The Gift

Chapter 8

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The next day, it was cold and rainy. The high temperature was only in the high 40's, which was very unusual for south Alabama in early fall. It had been in the 70's the day before. Lainie got up before Nick and AJ and went downstairs to do her morning yoga and meditation. She put on her Enya CD on the lowest volume she could and began her stretches. She sat on the floor, her legs spread wide, and her arms extended over her head. She breathed deeply as she leaned forward and pressed her body to the floor. She continued her yoga routine, oblivious to the fact that Nick was watching her the entire time. When she finished, she stood and took several more deep breaths, then turned and saw him.

"You startled me," she said, clasping her hand over her chest.

"Sorry," Nick said, grinning sheepishly. "You know, you look incredible doing that. Is that how you keep in shape?"

"Yep. Yoga is the most strenuous exercise I've ever done, but it never hurts and I don't have to do the stairmaster, which I hate."

"Can you teach me?" Nick asked.

"You… wanna do yoga?" Lainie laughed. "Somehow I just can't see you doing yoga."

"Please," he asked again. "I wanna get in shape. I'm tired of AJ calling me doughboy and all that."

"I know that feeling," Lainie said, wiping her forehead. "Ok, I'll teach you. Bur right now, I need to get a shower."

"Can I join you?" Nick asked, smirking. "I need one too."

Lainie actually considered it for a moment, but then shook her head. "I don’t think so."





"Pleaaassssseeeeee…" Nick whined. Lainie looked into those blue eyes, which were sparkling with mischief, and laughed. God he was so sexy. She knew she shouldn't but he was just so beautiful. And something about him told her she could trust him…

"Ok," she said quietly. She walked up the stairs, feeling butterflies going crazy in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't believe Nick was actually following her…

When they reached Lainie's room, Nick closed the door behind himself. He took Lainie by the shoulders and kissed her. He tastes like toothpaste, Lainie thought, smiling to herself.

"Are you sure you want this?" he whispered, smiling down at her.

"Uh, yeah. Well, I think so. I mean…" Lainie stammered.

"Lainie," he said, bending his head to kiss her neck, "whenever you want me to stop, just say so, ok? I won't be mad. I promise. But you don't know how bad I want you right now."

Lainie let her head fall back as Nick's lips trailed over her throat.

"Am I all sweaty?" she whispered, trying to think of something to say.

"Mmmm no," Nick moaned, licking up her throat.

"Good, because I'd hate to be all sweaty. That would be kinda gross…"

"Stop talking," Nick said, then ran his tongue up her chin and plunged it into her mouth. Lainie sucked gently on his tongue, eliciting a low moan from deep in his throat. His hands ran down her shoulders, then he pulled her shirt over her head. Lainie's heart began to race and she shivered. Nick broke their kiss, sucking her bottom lip as he pulled back. He kissed down her neck to her chest, softly cupping her breasts in his warm hands. Lainie sighed and gave into her urges. She ran her fingers through Nick's hair as he unfastened her bra and affixed his lips to one of her nipples.

"So sweet," he murmured, flicking his tongue over the sensitive skin of her nipple. She caught her breath and grasped the back of his head. She knew she should make him stop, but God his lips on her skin… She couldn't form the words. He grasped her waist and sank to his knees. His mouth moved down to her stomach, and he made little kisses all over. She watched him, unable to comprehend what she was actually seeing. Nick Carter… beautiful… blonde… Nick Carter was kissing her stomach. The stomach no man, besides her doctor, had ever seen before. His hands moved down over her hips, bringing her shorts down with them. Before she knew it, she was standing before him clad only in her panties. She could feel her knees begin to shake. Nick felt it too. He looked up at her, his eyes glazed.

"Should I stop?" he asked softly.

Lainie contemplated for a moment. If she ever wanted an out, this was it. Did she want him to stop or not. Yes, she knew he should stop. But no, she didn't want him to stop. She wanted to go just a little further. This felt so wonderful. She just couldn't let him stop now. She shook her head. Nick smiled up at her.

"You know what?" he said, standing up. He was a good six inches taller than she was, and it made her feel all squishy inside thinking about his broad shoulders and just the sheer size of him. It was almost like he was her protector or something.

"What?" she replied, looking up at him.

"We're going too fast here," he said. "Have you ever even seen a guy naked before?"

Lainie blushed and laughed. "Well, yeah. Lots of them. But only in a clinical setting. I'm a nurse, remember?"

"You know what I meant. So you've never seen a guy naked?"

"Well, if you put it in a sexual sense, no," she said, giggling in spite of herself.

Nick stepped back and pulled his shirt off. He stared at her for a moment, gauging her response. Lainie smiled and crossed her arms over her exposed breasts self-consciously.

