The Gift

Chapter 23

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Lainie strolled through the mall alone,  window shopping to her heart's content. It was nice to have some peace and quiet for awhile. Brian had been in a foul mood for the past few days, and he had been listening to really loud music around the house. He was obviously stressing because Nick wasn't speaking to him. Lainie hadn't realized how much Nick meant to Brian. Maybe she'd see if she could find something to make Brian feel better. She smiled inwardly as she walked into Victoria's Secret. AJ had told her she needed to check out this place. She had always felt weird even coming in, let alone buying anything here. As she thumbed through the racks of silk and satin nighties and lace outfits, she laughed. Yeah right. Like she would ever feel comfortable in anything like this. But... if it would make Brian smile again, she'd do it. She loved him so much, and she hated to see him so unhappy. She picked up a deep green silk nightgown with gold trim. She held it up to herself, and realized it was very short... It came more halfway up her thighs. She glanced at the price tag. $84.00. Holy cow! But... she had to remember that she actually HAD the money now. She could afford to spend a little on herself occasionally.  She took a deep breath. Hmmm... maybe she could wear it. She found the matching panties and went up to the counter to pay for it. The salesgirl smiled brightly as Lainie took out her new platinum credit card.

"Thank you, Ms. Littrell," the girl said, handing her the bag containing her new nightgown.

Ms. Littrell... boy that still sounded so strange. Lainie walked out of the store and went into the Nature Company to check out some serenity CD's. Maybe that would calm Brian's nerves. As she stood in front of the wall of cds, she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and looked up into Nick's blue eyes.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Hey yourself," she said, shrugging off his hand. He looked away and chewed the inside of his cheek.

"So is Brian still pissed at me?" he asked, still not looking directly at her.

"Why don't you ask Brian?" Lainie replied frankly.

"Are you pissed at me?" Nick asked, finally looking at her.  Lainie hesitated before answering.

"No. I'm not pissed at you. I'm just... disappointed, I guess. I was hoping it wouldn't be this hard."

"I know. I'm sorry, Lainie. I really am. I just wanted you to..." Nick stopped in mid-sentence. He couldn't finish that thought.

Lainie cocked her head to one side and narrowed her eyes at him. "You wanted me to what?"

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head. "Just forget it." He started to walk away, but Lainie caught his arm.

"Nick, call him," Lainie said quietly. "He misses you."

Nick nodded. "I miss him, too."
Lainie and Nick walked through the mall together, Nick carrying all of Lainie's bags.

"My gosh, I don't think I've ever bought this much stuff at one time in my whole life," Lainie laughed. "You'd think I was Christmas shopping. I'm glad I have you to use as a pack mule."

"Is it all for you?" Nick questioned, peeking into one of the bags.

"Noooo. Actually, most of it's for Brian. He needs some new shirts. I can't stand some of that stuff in his closet. I mean, who the HECK picked out that godawful zebra striped atrocity that he wore on the Today Show a few months back?" Lainie giggled.

"Ex-girlfriend, I believe," Nick answered, a smirk on his face.

"Ahhh figures. I think the stuff I got him is much more him. I stopped by Abercrombie & Fitch and The Gap and picked him up some stuff. Now if I could just get him to wear pants that fit like they're supposed to," she said, shaking her head.

"Good luck on that one," Nick laughed. "He's self-conscious about his skinny legs."

"He does have little bird legs, doesn't he," Lainie giggled.

"Hey, you said it, not me!"

"But I love those little bird legs," Lainie said, grinning. Nick rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Let's not talk about that, ok?" he asked, exasperated. "It's hard enough for me to think of you two together. Just hearing you talk about him makes it ten times worse. It nauseates me."

"What is your problem, Carter?" Lainie said, stopping in her tracks. "I mean, you act like he stole me from you or something. I was never yours to begin with. You never expressed any interest in me except sexually. I mean, you even told AJ he could have a go at me, for gosh sakes! You couldn't have cared THAT much about me."

"Lainie, I... "Nick started.

"No, forget it," Lainie spat bitterly. She grabbed her bags from him and stomped away, leaving him standing with his palms up and his mouth hanging open. Nick shook his head disgustedly and sat down at a table at the food court. He buried his face in his hands.

"Excuse me," a soft voice said. "Are you Nick Carter?"

"Right now, I wish to hell I wasn't, honey. But yeah. I'm Nick," he said, not looking up.  

"Oh, you look like you're having a bad day. I won't bother you," the sweet voice said.

"No, no. I'm fine," Nick said, taking a deep breath. He looked up into the sweetest eyes he had ever seen. Her long, dark curly hair  fell in a curtain down her back, and when she smiled, the whole room seemed to light up. He had no choice but to return her smile. It was impossible not to.

"I'm Wendy," the girl said.

