The Gift

Chapter 20

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Lainie and Brian held hands as they walked silently up the sidewalk. Both of them were grinning like idiots, but neither of them had any second thoughts about what they had just done. The snow was still falling, and it was heavy and thick on the grass. Brian casually bent down and picked up a handful, tossing it lightly at Lainie. It struck her on the shoulder and splattered in her face.

"Oh you!" she yelled, grabbing up two handfuls and launching them at Brian, who was now running across the yard. One snowball hit him on the leg, and the other hit him right on the side of his face.

"Ooowwww! Extra points! You got it in my ear!" Brian laughed, holding the side of his head. Lainie walked over to make sure he was alright, and he tackled her, pushing her down onto her back in the snow. He stared down at her for a minute, a huge smile on his face.

"You're so beautiful," he said. "My wife... Oh man, I have a wife."

"And I have a... husband. That sounds so weird," she laughed. Brian kissed her softly.

"I love you, Lainie Littrell," he said, still smiling.

"You know, my name sounds like a porn star name," she said, wrinkling her nose. "But I guess it'll grow on me."

"It better!" he exclaimed. "You're gonna have it for an awfully long time."

Lainie nodded and smiled. "Can we go inside now," she asked. "My ass is freezing."

"Oh. Yeah," he said, helping her up. They walked hand in hand up the steps to the porch and Lainie opened the door.

"Wait! Let me carry you over the threshold," Brian said, scooping her up in his arms.

"Whoa there, big fella. Don't hurt your back or get a hernia," she laughed, hugging him around the neck.

Brian carried her inside and put her down. He turned her to face him and kissed her again, this time much more urgently. As he kissed her, she unzipped his coat and slid it off his shoulders. She ran her fingers through his soft strawberry blonde hair, as his own hands removed her coat and threw it to the floor.

"Are you nervous?" he asked quietly, his eyes sparkling.

"A little," she said, swallowing hard.

"I won't hurt you. I promise," he whispered into her hair. "I would never, ever hurt you."

"I know. I trust you," Lainie whispered, running her hands under his shirt.

"Whooo!" he exclaimed. "Cold hands."

"Sorry," she giggled, removing her hands.

"Hey, do you have any champagne?" he asked, smiling brightly.

"Edward had a wine cellar downstairs. I've only seen it once, but there's a bunch of stuff down there. Let's go check." She grabbed his hand and two flashlights, and they made their way down the dark, creaky stairs into the basement.

"Ok, little spooky down here," Brian said, holding onto the back of Lainie's shirt. She turned on her flashlight and illuminated the room. There were hundreds of bottles in the wine racks. It was freezing down there, so all the bottles were pretty well chilled already.

"If we can't find what we're looking for down here, then it doesn't exist," Lainie laughed. They began to go through all the bottles looking for the perfect vintage.

"Hey, I think I found it," Brian said, holding up a dusty bottle. "Dom Perignon, 1991. How does that sound?"

"You're the boss," she said, laughing. "I've never had Dom Perignon, so I have no idea."

Brian looked at her and tilted his head. "You've never really been out in the world, have you?"

"Well, except for going to college in Mobile, no," she answered, looking down. "I mean, I've been to Florida, Texas, Georgia, you know... southern places. But that's about it."

Brian walked over and hugged her. He lifted her chin and smiled. "I'm going to show you the best things in life, Lainie Littrell. I promise you that. I'm gonna to take you to Paris, London, Rome, Alaska, anywhere you wanna go."

Lainie smiled. "Ok," she said. It was all she could think of to say.

"Come on," he said, taking her hand. They went back up the stairs and Brian popped the cork on the champagne. He poured each of them a glass.

"To us," he said, clinking his glass against hers. They each drank their champagne, and Lainie closed her eyes.

"This is wonderful stuff," she said. "But I think I'm gonna need another glass."

"No problem," Brian said, pouring another glass for her. He went to stoke up the fire again, and Lainie stood beside him, warming her hands. Brian put down the poker and ran upstairs.

"Where are you going?" she called after him.

"I'll be right back!" he yelled back down to her. He returned a few minutes later with the goosedown comforter off of Lainie's bed. He spread it out on the floor and sat down on it. He looked up at her and smiled. He held out his hands to her, and she took them. He gently pulled her down on top of him as he laid back on the comforter. Lainie kissed him softly and grasped his hands over his head.

