penned by Kendra

I can honestly say that I felt him looking at me long before our eyes met. You know the feeling...the sense that someone is staring at you before you actually see them doing it. I stood in a semi-circle of friends in the crowded club, my eyes cast downward, enjoying the feeling of being watched. I ran a finger around the edge of my glass of wine, listening to the sounds of my friends talking and the music blaring.

When I finally decided to scan the room, to find just who it was who was concentrating on my so hard, I lifted my eyes and they immediately met his. I knew who he was. You would have had to have lived the last five years under a rock not to have known Kevin Richardson. I stared back at him unblinking, my face emotionless. I watched, unmoving as a younger, smaller man leaned in and said something to him. His eyes never left me. He nodded slowly in reply to the other man’s words, then lowered his chin and tipped his head in my direction. The other man scanned the people standing around me before his eyes fell on me. A sly smile spread across his face as he inspected me head to toe and back again. Again he leaned in and said something to Kevin, then turned and walked away.

The gentleman who asked me to dance was young, stocky and blonde, the complete antithesis of the older, slender, dark Kevin who was watching me so intently. I accepted the young man’s invitation, handed off my wine to a nearby friend and we made our way to the dance floor. No longer returning his gaze, I was still aware of his eyes following me. My every move, from the way I swayed my hips as I walked to the way I tucked my hair behind my ear was for his benefit. I wondered if he knew I was playing to him when I began to dance. The song was intense, mid-tempo with a deep Latin rhythm and I allowed it to take over my body. The young man I was dancing with more stood back and watched than actually danced with me, but it didn’t matter. I was lost in the music and the sensation of Kevin’s eyes on me.

Half-way through the song I felt someone behind me and without turning to look, I knew it was him. His hands grazed my hips as he moved in closer, his body mimicking mine, never quite touching. The young man I had been dancing with slowly faded into the crowd as my movements and Kevin’s became more intense, more intimate. My back to him, his body curved to meet mine, his face near my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, his sweat on my cheek.

The song finished and we didn’t move. We stood there, his body pressed against mine, his arms draped down and around so that his large hands rested upon my thighs, breathing heavily from the physical exertion and sexual tension that had been building throughout the song. I lifted my hand and put it to his face, slowly tracing the tips of my fingers down his cheek and jawbone and then walked away, never once having looked at him throughout our dance.

I found my friends sitting stunned in a corner booth and I flashed them a sly smile as I sat down. They commented on what had just transpired on the dance floor, and mentioned that every person in the building had been watching us. I simply smiled and nonchalantly ordered another glass of wine. The sense that he was watching me did not fade. In fact, it was stronger than before, and coupled with the fact that my heart was pounding strongly in my chest, I felt an overwhelming need to be fucked.

I looked across the bar, into a section that had been roped off and saw him sitting at a table. He was leaned back in his chair, his feet up on a chair, taking a long, slow drink from a bottle of beer, watching me. Beside him was the man who had spoken to him earlier, drinking a colorful drink and leaning in close to talk to him. I raised an eyebrow at Kevin in a silent invitation and in the same instant he was on his feet and walking towards me.

When he reached our table he said a quiet hello to the other ladies sitting with me, all the while never taking his eyes from mine. Without a word he offered me his hand. I left my friends behind without an explanation, as I had no idea where we were going. We walked through the crowd and back to where he and his friend had been sitting. He pulled out a chair and I sat down next to the man who was with him. A glass of my favorite wine was delivered to me shortly after I sat down and we all sat, not saying a word for several minutes.

“This is my friend Howie Dorough” Kevin finally said, pointing to his friend with the
same hand that held his bottle of beer.

I nodded politely and smiled and then turned to Kevin.

“What brings you here tonight?” Howie asked, and I turned back to him.

“I’m just here with a few friends, looking to have a little fun” I said smiling and raising an eyebrow.

“Looks like you found it” he said with a laugh, taking a drink.