"Hi Wendy. Wanna have a seat?" he asked, pushing out a chair with his foot.

"Really? I mean, I don't want to bother you," she said, obviously surprised by the invitation.

"No bother at all. In fact, I could use a little company right now I think," he said, smiling sadly.  "So, you're Wendy..."
Lainie drove her convertible Mercedes out of the parking lot and onto the interstate. She hadn't even wanted this car, but Brian had insisted that she give up the Camry. After all, it had over 100,000 miles on it, and he didn't want her breaking down on the side of the road somewhere. But, Lainie had to admit, the Mercedes was pretty awesome. It was deep champagne colored, and had soft taupe leather seats. She turned on the radio and put on her sunglasses as she drove down toward their home. With the top down, her hair was blowing in the breeze.  She wasn't a girly-girl who was afraid to get her hair messed up. She actually loved it. She popped in a Dave Matthews Band CD and cranked up the volume. Very soon, Crash Into Me came on, and she had a sudden flashback to her drive in the boonies with Nick. He had said that was their song... Lainie quickly took out that CD and threw it into the back seat. She replaced it with a Backstreet CD, and soon, the air was filled with the beautiful voice of her Brian singing I Want It That Way. She smiled. Much better...

When she reached the house, there was a strange car sitting out front. Lainie parked in the driveway behind the car and walked up to the front door. She walked inside quietly and listened. She could hear Brian talking to someone, and a woman laughing. Lainie's heart dropped. No... no.... She dropped her bags in the foyer and went into Brian's study. The woman was sitting in a high backed chair and Lainie couldn't see her.

"Hey baby!" Brian said, smiling brightly. "Guess who I brought to see you?" The chair turned around and Lainie realized it was Andi!

"Oh my GOD!" Lainie squealed, running to Andi and hugging her neck tightly. "I missed you, ya slut!"

"I know. I missed you, too, ho-bag," Andy laughed. They had such sweet nicknames for each other... "Laines, what have you done to your hair, woman? It's BLONDE."

"I know. It was Brian's idea. Do you like it?" Lainie said, still self-conscious about all of the changes Brian had made in her appearance.

"It looks awesome, sweetie. I mean that sincerely. And the new makeup is to die for," Andi said, holding Lainie's hands.

"Well, I'll leave you two hens to your gossip," Brian said, standing up. "I'm sure you've got some catching up to do."

Lainie stood and kissed him deeply. "I got you a bunch of stuff today," she said, smiling at him.

"Really? Is any of it made of leather with spikes?" Brian asked, a mischevious grin on his face.

"Noooo, but part of it's silk," Lainie said, winking at him.

"Ooooooh. Can't wait to see," he said, licking his lips.

"I got you some other stuff too. All those Abercrombie and Gap bags are yours," she said, gesturing to the pile of bags in the hall. Brian laughed.

"Ok, so I give you a makeover and you give me one. Is that how we're playing this little game?" he laughed.

"Umm, I didn't think of it that way, but yeah, I guess so," she replied, kissing along his chiseled jawline. "Did I ever tell you how much I love your jaw?"

"Noooo you haven't, but you can keep right on kissin'," he sighed, tilting his head to give her better access. She wrapped her arms around his waist and ran her lips lightly down the very edge of his sharp jaw, then kissed his lips.

"I love you," she murmured.

"God knows I love you," he replied, taking her face in his hands. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You don't ever have to concern yourself about that, Mr. Littrell, cause I ain't goin' nowhere," she said, resting her forehead against his and looking into his smiling blue eyes.

"You better not," he said, pinching her butt.

"Owww that hurt."

"Tough. Show me what else you bought," he said, raising an eyebrow. "You said something about silk, didn't ya?"

"Later," she replied. "I've gotta spend some time with Andi. Girl talk, ya know?"

"Ohhh yeah. Forgot about that. So whatcha wanna do tonight? Do you two wanna go to a movie or something?"

"I don't know. I'll ask her. I'd kinda like for her to get to know you, seeing that she's my best friend and all," Lainie laughed.

"Oh, ok. Well, you decide and just let me know."

"Ok, baby," she said, kissing him once more. She couldn't get enough of him. He was just delicious. He swatted her on the butt as he walked upstairs. Lainie went back into the den and flopped down on the couch across from Andi.

"So, tell me what's been going on in Eufaula," Lainie said, smiling brightly.

"Ohhh...let's see... well, your mama and daddy are doing great. Your mama's pansies are the prettiest things I've ever seen, and I just don't know how she gets them to grow so big. Hmmm... Oh, Jan and Jane Ann tried to spread it all over town that you got knocked up and that's why you are Brian got married so fast. I quickly put a stop to that rumor, seeing that I'm you doctor, and I'd know if you were pregnant. Oh, Chuck and his wife are doing great running the old folks home. I'm so glad you decided to turn Edward's house into a retirement home. That was such a sweet thing for you to do. I stop by once a week to check on the residents, and they all seem happy as little clams. Chip still asks about you every time I see him at WalMart. I guess that's about it."

