Farmer's Daughter

Chapter 10

"Daddy!" Donna Jo squealed, running over to her father. She threw her arms about his waist and hugged him fiercely. Looking up at him, smiling her most beautiful smile, she near-begged "Dance with me! Ppppllllleeeeeaaaassssssseeeee!"

He shot a 'this really isn't right' look to his wife, who answered with a 'we'll talk about it later' look of her own; then, he looked down at his youngest daughter and the glow that shone around her. His eyes softened for the first time in longer than he could remember and the first hints of a true smile played at the corner of his mouth.

"Please Daddy."

"It would be an honor." he drawled, holding her right hand in his, placing his right at the small of her back. She placed her feet on top of his and he began to slowly move in steps he thought he'd forgotten to the music of the gentle clucking of the chickens.

'Brian', still holding Amanda Grace's hands, pulled her into a respectable dance pose, as Lizzie partnered with her son. The three couples began a slow turn around the room, when the words began to pour from 'Brian's' lips, his key perfect.

Looking back on the memory of
The dance we shared
'Neath the stars above

For a moment all the world was right
How was I to know
That you'd ever say goodbye

And I
I'm glad I didn't know
The way it all would end
The way it all would go
Our lives are better left to chance
I could've missed the pain
But I'da had to miss
The Dance ...

After the song, Donna Jo stood back and offered a wobbly curtsy to her father, who broke into a wide grin at the gesture, cleared his throat, and responded back with a low bow.

Laughing delightedly, Donna Jo jumped into his waiting arms and he hugged her tightly to him, carrying her out into the yard.

"Well, I'll be" Lizzie said aloud, thrilled to once again see the man she'd married, the man that she had known was still alive within him. She put her arm around Billy "Hey Sport, how bout we make some cookies?"

"Chocolate chip?!"

"Chocolate chip." she grinned.

"All right!" he exclaimed, running out of the chicken coop and up to the house, leaving Nick and Amanda Grace alone.

Just the tips of their fingertips touched as they stared at one another.

"You have a beautiful singing voice." Amanda Grace stammered, her body awash with sensations at the nearness of him.

"Thank you. I'm sorry." he responded, as his hungry eyes devoured her.

"Sorry?" she said as she looked up at him, a confused look on her face. "Sorry for what?"

"For this." he said, as his fingertip gently traced the outline of her jaw, bringing her face up to his. Her skin burned where his finger touched and her belly was on fire. She felt herself moving closer to him; and, she knew that she was about to receive her first real kiss. He slowly brought his lips to her, slightly grazing them, the heat between them palpable. He began to move his mouth above hers with purpose, using every ounce of self-control to stop himself from devouring her. He startled at the feel of the tip of her tongue begging entrance to his mouth, breaking into a wide smile against her lips as he granted her request.

He allowed her innocent tongue to gently explore his mouth, tentatively tasting. As she began to draw back, he put his hand to the back of her head, pulling her to him as he did some exploring of his own.

Her arms moved up around his neck, her fingers entwining in his hair, relishing the feel of him against her. Everywhere their bodies touched, her nerve endings jangled and screamed for attention. She began to shudder at the wave of desire enveloping her and she could feel her knees shaking.

He drew back slowly, gently running his hands up and down her back before bringing one up to cup her face.

"You are so beautiful." he murmured.

"Thank you." she blushed, embarrassed by the compliment, as well as by her recent actions. "I, um, I have to get back." she stuttered, trying to collect herself.

"Ok." he replied, smiling. "I just need one thing first."

"What's that?" she asked, nervously.

"A hug." he laughed, pulling her into the warmest of embraces. She sighed at the strength she felt in his arms, the protection. "There's no reason to be embarrassed." he counseled. "We didn't do anything wrong."

"No, I don't suppose we did." she stated, a confident smile dancing across her lips. "I don't suppose we did at all."

As they left the chicken coop to head up to the house, Amanda Grace realized that her father propbably wouldn't feel the same way; and, her newborn confidence had her looking for allies.

'I need to talk to Momma' she thought to herself.