The Gift

Alternate Chapter

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What MIGHT have happned the night Kevin came to visit Lainie

"This movie's stupid," Lainie complained, snatching the remote roughly out of his hand. "Let's watch something else."

"I like this movie," Kevin said, snatching the remote control back from her.

"Jerk," she muttered.

"Ohhh you're just being hormonal," Kevin said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"And you're being an asshole," she replied, her eyebrows arched high.  Kevin laughed and put his arm around her, pulling her close. She rested her head on his shoulder, and they watched Battlefield Earth, much to Lainie's chagrin. Somewhere around the middle of the movie, Lainie drifted off to sleep. In her dream, she was with Brian at the beach. They weren't doing anything. They were just sitting in the sand, watching the waves. In her dream, she was relaxing against Brian's warm body. She snuggled in closer to him and draped her arm over his stomach, resting her hand on his chest.

Kevin stared down at Lainie, who was sleeping against him. He couldn't help but notice when she put her hand on his chest and cuddled up to him. He felt a warm tingle of excitement, despite all efforts to quell the feeling. He thought carefully about what he should do. Hell, he knew what he should do. He should get up and leave. But he just couldn't make himself do it. She was so beautiful, and she looked like an angel sleeping there. He bent his head and gave her the softest kiss on her forehead. She smiled. He placed a warm hand on her cheek and stroked lightly with his thumb. Oh God, what was he doing? He sighed and put his hand back down into his lap. His lap... Oh shit... he was so hard he could drive a nail through a 2x4 with his dick. He shook his head. But he just couldn't stop himself. He just had to...

Kevin tilted Lainie's chin up slightly and placed a sweet, soft kiss on her lips. She slowly opened her eyes and blinked several times.

"Kevin..." she said quietly. "Did you just..."

"I'm sorry," he said, closing his eyes. "I really am. I just couldn't resist."

"It's ok," she said softly. "You're lonely. I know the feeling. Believe me."

Lainie pulled away from him and sat back against the arm of the couch. Kevin pulled her legs up into his lap, and they turned their attention back to the television. Lainie laid her hands on her stomach, feeling the baby move around. She giggled quietly.

"What's funny?" Kevin asked, looking at her curiously.

"The baby. He's moving all over the place. It just feel so weird," she replied. "Oowww. That was a strong one."

"Oh man. Can I feel? I've never felt a baby kicking before," Kevin asked. Lainie nodded and took his hand, placing it on her belly. The baby squirmed, and Kevin felt something brush against his hand.

"OH MAN! What the hell was that?" he exclaimed.

"I don't know. An elbow maybe? Or a foot. Who knows," Lainie laughed. "He's all over the place."

Kevin stared at her for a minute. Lainie's gaze caught his, and she suddenly felt a tingly feeling all over, like she was trapped in his emerald green eyes. They just looked at each other for a minute, then Kevin moved toward her. He gently pulled up her shirt and looked down at her swollen belly. He pulled her shorts down over her stomach, baring her stomach completely. Lainie watched him out of fascination and curiosity. He gently caressed her stomach, the placed a soft kiss on it. He rested his cheek against her skin. She slowly placed her hand on his head and ran her fingers though his long, dark hair. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"You're amazing," he said. "You really are. It just amazes me that women can do this. I mean, you're carrying another human being in your body. You have another life inside you. Pregnant women are so beautiful."

Lainie just smiled. It had been so long since she had been touched so sweetly. Brian hadn't made love to her in nearly two months. As soon as she started showing, he became turned off by her appearance. He never said so, but she could tell. She really didn't blame him, because she knew some men just weren't attracted to pregnant women. Apparently, Kevin wasn't one of those men.

Kevin kept his cheek resting on her stomach as his hand stroked her belly. His hand crept higher and higher with each stroke, barely grazing the bottom of her swollen breast. Lainie closed her eyes and felt her cheeks getting warm. She rested her head back on the pillow behind her and continued to play with Kevin's soft hair.

"You're beautiful, Lainie," Kevin whispered. "He's so lucky to have you."

Lainie didn't reply. She was concentrating on Kevin's hand, which was now teasing her sensitive nipple through her clothes. She took a deep breath. In her head, she knew he should stop, but she just didn't know how to say no. The attention felt so good. Kevin sat up and looked at her. She still had her eyes closed. She was afraid to look at him. She knew if she did, she might say something stupid. Like tell him to stop.

