The Gift

Chapter 12

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"Lainie, do you like me at all?" AJ asked quietly.

"Why do you ask?" she replied, not really sure what to say. Did she like him? Well, she was attracted to him. That was for sure.

"I was just wondering. I mean, I think you're really hot and..."

"AJ," she said, interrupting, "saying that a girl is hot might work on the kind of girls you're used to, but not me."

"Sorry," AJ said, turning her face with his finger. "How about this? I think you're beautiful." He kissed her lips softly. "And I think you're sweet." He kissed her again. "And I think you're really funny." He kissed her once more. "And you turn me the hell on." He smiled. Lainie stared at him, wide eyed.

"Well... uh... ok," Lainie stammered. "I'm glad you... uh... wait, this isn't right."

"What's not right?" AJ asked. She could see him smiling in the firelight.

"This... You... me.. you know. What about Nick?"

"Nick and I had a talk today. Do you really have feelings for him? If you do, I'll leave you alone. But he said this was ok with him. Just so you know," AJ said, running his hand down her cheek. He brushed her hair out of her face as she considered his words.

Nick... had said it was ok with him? After what they had done that very afternoon? Nick had given AJ permission to... oh, this was just wrong. Way wrong. If Nick had given AJ permission to... oh man... that meant Nick really didn't care that much about her. She really was just another girl to him. Well if that just didn't beat all...

"Lainie," AJ said, snapping her out of her thoughts.


"Are you gonna answer me or not?" he said, grinning.

"I'm sorry. I forgot the question," Lainie replied, shaking her head a little.

"Do you like me at all?"

Lainie looked down and nodded. As much as the realization that Nick didn't care that much about her hurt, the attention she was getting was nice. She had never gotten attention like this in her life. AJ lifted her chin again and looked into her eyes. He lowered his lips to hers, giving her such a sweet kiss, she thought for a moment that she couldn't breathe. He ran his hand over her cheek, then to the back of her head. He tried to pull her close, but she braced herself against his chest with her hands. She could feel his firm body under his shirt. She ran her hands down his chest to his stomach without thinking. She could feel the definition of his muscles, and she felt a rush of excitement. AJ's tongue probed the inside of her mouth, and she could feel the slight tickle of his mustache. She giggled.

"What's so funny?" he asked, smiling.

"Nothing. Just giggling. Nervous, I guess," she said, looking down again.

"Stop looking away from me," he said, tilting her chin back up. "Lainie, I'm a very straightforward person. I guess you know that by now, right?"

"Um... yeah."

"I want you," he said. "I want to hear you scream my name."

Lainie's mouth dropped open. "I... uh... I don't know if I can.... I mean..."

"Stop talking," he said, covering her mouth with his own. His hands ran down her arms as he gently pressed her body down onto the couch. He kissed her neck, gently nipping at the soft flesh as he moved down. He pulled to collar of her t-shirt down and ran his tongue along her collarbone, sending a chill through her body. She sighed softly, and AJ smiled to himself. His hands grazed over her body, and he paused over her breasts. he rubbed her hardened nipple thought the thin cotton material of her shirt, and she bit her lip to stop herself from moaning. AJ pushed her shirt up slightly, revealing her stomach. He placed little kisses all over, stopping occasionally to lick her sweet, soft skin. She ran her fingers though his hair, not believing this was really happening. What a way to learn about... well, everything... As he worked his way up her body, she could feel his substantial erection pressing against her leg. She felt her face getting hot with desire. AJ slowly... ever so slowly... moved her shirt up over her breasts and sat back a little to stare at them.

"God you're beautiful," he whispered, his voice raspy with passion. He sat up on his knees and pulled his shirt off, throwing it to the floor. She looked up at him. His body was beautiful in the light of the fire. She could just make out his tattoos. He smiled down at her, then cupped her breasts in his hands, massaging them gently. Lainie closed her eyes. She couldn't bear to look at him. He was just too beautiful. Too much for her to handle. He had warned her at the movies that she wouldn't be able to handle him. How right he was... AJ bent his head and place little lick on each one of her nipples. She felt her groin begin to tingle, and she arched her back involuntarily. He took this as a sign to continue, and he fastened his lips over her nipple, sucking lightly. She could feel his teeth tenderly holding onto it, and his tongue rubbing... oh God... he really was the master... If he was this good at just sucking nipples... what the hell else was he the master of? She couldn't even imagine...

