Farmer's Daughter

Chapter 2

Pushing aside the sudden warmth in her belly, Amanda Grace shook her head to regain composure. "Can you move?" she asked softly, deftly and gently checking the man for injuries.

His face was one big bruise, swollen and purpling, with streaks of dried blood from his nose, lower lip and a decent-sized gash near his right temple. He winced as she grazed her hand over his ribs and she could feel that at least two were broken.

"Hurts ... to ... breathe." the man gasped, trying to sit up.

"You've got some broken ribs and sitting up won't help at all. Let's see if we can get you on your feet."

They rose slowly; and, as the man stood completely upright - towering over her - he became awash in dizziness, falling against her, moaning as his weight pressed her body against his ribs.

"This is gonna hurt; but, the quickest way back is on the horse. Do you think you can ride?"

The man nodded through his clenched jaw and Amanda Grace commanded Jet to lower himself to the ground so they could mount without further injuring the man.

He climbed across the horse's broad back slowly, groaning and wincing the entire time as each slight movement brought fresh shots of pain. Amanda Grace got on behind him, reaching around to take the reins and give him as much support as possible.

"Lean back against me." she told him as she brought her stead to his feet and began the journey home.

With a sigh, the man lapsed back into unconsciousness, and she struggled to keep them both atop the horse.


"Pa! Pa! Come quick!" eleven-year-old Billy, Jr. shouted, running into the house to fetch his father.

"What is it, Son?" Bill, Sr. asked, alarm in his voice, as he rushed out of the house.

"It's Amanda Grace! And ... a man!"