"Uh-uh," Nick said, moving her arms back down to her sides. "You have beautiful boobs, and I wanna see them."

"Well ok…" Lainie laughed. Nick unbuttoned his baggy shorts and slowly took them down. He now stood before her completely naked. Lainie had to fight the urge to look away. His hardness was just… right THERE. It was almost embarrassing. Almost…

Nick moved to her and put his arms around her waist. His hard cock pressed against her body. It was hot and pulsing. Lainie couldn't believe this was happening.

"Well, now you've seen a naked man," Nick said, laughing softly. He kissed her again.
"You ready for that shower?"

"Uhh… yeah," Lainie said, swallowing hard. Nick led her into the bathroom, which luckily adjoined the bedroom. Once inside, he saw the huge garden tub and smiled.

"I'll tell you what. How about a bath instead?" he said, smirking at her.

"Umm ok," Lainie replied. Her nerves were shot. She was so terrified, she didn't know what on earth to do. Thunder was rumbling outside, low and menacing. She could hear the rain buffeting the side of the house, and the wind was picking up. Nick turned on the water and grabbed a bottle of Plumeria bubble bath, dumping a ton of it under the faucet.
He sat on the edge of the tub and pulled her to him by her hips. He placed little kisses onto her stomach as his fingers found the elastic of her panties. His lips moved lower as her panties moved lower. Lainie sucked in her breath and steadied herself by holding onto Nick's shoulders. Nick ran his tongue lightly through her soft pubic hair, and she felt her body melting.

"Oh…" she sighed, then took a deep breath. She closed her eyes as he placed little kisses all around her pelvic area. Her fingers dug into his hair softly

"You have no idea how bad I want you right now," he mumbled.

"Oh, I think I have an idea," Lainie laughed. If it was anywhere near as much as she wanted him, they were in deep trouble. Nick looked up and smiled. He turned off the water and got into the tub.

"Join me?" he asked, holding out his hand. She climbed in and sat between his legs. She rested her head back on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around her. She could feel his erection pressing against her back, but for some reason, it didn't bother her like it had before. She ran her nails up and down his legs and closed her eyes. She had never felt so close to another person in her life. Nick's hands trailed lightly over her stomach and breasts, and his fingers teased her already-hard nipples.

"This is just a day of firsts for me, I guess," Lainie laughed.


"Yep. Thanks, Nick. I really appreciate everything."

"Appreciate? You act like I'm doing you a favor," Nick said, kissing her shoulder. "Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm trying my damndest to seduce you. I'm not trying to do you any favors."

"You're doing a pretty good job," Lainie sighed, relaxing.

As they sat in the tub, the rain poured even harder. Lainie loved storms. She always had. They were comforting. Even when the wind and the thunder got loud, and most people were scared, Lainie was always excited by it. When the water began to cool, Lainie stood up.

"Time to get out. We're gonna be prunes," she said, laughing. She climbed out of the tub and wrapped a big, fluffy towel around herself. Nick got out too, and dried off with another towel. Lainie stood at the mirror and brushed the wet ends of her hair. Nick walked behind her and placed a kiss on her bare shoulder, then picked her up in his arms like a child.

"What are you doing?" she giggled.

"How many times to I have to tell you to stop talking?" Nick muttered, taking her back into the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and unwrapped the towel from her body. She stared up at him, and he could see apprehension in her eyes.

"Do you trust me?" he asked quietly. Lainie considered his question for only a brief second before nodding. "Good," he said. "Let me do something for you. I promise you'll like it. Well, at least I hope you'll like it. I'm not an expert or anything, but I think I'm pretty good at it…"

Lainie giggled. "What are you planning to do?"

"Stop talking, Lainie," he chastised lightly. Lainie tried not to smile as Nick knelt between her legs on the bed and looked down at her. She had to make herself not look at his erection. He kissed a trail down the center of her body, then spread her legs gently. His tongue teased around her wetness, then went in for the kill. Lainie gasped, as her stomach muscles clenched involuntarily.

"Oh God," she whispered. Nick used his fingers to gently part her folds, and he found her sensitive clit easily with his tongue. Lainie was in heaven. She had never felt anything like this in her life. Her legs began to shiver, and she grasped the back of his head lightly. He attached his mouth to her eager opening, and his tongue darted inside her tightness. Tighter than anything he had ever felt before… She was telling the truth. She really was a virgin. With slow, deliberate movements, Nick flicked his tongue over her nub several times, causing her to convulse with pleasure each time. Her face burned hot, and her groin was even hotter. Within a few minutes, she felt the tingle of an orgasm beginning to build, then overtake her body in waves and waves of climactic bliss. She cried out in pleasure, not even realizing that she was screaming. When her throbbing and pulsating stopped, Nick moved up and kissed her deeply, so that she could taste herself on his lips.

