Farmer's Daughter

Chapter 5

"You don't remember anything, Sweetie?" Lizzie asked, her heart breaking for the young man. "Not your name, your family, where you're from ... ANYTHING?"

"No." the man replied, his eyes starting to well up in distress. "I'm trying to concentrate and I get these pictures in my head; but, I don't know who the people are that're in them."

"ok, let's get a better look at you and see if there's something we missed, injury-wise." Mike began, "then we'll go through some questions and see what areas of the brain are affected. It won't hurt," he added, with a smile at the look of fear that alighted the man's face, "just a few questions. If you get tired, let me know and we'll stop. Lizzie, have Bill call over to County for me, ask for Bob Saunders, and have Bob get the CAT room ready."

"I'm on it." Lizzie quickly left the room, running into Bill as he was standing outside the door.

"He's awake, I take it." Bill commented dryly.

"Yes. Did you hear everything Mike said?"

"Yup." Grumbling, he continued "I'll go make the call. The sooner we can get him out of here, the better."

"William!" she hissed, her volume a mere whisper. "That is NOT the Christian that I know your Momma raised you to be, nor is that the Christian man that I married. I suggest you find that man right quick or you'll see some REAL un-Christian behavior." With that, she turned on her heels, heading back in the room as Mike was continuing his examination.

"Do you remember what happened to you?"

"I don't know. I mean, your asking that question has these images popping into my head; but, I don't know if it's what happened to me or something that happened to me at some other time."

"Fair enough. Can you describe the images?"

"Well, I'm at this place. It looks like a bar. There's a whole lot of people there and I'm sitting at a table with two other guys and they're laughing about something ..."

"Go on."

"ok. Then there's one of me standing behind the bar, I guess. I can hear the dance music outside that I heard inside, so that's why I think it's the same place. I'm hanging up a cell phone and putting it back in my pocket."

"You're doing great. Is there more?"

"Yeah, three guys. I don't know them. I don't think I do anyway. I said 'what's up?' to them; but, I just don't feel like I know them. Like, when I talked about the two guys at the table with me, I could FEEL that I knew them. Does that make sense?"

"Absolutely. Keep going."

"Well, one of these guys hits me. Then, they all start hitting me. I feel fear right now when I see this image. I know that I threw some punches ... to defend myself," he added, subconsciously rubbing the knuckles of his right hand. "Then ..."

"Then what?"

"Then ... nothing."

"Ok, these two men at the table with you, what did they look like?"

"Um, both were shorter than me. One not by much. I say that because I was kinda looking down to talk to them. Not looking down ON them. I just had to lower my head to see them eye-to-eye."

"I know what you mean, young man." Mike responded, chuckling.

"Well, they both had dark hair. I know that one of them had dark eyes and the other one - I couldn't tell - he had sunglasses on. Can I ask a question?"

"Sure. You can ask anything and I'll do my best to answer it."

"Cool. Did I die?"

"Excuse me?"

"Did I die?"

"Why would you say that? You know what. If you can't remember your name right now, we're going to have to find something to call you. I feel badly to keep referring to you as 'young man' or not at all."

"Allright. I just don't like the name John. Ya know, like John Doe, like I'm nobody."

"Fair enough. Pick a name."

After thinking carefully for a few moments, he looked up at Mike and Lizzie and simply said "Brian. I like the name Brian. Can't figure out why yet; but, that name means something."

"Maybe it's your name, Honey." Lizzie offered. 'Brian' was already shaking his head 'no' before she finished her statement.

"It doesn't feel like it's my name. So, did I die?"

"Ok, 'Brian'. Why do you think you died? You've been alive since you've been here. As to whether you died before you got here, I can't answer that."

"Well, I think I died because I could swear I saw an angel. An angel who brought me back."

"An angel?" Lizzie asked.

"Yeah. This beautiful angel." 'Brian's' whole face lit up at the remembrance of her. "I opened my eyes and saw her and there was light all around her. At first, I couldn't see her face; but, when I did, her eyes were just this beautiful shade of blue. Her hair looked almost pure white. I've never seen hair that color before."

Lizzie looked to Mike and Mike looked to Lizzie as the man continued.

"We were riding on this jet black horse through, well, it had to be Heaven, because I've never seen a place more beautiful. There were these HUGE wheat fields and wildflowers and it was so ... warm ... not too hot, not too cool. It was this perfect warmth."

Lizzie and Mike were speechless as they continued to shoot glances at one another. Of course, they KNEW of whom 'Brian' was speaking, Lizzie thinking that her husband would be none too pleased, Mike getting a kick out of the whole thing.

Sure enough, they all heard the tell-tale heavy footfalls of someone (someone named William Charles Myers, Sr.) stomping down the hall and the stairs like a bat out of hell. Lizzie quickly left the room to go after her husband before he started making a chastity belt for their eldest daughter, leaving Mike to answer the questioning look on 'Brian's' face.

"Is something wrong?"