The Gift

Chapter 9

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AJ lay on the bed, covering his head with a pillow to drown out Lainie's cries of ecstasy. He hummed a little tune to help. It didn't work. He could still hear everything. Damn Nick, what are you doing to her? AJ thought, rolling his eyes.  Finally, the cries died down. AJ got up and went to the shower, making short work of his hard-on. After he got out, he rubbed the towel over his hair, not even bothering to comb it down after he finished. He put on plaid flannel pajama bottoms, but neglected to put on a shirt. Today was going to be a lounging-in-pjs day, he could tell. He went to Lainie's bedroom door and knocked.

"Go away," Nick yelled, hugging Lainie tighter.

"Cover up. I'm comin' in," AJ called back. He counted to five, then walked in. "You know, you really should lock that door."

"What do you want," Nick laughed.

"I'm bored," AJ sighed, falling down on the bed and landing on his back. He stared up at the ceiling, trying to forget that they were both naked under the covers.

Lainie snuggled up closer to Nick, wrapping her arms around him under the warm down comforter. She ran her nails lightly over his stomach and he let out a contented sigh.

"So...." AJ said, rolling up on his side and propping his head up on this hand, "what have you two bunnies been up to?"

"Bunnies?" Lainie laughed.

"Yep. Fucking like rabbits, right?" he said, winking at her.

"Don't wink. That's Howie's thing," Nick said, "And no. We haven't been fucking like rabbits, as if it would be your business if we had."

"What the hell were you doing then?" AJ asked, wrinkling his nose.

"None of your damned business," Nick laughed.

"Oh come on. Everything's my business," AJ said, grabbing Lainie's foot through the blanket.

"Nope. Not telling," Nick said, smirking. He kissed Lainie's head and pulled her even closer. She felt warm, and she fit perfectly in his arms. Like she was meant to be there.

"Lainie, I know you'll tell me," AJ chided, shaking her foot a little.

"Nah," Lainie replied, closing her eyes. She was getting sleepy from the sound of the rain and from sheer exhaustion from her encounter with Nick.

"Come on... give me some jerk-off imagery here... I'm fresh out. I haven't been laid in.... God... a month?" AJ whined.

"A month? You've got to be kidding," Nick chuckled. "YOU... AJ... Sex-god... haven't been laid in a month? That's gotta be some kind of record."

"Shut up," AJ laughed. "I just haven't been in the mood to go out and find a new girlfriend. The last one just left a bitter taste in my mouth."

"VD, huh?" Lainie laughed.

AJ opened his eyes and his mouth wide in mock surprise. "Ohhh you're a smart ass, aren't you?" he exclaimed. "Well, what would you think if I just decided to bite your toes?"

"Bite my toes? What kind of sick..." Lainie laughed hysterically.

AJ jumped off the bed and pulled the bottom of the covers off of Lainie and Nick. He grabbed Lainie's bare foot and, before she could jerk it away from him, inserted two of her toes in his mouth and bit down. Not hard enough to hurt... just hard enough to let her know he was playing.

"Stop," Lainie laughed, squirming.

"Why? You got ticklish feet?" AJ laughed, ticking the bottom of her foot with his tongue.

"What the hell?" Nick laughed, shaking his head, "Since when did you develop a foot fetish?"

"I've always had a foot fetish," AJ said, trying to hold Lainie's jerking foot still so he could lick her toes.

"You're sick!" Lainie exclaimed, still trying to pull her foot out of his grasp.

"AJ..." Nick said. "Stop."

"I'd stop if she really wanted me to," AJ said, smirking up at Lainie.

"AJ, I really want you to stop," Lainie said, trying not to laugh. But he was tickling the bottom of her foot with the tip of his tongue and it was really turning her on.

"No you don't," AJ said, his voice low and raspy. "But I'll stop to make Nick happy." He put her foot down and grabbed a few pillows from the floor, leaning back on them at the foot of the bed.

"Make yourself comfortable, why don't you?" Lainie said.

"Are you two gonna be in here all day?" AJ asked, scrutinizing them carefully.

"Probably," Nick said. "It's cold and rainy outside, and she's warm. I don't think I ever want to get out of this bed."

"Oooooh... Like John and Yoko," AJ laughed. "Gonna have a bed-in?"

"Something like that," Nick laughed.

"Hey, can I climb in there with you? I'm cold," AJ pleaded, pretending to shiver.

"Um, no," Lainie laughed.

"But why not" AJ whined.

"Because I'm naked," Lainie said, blushing.

"But you let Nick see you naked. Why can't I see you naked? I've seen so many girls naked, I couldn't tell one from another at this point. Once you've seen so many, they all start blending together."

"That's sad," Lainie said, looking at him with sincere pity in her eyes.

"Why is that sad?" he asked, laughing.

"Never mind," she said, shaking her head. Inside, she wondered if Nick was the same way. Was she just another girl that he took a few minutes of his life to be with, then disappear, not remembering much about her 5 minutes later? The thought was sobering, and it snapped her back to reality very quickly.