I had to laugh at the mischievous look on his face and I leaned back in my chair, slowly sipping my wine. Kevin was quiet, not giving me any indication that he wanted to partake in the casual banter between Howie and I. Following his lead I turned to Howie.

“And what brings you two here this fine evening?” I asked, toying with a cocktail napkin on the table.

“I guess you could say that we’re just looking to have a little fun too” he said, putting an extra emphasis on the word ‘fun’.

I slowly bit my bottom lip and stared at him, trying to think of something clever to say.

“I suppose you came to the right place then. This club is well known for being the one night stand capital of the universe on Saturday nights” I said, turning to give Kevin a seductive grin.

“One night stands, eh?” Howie said, laughing a bit. “Is that why you’re here?”

“Like I said” I said, running my thumb and forefinger up and down the stem of my glass “I’m just here looking to have a little fun”

“That’s pretty unusual. I thought most women weren’t into one night stands.” Howie said, moving his chair closer to mine.

I could feel Kevin’s leg slide to rest against mine. I took a deep breath and returned my attention to Howie.

“I’m not most women” I said, leaning in closer to him and staring him straight in the eye.

“Care to elaborate?” he said, his voice cracking a bit.

I thought for a moment and then said “I suppose most women aren’t capable of
differentiating between sex and love, hence the problem they have with one night stands”

“And you?” Howie said, nodding slowly and moving in even closer.

“I personally find it, one night stands that is, to be a perfect means of ridding myself of pent up sexual energy without the worry of a relationship or commitment. No need to clutter a great fuck with worry of whether he or she is going to call you the next day.”

Howie and Kevin both laughed, all the while nodding in agreement.

“Is this something you do often?” Howie asked. I was beginning to get a bit annoyed. Kevin had been the sole force to get me to their table and now Howie was taking the reigns. I wasn’t sure what type of game they were playing, but I was more than intrigued enough to stick around to find out.

“Is that something I do often?” I said, repeating his question back to him. He nodded and looked at me, obviously anxious for my response. “Sometimes I just have an itch that needs to be scratched” I said matter of factly and then sat back to finish my wine. My back was partially turned to Kevin but I could feel him behind me, his eyes boring into me, his heat radiating from his body.

Kevin leaned forward and he looked over at Howie. Their eyes exchanging a silent
question, waiting for the other’s reply. Howie slowly nodded and smiled slightly at Kevin.

Kevin moved close to me, and with my back still slightly towards him he said in a deep seductive voice “Do you have an itch that needs to be scratched tonight?”


I walked into the hotel suite and looked around. It was large and nicely decorated, but sterile and lacking charm like any other hotel room. Howie closed the door behind me and moved to sit down on one of a pair of matching love seats that faced one another. I noted the small wooden coffee table between them and the bottle of champagne and three glasses that sat there. Kevin walked into the room from the bathroom and sat in the love seat facing Howie.

I stood at the end of the table between them and looked from one to the other. They were obviously expecting me to do something, but just what I had no idea. I nodded towards the champagne.

“Cristal. Nice” I said.

“Best money can buy” Howie said, reaching down and pouring three glasses out of the already opened bottle.

“Most expensive, perhaps” I said, taking a drink.

“So are you from around here?” Howie asked, breaking the silence that fell between us.

“Enough of the small talk” Kevin said abruptly and I looked at him.

“My sentiments exactly” I said with a smile.

I walked over and stood between the coffee table and Howie. He put down his
champagne glass and leaned back, his arms stretched out across the back of the love seat. I stared at him for a moment, not moving. He was attractive, smaller than most men I preferred, but attractive nonetheless. My eyes fell to his lap and the obvious, albeit not erect bulge that was there. I slowly unzipped the leather vest I was wearing, revealing the black lace bra that stood out in stark contrast to my fare skin. I let the vest slide down my arms and drop to the floor. I watched as his eyes moved from mine to my breasts that were spilling out over the top of the fine soft fabric of my bra. I ran my fingertips down my throat, across my breasts, down my belly and to my waist. With my middle fingers I gently traced the waistband of my cashmere slacks around to the zipper in the back. Slowly I lowered the zipper, knowing full well that Kevin was watching as I revealed the back of my matching black lace thong. Slowly, teasingly I lowered my pants, removing my shoes in the process. Howie licked his lips and nodded slowly.