"I think the champagne's going to my head," she giggled. Brian quickly rolled over on top of her and kissed her forcefully. His kiss took her breath away. Lainie allowed his hands to roam over her body. She was his wife. She smiled to herself. His wife... She was married to the most beautiful, wonderful man in the world. Brian's fingers found the buttons on her shirt, and with each one he opened, he placed a little kiss on her chest. She looked down at the top of his head, adn she just had to touch his hair. His sweet, strawberry blonde hair. She hoped their children had that hair... Thieir CHILDREN... wow... what a thought... Brian unfastened the last button and peeled her shirt away, revealing more of her flesh than he had ever seen before. He kissed her stomach, his lips lingering on the silky soft flesh. He hugged her waist and rested his cheek on her stomach for a few seconds, his eyes closed. This was as close to heaven as he could imagine. She was pure. Untouched. Hekissed his way back up to her chest. Luckily, she was wearing a front fastening bra. He unsnapped it, and it fell away, leaving her breasts exposed. She finished removing both the shirt and bra, then laid back down on the comforter before him. He placed gentle kisses over them, pausing long enough to flick his tongue over her hardened nipples. She gasped as he fastened his hot mouth over one of her nipples and began to suck lightly. She grasped his shoulders and closed her eyes. This was like nothing else she had ever experienced. There was nothing naughty or wrong about this. She felt no apprehension, as she had with Nick and AJ. Brian's mouth moved to her other breast, as he teased her nipple with his teeth. He sat up on his knees briefly and looked down at her. Lainie sat up and ran her hands under his shirt, slipping over his head. She placed kisses on his firm stomach, relishing the salty sweet taste of his skin. She ran her tongue around his belly button, and he giggled a little, his muscles clenching unconsciously. She unfastened his jeans and slid them down over his hips. He laid her back down and pulled his jeans off the rest of the way. He pulled her's off also, leaving her clad in only her panties. In the firelight, he could see the passion and desire in her eyes. Not a glimmer of fear. He bent down and placed his fingers inside the elastic waistband of her panties, slowly easing them down. He sat up again, admiring her naked body. He took a deep breath. He had never seen a woman more beautiful than his wife. He parted her legs and placed sweet, soft kisses up her inner thigh. Lainie's breathing became more rapid as he neared her core. He ran his tongue ever so lightly along the outer layer of her folds, and her back arched involuntarily. She ached for more. Brian felt her need, and he plunged his tongue into her, lapping her sweet nectar. He gently sucked her swollen nub, holding it between his teeth and flicking it with his tongue, until Lainie thought she would scream. And she could scream if she wanted, because there was no one to hear her except her husband... her... husband.

"Brian," she gasped. "Please. I want you." Brian ceased his torturous lashing and moved up her body. Lainie reached down and removed his boxers, leaving him completely naked in front of her. She smiled as she took inventory of Brian's body. Beautiful. Firm. Lean. Muscular. Perfect. He kissed her deeply, laying her back down onto the comforter. His hot body pressed against her own, and they seemed to fit together perfectly. He positioned himself outside her opening, and looked into her eyes. She stared up at him, suddenly afraid.

"It's ok, baby," he whispered. "It's ok."

Lainie nodded and kissed him softly. He eased himself into her tight walls, going slowly as not to cause her any unnecessary pain. She felt as though she was being split in two. It was the strangest feeling she had ever experienced. She was allowing another person to occupy her body. She was one with Brian. She felt such love for him at that moment. Lainie gasped and closed her eyes.

"No," he whispered. "Look at me." She opened her eyes and looked into Brian's beautiful face, as he began to thrust in and out of her body. Gradually, the pain subsided, and she was filled with an incredible feeling of rapture. She allowed her body to take over, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him into her further. She could feel his hard cock sliding in and out of her body, and it was almost more than she could take. She wanted him to totally possess her body. She wanted him closer, deeper.

"Harder," she rasped. Brian smiled slightly, but did as she asked. He increased the intensity of his lovemaking, and Lainie gasped, grasping his shoulders. Her nails dug into his soft skin and her back arched as she reached the crowning glory of their passion.

"Brian!" she moaned, as her legs trembled and her walls contracted around his hardness. He threw his head back and groaned as he came into her body. Long, hot, throbbing spasms wracked his body. When the pulsing stopped, Brian lay down on top of her, not yet removing himself from her body. He wanted to be inside her as long as possible.

