Road Doc

Chapter 8

“Keep an eye on Howie tonight, Doc, if you don’t mind” Beth, the head of wardrobe said, poking her head through the curtain into Theresa’s make shift office.

“Why Beth? What’s up?” Theresa asked.

“He’s looking really pale and I think I heard him throwing up a little bit ago.”

“That doesn’t sound good” Theresa said.

The tour had wound its way down into Mexico where they would remain for two weeks. The crowds were unbelievable. When the bus that Theresa, the wardrobe girls and one of the accountants rode on pulled up to the hotel, a swarm of girls had nearly tipped the bus. When the women finally got up the courage to leave the security of the bus, a loud moan of disappointment fell through the crowd and Theresa couldn’t help but laugh to herself and the incredible situation she was in.

While in Mexico most of the members of the group and many of the staff had found time to check out the local scenery, enjoy best tequila and dine on authentic Mexican cuisine. Theresa suspected that Howie’s ill condition was more than likely a result of one or perhaps two of the aforementioned and promised Jill that she would keep an eye on him.

As the show started, Theresa made her way into the pit, the narrow section between the front of the stage and the long barricade that kept the screaming fans at bay. She had seen the show several times so far, but it still held a certain magic that made Theresa glad she’d taken on this particular job.

As the men took the stage Theresa immediately noticed Kevin lagging behind. She
watched him for awhile, trying to determine if he was sick or just having an off night. Each time he would look and see that she was watching him, he’d pick up the pace a bit and shift his gaze away from hers.

Theresa eventually turned her attention to Howie, who was indeed looking rather green around the gills. He was pale and very lethargic and when he sang his solos his voice sounded a little shaky. Theresa watched him closely throughout the first half of the concert until she got distracted.

AJ was suddenly right in front of her, singing directly to her. The girls standing behind her screamed until Theresa thought her eardrums would burst, and AJ hammed it up, doing little pelvic thrusts and gyrations, all the while keeping his eyes on hers. Theresa couldn’t help but laugh. Since the incident while they were dancing they had continued their light flirting, AJ most often making a big joke out of it. Theresa took it as harmless, figuring
she had made it clear that night at the club that it would never go farther than just flirting.

Theresa spent the rest of the show watching AJ as he played around on stage, always making side glances to make sure she was watching him. He was a true entertainer, a shining example of someone who was born to be on the stage. Theresa admired his talent, envied his lack of modesty up there, was awe struck by the strength of his voice. He was mesmerizing, he was captivating, he was a star.

As they took their final bows, Theresa gave AJ a nod of recognition and a smile of appreciation for his performance. Just as she turned to head backstage, she caught out of the corner of her eye a flash that made her turn back. As hundreds of flash bulbs went off at once, she saw Howie collapsing to the floor just off the side of the stage.