She ran her hands down his smooth back, then back up to his hair.

"AJ.. I..." she started to say. He stopped and looked up at her.

"You what, baby?" he said, kissing between her breasts, but never losing her eyes.

"I just... I don't want to lead you on... you know? I don't want to disappoint you," she said, suddenly very aware that he had been with so many girls who would never, ever stop him from doing this...

AJ smiled. "I know. I don't expect anything from you. Just let me make you feel good. Don't worry about anything else. I promise, you won't disappoint me."

Lainie took a deep breath and closed her eyes again. AJ resumed his activities. He licked and sucked her nipples like they were nectar from the gods. His hand went between her legs, and he rubbed through her shorts. She inhaled sharply.

"Let me kiss you down here," he said. Lainie didn't respond. He took that as acquiescence, and he moved down between her legs. He slid her shorts off and admired her totally naked body before him.

"Oh God," he chuckled, "I can't remember the last time I saw anybody so beautiful."

"I know you're just saying that to be nice," she laughed. "But it's a nice thought."

"I never say things I don't mean," AJ said, suddenly serious.

"OK," Lainie gulped. AJ flashed a sexy smirk and bent his head between her legs. Spread her legs and draped them over his shoulders. He placed kisses on her inner thighs, which made her legs twitch. He ran his fingers lightly over her stomach, then very, very lightly ran his tongue over her hot, wet, folds. She gasped at the gentleness of his touch. It was driving her crazy. He began to lap at her folds, truly showing her that he was the master... She bucked against his face, as he held onto her hips. He drove his tongue into her body as far as he could.

"OH GOD, AJ!" she cried, feeling the waves and waves of orgasm wash over her body. For a moment, she completely lost sense of who she was and what was happening. The whole world around her seemed to just disappear.

"That's what I wanted to hear," AJ said, breathlessly. He kissed his way back up her body as she lay panting beneath him.

"You're...oh my... you're incredible," Lainie gasped.

"Thank you," he murmured. "So are you." He kissed her lips softly, letting his fingers lightly travel over her body. She allowed him to touch wherever he wanted. She was completely and totally under his spell. She lightly rubbed his back as he settled into the couch beside her, taking in her body with his eyes. His hand ran down her stomach and between her legs. She parted them slightly, and he rubbed her delicate folds with his fingertips. He pressed his lips to hers once more and inserted a slender finger into her body. She moaned into his mouth as he began to move in and out. He tried to insert another finger, but she winced in pain, and he decided to stick with one. She rubbed his erection through his flannel pajama bottoms, but she wanted more. She wanted to feel his flesh. The hot, throbbing hardness... She gradually eased her hand inside the elastic waistband and grasped him in her hand. He let out a long sigh as she began to stroke him.

"Tell me if I'm doing this right," she whispered, self-consciously.

"Oh yeah. You're doing it right," he replied, closing his eyes. His began to work his finger inside her, rubbing her g-spot until she thought she would scream. She wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted him so badly. Her face was hot. Her body was hot. She didn't think she could stand it anymore.

"God I want you," she whispered.

"Nah... you're just horny," AJ laughed lightly. "When I do take you, it's not gonna be on a couch."


"No buts," he said, kissing her again. He did something with his finger that brought more waves of pleasure, and she soon found herself cumming in his hand.

"Oh... God..." she panted, thrusting her hips onto his hand.

"Glad you liked that," he laughed softly. "It only gets better from here, ya know?"

"If it got any better, I think it would kill me," she replied, momentarily unable to catch her breath. AJ laughed louder.

"Ok, your turn," Lainie said, sitting up.

"My turn?" he asked, as his eyebrows shot up.

"Yep. Your turn." She pulled him up to a sitting position and she knelt between his legs on the floor. "Now I'm pretty new at this, so if I'm not doing it right, let me know, ok?"

"Ok," he laughed. His laughs soon turned to gasps as she took him into her mouth and began to give him one of the most incredible blowjobs he had ever experienced. She moved her mouth up and down his shaft, sucking just right.

"Oh shit, Lainie! Who taught you to..." He couldn't finish his sentence. His head fell back and his mouth fell open. His fingers worked their way through her soft hair and he concentrated on ever motion of her tongue on his hardness.