"I love you," he whispered. "Thank you."

"Thank you? For what?" Lainie asked quietly, playing with his hair as her own heartbeat began to slow.

"For giving yourself to me," he said.

"You're my husband," she said. "And yes, I'm glad I waited for you."

They lay in front of the fire all night, wrapped in each other's embrace and wrapped up in the comforter. They talked about their lives and what they would be like together.

"Let's make a promise," he said, kissing her forehead, "Let's promise that we'll never, ever spend a night away from each other."

"Sounds good to me," she said, hugging him tightly. She loved the feeling of warmth his body was giving off. His soft, naked body just begged to be kissed, so she did. She kissed his chest and ran her finger down the long scar that marred his flesh.

"What's this?" she asked. Brian proceeded to tell her about his heart surgery.

"I'm actually pretty self conscious about that scar," he said, plaing his hand over it.

"There's no need to be," she said, moving his hand gently. "I love you. All of you. I think you're the most incredible, beautiful man I've ever met in my life."

"Gosh, we have so much stuff to talk about," he said, laughing.

"Like what?"

"Well... like how many kids do you want?"

"Oh, I don't know. Three? How does that sound?" she replied.

"Sounds great. I was thinking four, but I can live with three."

"Well, we'll see," she laughed. Her fingers trailed down his hard stomach, and she ran her finger around his belly button. "Do you know you have the cutest belly button I've ever seen in my life?"

Brian laughed. "Do I?"

"Yep. It's perfect. It's just so... round," Lainie said, sitting up to admire it. She leaned down and ran her tongue around his belly button, feeling the soft fuzz of his stomach on her lips. Brian giggled.

"That tickles," he said, gently pushing her head back.

"Ahhhh so I find out something new. Brian is ticklish," she said, running her fingernails up his sides. He jumped and laughed.

"Stop!" he cried.

"Ohhh he's verrrry ticklish," Lainie giggled. "Ok, I'll stop. For now." She lay back down beside him and he put his arms around her again.

"This is gonna be a fun adventure," he said quietly.

"What is?"

"Learning as we go. Learning about each other. What we like and what we don't."

"I guess the most important thing is that we know we were made for each other, huh?" she said, kissing his chest.

"Yep. We were."
"Lainie!" Brian called from the bottom of the stairs. "Are you ready, baby?"

"Just give me a minute. I'm making sure everything's unplugged," she called down to him.

"We're gonna be late," he said, urging her to hurry. Their chartered plane was scheduled to depart from the little Eufaula airport in less than an hour.

"Brian," Lainie said, sticking her head over the rail and looking down at him., "John Blount will wait for us. I promise. I've known him since I was born. He's not gonna leave without us."

"I know, I know. I just wanna hurry and get back to Orlando. I can't wait to tell the guys," he said, smiling up at her.

"Yeah, me too," Lainie said. But the truth be told, she was very nervous. She wasn't sure how Nick was going to react. Or AJ. She wasn't quite as worried about AJ, but she knew Nick's reaction might not be what Brian was hoping for. She closed her suitcase and dragged it thumping down the stairs.

"Oh, let me get that," Brian said, running up and grabbing the suitcase from her. She kissed his cheek and smiled.

"You're so sweet," she said.

"I know," he said, smiling a cheesy grin.

The trip to Orlando was marred by bad weather and turbulence. Lainie clung to Brian's arm and he to hers. Neither of them were big fans of flying in the first place. The plane dipped and bounced along, and Lainie had never been so glad to get back on the ground in her life.

As they walked through the terminal, Lainie got her first taste of what it was like to be married to a famous person. First one girl screamed, then another, then a herd of them came running.

"Oh my God," Lainie muttered, clinging to Brian's arm. "What do we do?"

"Well, my suggestion would be.. run," Brian laughed, grabbing her hand and heading for the exit. There was a limo waiting for them and they hopped right in. The girls chased them out, and began pounding on the windows and screaming at them.

"Brian I love you"
"Brian please give me a hug!"
"Brian marry me!"

Lainie held his hand tightly as the driver pulled away from the curb and the girls continued to chase them.

"Is it always like this?" she asked.

"Yep. You'll get used to it," he said, laughing lightly. Lainie wasn't so sure.

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