I lowered myself to my knees before Howie and ran my hands up his thighs. He shifted slightly beneath my touch and I looked up at him and smiled. My hands continued up his stomach and across his firm chest. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it back on his shoulders, revealing a sprinkling of fine dark hair on his darkly tanned skin. I traced my fingers down his chest, making slow circles around his erect nipples and then traced the trail of hair that ran down his stomach and into his pants. I spread his legs gently and moved in closer. I ran the tip of my chin up one of his thighs and softly nuzzled his crotch, smiling to myself as I knew that drove men crazy. He moaned softly as I ran my mouth across the growing erection beneath the thin fabric. Still nuzzling the hardness, I carefully unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. I sat back on my heels and again smiled slightly up at him. He returned the smile and began pushing his pants and boxers down. I helped him out of his pants and again ran my hands up his thighs. Again I ran the tip of my chin up one of his thighs and softly nuzzled his crotch. His hands fell down and he placed them on my shoulders.

I ran the tip of my nose up the length of his erection, my hot breath trailing behind. He moaned again as I took him into my hand and squeezed gently. I kissed the end of his cock, looked up at him and seductively licked the pre-cum from my lips. I bent my head down and took just the tip of him into my mouth, rolling my tongue around it in quick hard circles. His grip on my shoulders tightened and I knew he was enjoying the sensation. Slowly I took his full length in my mouth and into my throat, glad that I had been blessed with a slow gag reflex. He sat up a bit, surprised that I had taken his entire length in so easily. I began to move my mouth up and down, allowing him to slid in and out of my hot mouth. My hand grasped the base of his cock and I squeezed with each stroke of my lips. I took him out of my mouth and ran my mouth up and down the bottom of his cock, looking up to see a total look of bliss spread across his face. With a few firm pumps with my hand, he came, exploding with a force that brought him up and off the love seat in a violent spasm. I looked up at him and with a satisfied smile got up.

Kevin sat on the edge of his love seat watching intently. When I walked over to stand before him, he sat back and stared at me intensely. I had planned on giving him the same treatment I had given Howie, but Kevin had other plans.

“Take off your bra” he said in a deep, low voice. I complied, unfastening it and holding it in place while I slipped the straps down off of my shoulders. Our eyes locked, I let the bra fall to the floor.

“Now the panties” he said, never having taken his eyes from mine. Again, I complied and slowly slid them down and stepped out of them. The intensity of his stare was uneasing, yet exhilarating and I could only imagine what was going through his mind as he leaned forward and grabbed my hips. He pulled me onto his lap to straddle him, pressing my hips down firmly so that my crotch met his. He ran a hand up my bare back and into my hair. Gently he wrapped my hair around his hand and making a fist, took firm hold of it. He pulled me to him and I thought he was going to kiss me. I parted me lips slightly and closed my eyes, waiting for his lips to meet mine. Instead, he yanked my head back and roughly kissed my neck. I gasped in surprise and then moaned in pleasure as his mouth hungrily devoured my throat, shoulders and neck.

He stood up, taking me with him, my legs wrapped around his waist, his arms around mine. He walked from the room, through two large double doors and into the bedroom of the suite. I looked back to see Howie following, his eyes determined, his jaw set. Kevin laid me on the bed and I stretched out my naked body to its fullest length invitingly. He quickly removed his shirt, grabbed my ankles and flipped me over onto my stomach. My hair covering my face I could not see what he was doing, but I could tell by listening that he was undressing.

Howie laid down on his side on the bed beside me and propped his head up with one hand. With the other he gently brushed the hair from my face and traced his thumb across my lower lip. He looked up at Kevin who had moved onto the bed, straddling my ankles. I studied Howie’s eyes as he looked at Kevin and I noticed that they were filled with a mixture of respect and longing.