"I'm about to cum," he rasped. To his surprise, she didn't pull away. Within a few seconds, he shot his load into her mouth. She swallowed with just a tiny bit of hesitation. AJ groaned and pulled her up to him. She straddled his lap, and he kissed her deeply, tasting himself on her tongue.

"You're amazing," he said, pulling her close. He rested his head against her chest, listening to her heart beat.

"So are you," she said, kissing the top of his head. "And you smell nice. What kind of cologne is that?"

"It's just me, I guess," he laughed.

"Wellllll......." Nick said, standing at the foot of the stairs. "What have we here?"

Lainie jumped up like a scalded cat. "Uh Nick... I didn't know you were awake," she said nervously.

"Obviously," he laughed. "You two put on quite a show."

"Care to join us?" AJ asked, laughing a little.

"Nah. Not right now," Nick said. Lainie couldn't tell if he was angry or not. He had an amused smile on his face, so he didn't appear too angry. He entered the living room and sat down on the chair across from them. Lainie's eyes searched the room for something to cover up with. Nick smiled and tossed her a throw blanket. She pulled it around herself.

"So... who's better?" he asked. "As if I really need to ask..."

Lainie stared at him silently for a few seconds. He really didn't care for her that much, or he would have been angry. She'd just think of this as a little learning experience and have fun with it.

"That's not a fair question," she replied.

"Why is it not fair?" Nick asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Because. You're two completely different people with different styles, and damn, I only have the two of you to compare. It's not fair."

Nick nodded. "Well, ok then. So, what are we gonna do now? Roast marshmallows or something," he laughed.

"Sounds good to me," AJ said, walking naked to the kitchen. "Hey Lainie, where are the marshmallows?"

"You'll never find them in the dark. Besides, marshmallows are gross," she replied, pulling the blanket tighter around her body. Nick stared at her with a peculiar smile on his lips.

"You're really beautiful in the firelight. Did you know that?" he asked quietly.

She looked down, suddenly very shy. It was embarrassing that he had seen... He had seen what AJ had done to her...

"AJ would never appreciate you like I would, you know," he mused. "He's a great guy, but he'll never take anything seriously."

Lainie nodded. She figured as much. Learning experience, learning experience. That was becoming her mantra. She wished Nick would stop staring at her like that. It was making her nervous.

"Found 'em!" AJ yelled from the kitchen. "Where are the coat hangers?"

"In the closet, you moron!" Nick yelled back. "Where the hell else would you expect to find coat hangers? Sheesh!"

Nick moved over beside Lainie and put his arm around her. "You know, I told him he could try to be with you. I didn't think you'd go for it, but... well... did you like him?"

Lainie felt butterflies in her stomach again. She couldn't answer Nick's question. It was just too... personal.

"Let's talk about something else," she said, staring at the fire. Orange and red flames licking the wood . She could feel the heat of the fire all the way on the couch. Or was it just the heat from Nick's body? It was hard to tell.

"Tell me..." Nick whispered, his lips grazing her ear. "Did you like him?"

Lainie closed her eyes. "Yes," she whispered.

"More than me?" Nick's hand found her cheek, and he began to kiss her neck.

"No... well... I don't..." Nick's lips fastened to hers roughly, and their tongues fought for space in each other's mouth. Lainie let the blanket drop, and Nick cupped her hands around her breasts.

"Oh God, Lainie," he groaned. "I want you so much."

He laid her down on the couch and began to grind his pelvis against hers as they kissed. Nick moved down her stomach, and dove face first between her legs, lapping at her like she was a pot of honey. Lainie arched her back and gasped. She grasped the back of Nick's head, bringing him as close as possible to her. Very soon, she felt tiny kisses on her breasts. She opened her eyes slowly, and saw AJ's head bent over her, and he was licking her left nipple. He rolled her right nipple between his thumb and forefinger. She gasped. This was just... heaven... too much. AJ's hands roamed over her body as Nick's tongue tortured her swollen clit. Nick pushed her knees up as he plunged his tongue deep inside her body. AJ began to kiss her deeply, and she wrapped her arms around him. Within minutes, she found herself pushed over the edge, and she came, moaning into AJ's mouth. When her throbbing subsided, she pulled away from Nick's eager mouth and sat up weakly.

"I... I think I need to go to bed now," she said, shaking her head. She was completely overwhelmed with what had just happened, and she had to get away from both of them... immediately...

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