Kevin slowly began to unbutton the shirt Lainie was wearing. He pushed it off of her shoulder, and grazed his lips along her collar bone, then slowly up her neck. His lips found hers, and they kissed... awkwardly at first, as though it was the first kiss either had ever had. As soon as Lainie's hand found the back of Kevin's neck, the kiss became magical. Their lips parted, adn Kevin's tongue danced a slow sensuous dance with hers. One of his hands grasped the back of her neck lightly, and the other hand trailed fingers lightly over her body, sending shivers of pleasure thoughout her being. His hand found its way to her breast, and he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

"Ohh," she gasped softly, closing her eyes. Kevin pulled back for a moment and surveyed her body, his eyes drowsy with lust. Without a word, he effortlessly scooped her up into his arms and walked took her up to her bedroom. She put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. He laid her out on the massive king sized bed and crawled up onto the bed with her. Kneeling over her body, he pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing his beautiful, tanned chest, sparsely covered with black hair. So unlike Brian, she thought to herself, but that was the last thought of Brian she had. Kevin placed his hands on the bed on either side of her shoulders and bent to kiss her again. His kisses left her lips and travelled down to her chest. He reached behind her and unfastened her bra, then slowly removed it.

"You're perfect," he whispered, as he stared down at her body. He bent his head to kiss her nipples. He tasted them tentatively, almost as if he was afraid she was going to say no. Soon, his became more confident in his actions, and he cupped her full breasts in his hands, sucking them more forefully. Lainie gasped, and grasped his head, as her back arched. Kevin's mouth moved lower, as did his hands. He began to pull her shorts down slowly, looking into her eyes as he did. Very soon, she was completely naked, lying before him. His eyes roamed over her body. He ran his hands over her stomach once more, marvelling at the taut firmness of it... the lifeforce it held within it.

"So perfect..." he whispered again. "Let me worship you, Lainie." Lainie had to catch her breath after that last comment... no one had ever, ever said anything like that before. Kevin kissed his way down her stomach, and gently parted her legs. Lainie gasped as his hot tongue lapped at her wetness. It was as if he were trying to drink in her entire body in... the very essense of her being... His teeth found her sensitive, swollen clitoris, and he sucked it gently. Lainie could feel her legs beginning to shake from the sensation. She wrapped her legs around his shoulders and pulled him closer. His hands lightly caressed the outside of her thighs as he continued to devour her. His tongue tickled her sensitive perineum, and she sucked in a deep breath. She had never had that done before... She didn't even realize it was that sensitive...

"Please make love to me," Lainie whispered hoarsely, her voice barely audible. Kevin looked up at her for a moment.

"Are you sure?" he asked quietly. Lainie nodded. Kevin sat up on his knees and unbuttoned his shorts. He slowly pulled them down, along with the boxer briefs he wore, revealing his perfect stomach, then his perfectly hard cock. Lainie couldn't take her eyes off of it. It was... beautiful... just like the rest of him. Kevin crawled up her body and kissed her, as his hardness pressed against her opening. She wrapped her legs around him, and he entered her. She drew in another deep breath as her body stretched to accomadate him. He began a slow, steady rhythm as he continued to kiss her. He was careful not to put any pressure on her stomach at all. Kevin had never felt anything so tight in his life. He was having a hard time controlling himself. He wanted to go faster, to ram it home, but he didn't want to hurt her. Lainie could feel her orgasm building, but she didn't want it to be over. Kevin's lovemaking was so skilled and unlike anything she had ever experiece, and she wanted it to last as long as possible. But it was too late. She had gone too far. She grasped his shoulders, her nails digging into his soft, tanned flesh, and her neck arched as she let out a long moan.

"Ohhh Kevin..."

Kevin finally let himself go, and he released himself into her. His whole body tingled adn shuddered with each throb of his seemingly endless orgasm.

As they lay together under the soft down comforter, Kevin held Lainie in his strong arms.

"You know this was all a dream, right?" he asked, pressing his lips into her hair.

"But, unfortunately, it's a dream that won't be a recurring one, though," she said.

"I know," he sighed. "But I wish..." Then he woke...

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