Kevin bent down and kissed the backs of my knees, his whiskers tickling the sensitive flesh there. He kissed his way up my thighs, up my buttocks to the small of my back. He spread my legs with his and kneeled between them as his kisses continued up my back and to my shoulders. As his kisses reached my ear he spread my legs wider with his and in an unexpected motion, he lowered the weight of his body onto me, moving his hand down between his legs and guiding his now erect cock into me.

I raised my hips a bit to meet his hardness, allowing him to easily glide into my wetness. I was shocked by his actions, but the intensity of my entire encounter with Kevin up to that point had been unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Laying on my stomach, Kevin’s full weight upon me I could move only my arms as he began to move in and out of me. His breathing in my ear was heavy and laden with soft moans. I gasped as his thrusts became deeper and harder and I reached out to Howie for something to hold on to. Kevin’s thrusts were filling me with an intoxicating combination of pain and pleasure and I felt the first waves of orgasm wash through me. As I came, I cried out in ecstasy, grabbing Howie’s wrist and squeezing it tightly. He freed himself from my grasp and sat up next to us on the bed. I watched as he began to run his hands up and down Kevin’s back, his hands lightly gliding up and down Kevin’s sweat covered skin. Kevin’s pace quickened and I felt his hardness swell inside me. I knew he was near his climax and I raised my hips to meet each of his blows. He plunged into me one final time and I felt him pulsating deep within me. His body finally relaxed and I watched as Howie bent down, brushed Kevin’s hair aside and whispered something in his ear. Kevin looked at Howie with a hint of contempt and slowly rolled off of me.

I cried out in protest as he removed himself from my core. Howie bent down and kissed me softly on the lips, softly silencing my objections. Kevin pulled me up by my waist so that I was on my hands and knees. He moved in front of me and sat with me between his legs. He rested against the headboard and guided me onto my back so that my body was laying back against his in a sitting position. I let my head fall back to lay on Kevin’s shoulder as Howie ran his hands up my thighs, gently prompting me to open them for him.

Howie slowly and gently entered me and I moaned softly as he filled me. Although not quite a long as Kevin, Howie’s girth was much greater and he stretched me to the point of near painfulness as he entered me. Positioned on his knees, my legs and Kevin’s both draped over Howie’s as he began to slowly move in and out of me. Instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him into me while draping my arms around his neck and pulling his face to mine. He kissed me passionately as he continued his movements, slowly pulling himself completely out of me before forcefully plunging back in. With one arm still around Howie’s neck, my other went up and behind me, wrapping around Kevin’s neck in the same fashion. His hair was damp with sweat and his breathing was heavy as I pulled him closer to me. His mouth grazed my ear and he moaned softly as my fingernails gently dug into the flesh of his neck.

Howie began thrusting into me with a frenzied pace and I knew that he was nearing
orgasm. I pulled him into me, his face at my shoulder, his cheek pressed against Kevin’s cheek. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Howie drew back a bit, his eyes glazed over in passion as he stared at Kevin, who returned a look of passion like non I had ever seen before. My arms still wrapped around their necks, I gently guided them together. Howie exploded inside of me as their lips met, and as they began to kiss more passionately, their tongues exploring the others, I too was overcome with a fiery orgasm, the likes which I had never experienced before and never would again.

I remember little about the rest of the night, as I was emotionally and physically exhausted from the intensity of the events of the evening. I slept soundly in their bed, each of us unconsciously taking turns sleeping between two warm bodies. I awoke the next morning not surprised to find myself alone in the large bed. As I quietly dressed and gathered my things to leave, I heard faint noises coming from the bathroom. Curiosity always having been a weakness of mine, I quietly opened the door a mere crack and peeked in. I could see nothing but steam from the shower, but could distinctively hear the loud moans of Kevin and the unmistakable cries of ecstasy of Howie.

I left that morning satisfied beyond belief. I never could listen to a song of theirs, watch a video or even look at a picture of the two men without getting an itch that simply had to be scratched.

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