go” AJ said huskily into her ear. “Let your body move with mine”

Theresa closed her eyes and tried to relax, but the feeling of his sinewy body against hers made her insides flutter, and she was fighting with everything she could muster to not give in to the temptation she was feeling.

“Relax” AJ said, his hips continuing to move against hers to the rhythm.

Theresa let her head fall back and she opened her eyes. The bright multi-colored lights whirled above her and she felt herself falling into a trance. Her body relaxed and she began to move her body in time with his. They danced until they were both coated with a thin layer of sweat and Theresa was intoxicated by the scent of AJ, a mixture of sweat, beer and cigarettes with a hint of sweet smelling cologne.

As the song ended Theresa started to pull away from AJ, but he wouldn’t let her go. His eyes locked on hers and he kissed her hard, pressing himself up against her fully. She could feel his excitement pressed against her, and being caught off guard, all she could do was stand there as his mouth explored hers. Finally coming to her senses, she pulled away and looked at him. He had a completely goofy look of satisfaction on his face and all Theresa could do was stand there and stare. He leaned in to kiss her again and she stopped him by placing a finger on his lips. She shook her head to say ‘no’, turned around
and walked away.