Lainie and Andi talked for at least an hour about everything that had gone on since Lainie left. Lainie tried to explain how life had changed since she had been with Brian.

"It's so weird, And. It's like I'm a princess or something. He treats me like I'm his angel. It's just amazing," Lainie said, a dreamy smile on her face.

"So what have the fans said to you? Or, better yet, how have they treated you?" Andi asked, wrinkling her nose.

"Well, they've been ok. I've only gotten a few nasty notes taped to the door. But then again, I guess that's expected. Some of them have been nice, but a lot of the time, you can tell it's fake nice. For the most part, they ignore me when we're out. They just push right by me like I don't even exist so they can get to him. That part is kind of annoying, but you know... it just goes with the territory. By far, the good outweighs the bad."

"Well, have you decided what you're gonna do to occupy your time while he's being a Backstreet Boy and he's doing all that travelling?" Andi asked.

"Well, he isn't doing a lot of travelling right now, and he won't be for the next few months, but he does do a lot of stuff for the record company they started. He's producing and all that. I think I'm gonna get my license down here and get a nursing job. I was thinking maybe a children's hospital or something like that," Lainie said, smiling.

"You always did love the little one," Andi said, shaking her head. "Little tiny babies. Do you think you might wanna work in the NICU again?"

"I don't know if I can do it," Lainie said, her smile fading. "It's just so sad when the babies don't make it."

"I know. But you're so good with them. And you were so good with the parents, too," Andi said, taking a sip of her drink. "Hey, what are we doing tonight, anyway? I'm your guest. Entertain me."

"Well... if you put it that way," Lainie laughed. "What do you wanna do?"

"Bowl," Andi said, smiling. "I want to bowl. I haven't been to a decent bowling alley since you and I went to the one in Birmingham last year."

"Ooook. Bowling. You and Brian are gonna kick my ass. You realize that, right?" Lainie sighed. "Can't we do something like miniature golf?"

"Nope. Bowling," Andi replied, tossing her pale blonde hair over her shoulder. "And I refuse to be a third wheel. You'd better get me a date, woman."

"A date?" Lainie laughed. "I don't know anybody here except for Brian and the other guys."

"Well fix me up with a freakin' Backstreet Boy, ya moron. It's not like I'm gonna say 'eeeewwwww nooo!! I don't want to go out with a Backstreet Boy. They're grosssss!" Andi laughed.

Lainie thought for a moment. Nick was definitely OUT. Howie... not Andi's type at all. AJ... no freakin WAY, he'd drive Andi nuts. Kevin... hmmmm... Kevin... a definite possibility.

"OK, slutpuppy," Lainie laughed. "I'll see what I can do. You go get changed. And brush your hair, forgodsakes."

"Ahhh bite me," Andi laughed, running up the stairs. Lainie went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed beside Brian. He was sleeping peacefully.

"Baby," she whispered, "Andi wants to go bowling tonight."

"Hmmm... bowling... ok," Brian muttered. "You suck at bowling."

"I know. But she wants a date. Do you think Kevin might go with us?"

"I don't know. Call him and find out," Brian yawned. He rolled over on his side and draped his arm over her waist.

"But he's your cousin," Lainie said quietly. She really didn't fell comfortable calling Kevin yet. She just wasn't that close to any of the guys at this point except for AJ.

"He's yours too," Brian pointed out.

"Oh yeah. I forgot about that," Lainie said, sighing. She rolled off the bed and went down to Brian's office. She pushed Kevin's number on the speed dial and waited for an answer.

"Helllloooo," Kevin answered.

"Hey... uh... Kevin. This is Lainie," she said nervously.

"Hey sweetheart. What's up?" he said cheerfully.

"I was wondering if you had plans for tonight."

"Why? You asking me out on a date?" he laughed.

"Well... not exactly. My friend is in town..."

"Whooaaaaa... I do not do blind dates," Kevin said.

"No... you've met her," Lainie said. "It's my friend Andi. The doctor from back home."

"Ooooooh the hot blonde doc with the baby blue eyes?" Kevin asked. She could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yep. That's the one."

"Oh heck yeah. What time do you want me there?" he said, sounding suddenly enthused.

"About 6 or so?"

"Sounds good. Thanks, cuz," Kevin laughed. "Boy that sounds weird, doesn't it. You're my cousin. Brian's freakin' wife. That's just gonna take some getting used to."