"You enjoyed that, I take it?" he asked, smiling.

"God yes," she said, still breathless. "Can we do that again sometime?"

"Whenever you want, sweet girl."

"But… what about you?" she asked, nodding to his huge, engorged cock.

"Don't worry about me," Nick laughed. "I can take care of that myself."

"Oh that's not fair!" Lainie exclaimed. "Teach me…"

"Teach you what?" Nick laughed again.

"Teach me how to…. you know… take care of that for you," she said, blushing. She couldn't believe the words coming out of her mouth. She could never imagine herself saying that to a man in her wildest dreams.

"Well," Nick said, surprised at her forwardness, "umm I guess I could…"

"Please," she said, smiling. "I really want to."

"Ok, ok, Twist my arm, why don't you?" he laughed. "So… how do you wanna take care of it?"

"What do you mean?" Lainie asked, genuinely confused.

Nick laughed uncomfortably. This was going to be harder than he thought. "Do you want to… use your mouth? Or your hand? Or… you know…"

"Whatever's easiest," she said, laughing. "Remember, I'm a total novice here."

"Ok, hand it is," Nick said quickly. He was actually relieved. This would be the easiest thing for all parties involved. He had no idea why he was being so shy with this girl. It's not like he hadn't been with tons of women before. Granted, no virgins, or anyone as inexperienced as Lainie, but still… He took her hand and placed it on himself. The sensation of her warm, silky hand on his cock made him catch his breath.

"Ok, now you just move your hand up and down… no… not like that… yeah… oh yeah… much better…not so hard… yeah… that' s perfect…" Nick sat back and let Lainie take over on her own. She couldn't believe what she was doing… and to NICK CARTER. It was just so surreal. Like something out of a kinky Lewis Carroll book. She continued to stroke him just like he showed her. Her arm was getting tired. She was getting tired. She wanted him to be finished, but she was just so fascinated by the whole thing. His penis was truly something to behold. It was gigantic. She knew this, even if she hadn't seen too many of them actually erect. Nick was truly blessed in that department. His skin felt like hot silk under her hand. And she was awed by the way it could move by itself… how did he do that? Was it some special muscle? Did he have control over it? She shook her head. She had so many questions, but it didn't seem that now as the right time to ask.

"Is there something I could do to make this… um… better for you?" she asked quietly.

"Put your mouth on it," Nick said, trying to catch his breath.

"Ok, But now I'm really going into uncharted waters her. Bear with me, please. And please, GOD, tell me if I'm not doing it right," she laughed. She lowered her head and took him into her mouth while continuing to stroke. She was careful not to use her teeth. She remembered that much from the Penthouse magazine that she had found in her daddy's closet when she was a kid. No teeth. Teeth bad. She began to move her mouth up and down over his hard shaft, sucking lightly each time she got to the head. Nick groaned and pressed his head back into the pillow. She wished he'd tell her if she was doing it right or not. This was a little intimidating… Within just a few seconds, Nick's hands pushed her head back, and he came, spurting hot cum all over her hand and his stomach. She watched in fascination, continuing to stroke lightly until the last spurt came. She stared at the gunk on her hand, then gingerly brought one of her fingers to her tongue to taste it. Nick watched in amazement. She smiled.

"Not too bad," she said, shrugging. "Not what I expected, but not too bad."

She wiped her hand off on the towel, then cleaned his stomach. She crawled on top of his naked, hot body and laid down on his chest. He brought his arms up around her and kissed the top of her head.

"Baby that was awesome," he said, his eyes closed. "I mean… are you sure you've never done that before."

"Never even touched a penis before except to put a catheter in it or swab it for VD," she said, laughing.

"That's a nice thought," he said, cringing.

"Sorry," she giggled. "So what now?"

"What do you mean, what now?"

"What are we gonna do now? Today. You know? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?" she asked, kissing his shoulder. She played with the fine layer of blonde fuzz on his chest.

"I don't know," Nick said absentmindedly. "Maybe we could just lay here naked and listen to the rain all day."

"Well, that sounds pretty good to me, but what about AJ?"

"You want AJ to come in here?" Nick laughed.

"No, doofus. What are we going to do about AJ?"

"He can find something to do, I'm sure." Nick said, stroking her shoulder. "Besides, he'll understand. He's spent many a day naked in bed with a hot girl. Believe me."

"I'm sure he has. What about you? You ever spent a day naked in bed with a hot girl?"

"Just you," Nick said.

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