"I know what you mean," Lainie muttered.
"Steeeeeeerrrrrriiiiiiiikkkkkeeeeeeee!" Brian yelled, as all of the pins fell down. He turned on his heel and strutted back over to the chairs, smiling proudly. "How many strikes in a row is that, my love?" he asked Lainie.

"Four, I believe," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Ohhhh and how many strikes has Mr. Richardson had?" Brian asked, smiling brightly.

"Two," Lainie answered.

"Shut up, jerk-off," Kevin said. "You have to be good at sports to compensate for your small penis."

"Ooooooh! That was low," Andi laughed. "But if penis size runs in the family, Brian's packin' some heat."

"Wow! Sharp tongued woman," Kevin said, putting his arm around Andi. "I like that. But how do you know how big my dick is?"

"Oh, how soon we forget," Andi laughed. "I saw ya naked at the hospital, remember?"

"Ohh yeah. I wanted to forget about that," Kevin said. "Hey thanks for that appendectomy thing. It was so pleasant. Can we do that again sometime?"

"Nope. Sorry," she replied. "That's a one time party. Can't be repeated."

"Damn. And I was hoping..." Kevin smiled at Andi and gave her shoulder a squeeze.

Lainie watched the two of them interact and she smiled to herself. Love match, it would appear. Lainie got up to bowl. As she approached the lane, she just closed her eyes and threw the ball.

"WHOO HOO!" Brian yelled. "You got a strike, baby!"

"I did? Oh man, I did!" Lainie exclaimed, jumping up and down. She returned to her seat as Andi got up to bowl. Just then a group of college age girls came over to their corner of the bowling alley.

"Excuse me," one of the said. "Could we get our picture taken with you?"

Kevin looked up and smiled. "Sure," he replied. "C'mon Brian. Get up."

"UGGGHHHH!" Brian moaned, as he got up out of the chair. "I'm gettin' old. No, wait. That's YOU, Kev. Not me. I'm still young and virile. You're the one gettin' old and decrepit."

"Yeah, yeah," Kevin muttered. The girls all gathered around them for the picture. One girl handed Lainie the camera.

"Would you take the picture for us?" the girl asked.

"Sure," Lainie said, trying to smile. Everywhere they went, they were interrupted. They couldn't go to WalMart without Brian having to sigh autographs. They couldn't go to Sonic without every waitress in the whole place coming by the car to look in at Brian. They couldn't even stop at a red light without somebody pointing at them. It was so annoying sometimes.

The girls all took their positions and placed kisses on the guys' cheeks, and Lainie snapped the picture. The girls all squealed, and one of them grabbed Brian around the neck and kissed him on the mouth.

"Hey, now," Brian said, pushing her back a little. "That's my wife over there."

"Ohhh," the girl said, sticking out her bottom lip. "Sorry. I just wanted a little kiss."

"It's ok. I just don't think the old ball and chain would like it too much, " Brian laughed. Lainie handed the camera back to the girl without smiling.

"Thanks!" the girls all said, their little voices chipper. After they finally left, Lainie sat down and crossed her arms. Brian and Kevin excused themselves to the bathroom, and Andi sat down beside Lainie.

"Laines, what's up?" Andi asked quietly. "Did those girls bother you?"

"She kissed him. My HUSBAND. She kissed my husband right on the lips," Lainie said quietly, seething.

"I know it must get on your nerves, honey, but it's gonna happen sometimes," Andi said, resting her head on Lainie's shoulder.

"I know, but I just don't think I'll ever get used to it," Lainie said. "He's MINE. But everybody treats him like he's community property. They come up to us in the mall, in restaraunts, in clubs, in CHURCH. I mean, can you believe people ask for autographs at church??"

"I'm sorry, sweetie. But it'll all die down someday," Andi said quietly. "Hey, let's go get a hotdog."

"Ok. Maybe that'll make me feel better," Lainie said, smiling a little.

Lainie and Andi went to the concession counter and ordered chili dogs with kraut, nachos, and a pitcher of beer. When they carried it back over to their booth, the guys laughed.

"My gosh! You girls hungry or something?" Kevin snickered.

"I'm always hungry," Andi replied, taking a huge bite of hot dog. Lainie poured a cup of beer and tore into her chili dog, too. The rest of the night was spent consuming large quantities of beer, nachos with cheese, and nitrite-filled processed meat products.
"Not tonight, baby," Lainie moaned. "I think I ate too many hot dogs or something. I feel so sick."

"I'm sorry," Brian said, rubbing her back. "Maybe it was the beer."


Lainie drifted off into a fitful sleep, only to wake up at 4am. She made a mad dash to the bathroom and threw up. The heaves didn't stop until she thought she would throw up her socks. She sat on the bathroom floor for awhile, a cool rag on her head. After she brushed her teeth, she crawled back into bed and snuggled in next to Brian.

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