"No really, I want to know why you think that's sad," AJ said.

"Yeah, I'd like to hear this, too," Nick mused.

"Well, it seems to me that you two are what I would consider 'jaded'. That in itself is sad. Sex is supposed to be something shared between two people who care for each other, not two strangers passing in the night. When you get to the point where you can't remember the names of every person you've had sex with, or they all start blending into one blob of fuck-partners, you've lost something. If it were me, I'd mourn the loss of whatever sex is supposed to be. Intimacy, maybe? Yeah, I guess that's it. I'd mourn the loss of intimacy."

AJ stared at her for a moment, then cast his eyes downward. Her words actually made sense to him. She hit him where it hurt. He really had lost sight of what sex was supposed to be. But hell, what could he do to change it? Nothing...

"How many guys have you been with?" AJ asked.

For once in her life, Lainie wasn't embarrassed to tell someone...

"None," she said, hugging Nick's arm tightly for reassurance. Nick kissed the top of her head.

"You're joking," AJ said, not believing what she was saying. There was no way that a girl this hot... who was 23 years old... was a virgin. It was just not possible.

"Nope. Not joking. I'm a virgin. In fact... Nick was the first guy I ever kissed," she added.

"HUH?" Nick exclaimed. "You're kidding!"

"Nope," she said simply.

Nick shook his head, trying to make sense of this. This was a lot to take in. There was a lot of pressure on him. What if... Oh shit... what if she fell in love with him or something? He'd be leaving in a few days, and he probably wouldn't see her again. This was just supposed to be a fun couple of days. What had he done?

AJ stared at Nick with a sly smirk on his face. "Well," he said, "I guess I'll leave you two alone."

"No," Nick said quickly. "I mean... I think I'm gonna get up and... uh... take a shower." Nick got up and strode across the room naked.

"Nick!" Lainie exlaimed. "Cover up!"

"Why? AJ sees me naked all the time. You've seen me naked. Who am I covering up for?"

AJ laughed and took Nick's place beside Lainie. "Ok, I won't get under the covers with you, cause I'm sure you're shy, but I wanna watch t.v."

"Well, ok," Lainie said, uncomfortable having him so close while she was naked.

"So... you've really never been with a guy before?" AJ asked, flipping through the channels.

"Never," she answered, feeling very self-conscious all of the sudden.

"Hmm... What was Nick doing to make you scream like that?"

"I was screaming?" Lainie asked, quietly. She had no idea...

"Yep. You were screaming like a banshee. What was he doing?"

"None of your business," Lainie laughed.

"Was he going down on you?" AJ asked, smiling a sexy smile. "I've heard he's pretty good at that."

Lainie's eyes grew wide and her mouth opened to speak, but no words would come out.

"Ah ha... I take it I guessed correctly," AJ laughed. "He's good. But I'm better."

Lainie swallowed hard. Was AJ coming onto her? No way... not a chance. AJ McLean? Come onto HER? Not a chance in hell... but then again... a week ago, she never would thought in a million years that she'd be receiving oral sex from Nick Carter, either.

"I don't think I like where this conversation is headed," Lainie said. Her words sounded forced because her throat was so tight.

AJ laughed again. "Well it's true. You know how Nick calls me 'the Master'? He's right. I am."

"The master at oral sex?" Lainie laughed.

"The master of sex in general," AJ replied, staring into her eyes. She felt herself melting in those chocolate brown eyes. "You name it, I can make you scream my name while I'm doing it."

"I think we need to change the subject," Lainie said, trying to pry her eyes away from his. She looked down, but was greeted only with the sight of his bare chest and that 69 tattoo on his stomach. Oh God, she had to stop looking at him period.

"How? I'm sitting here beside you and you're naked. I'm half naked. You smell really good. I think I probably do too, since I just took a shower. What else are we gonna talk about? Sex seems the only obvious choice."

"What's your favorite flavor ice cream?" Lainie asked quickly, trying to think of anything cold.

"Chocolate," he replied. "What's your favorite part of a man's body?"

"Shoulders," she replied, without thinking. Damn, she fell for it... AJ smiled. He took her hand and ran it over his own shoulder.

"You like my shoulders?" he asked quietly, staring into her eyes again. Damn it! He was hypnotizing her or something.

"Nice," she muttered, pulling her hand away. AJ grabbed it a little harder and put it on his chest. She could feel his hard muscles tensing up, and his heart beating rapidly. He slowly moved her hand down over his stomach, then to his crotch. She could feel his erection through the thin flannel material. Her eyes grew huge. He was huge. The world stood still for a moment.

"Uh... I need to... go to the bathroom," she said, pulling her hand away. AJ laughed.

"You want me. I know you do," he said. "But... I'll turn my head so you can go to the bathroom."

Lainie jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Nick was standing under the hot shower. She stopped in front of the sink and watched him though the glass door for a minute. He was so beautiful. So blonde. So big. She wanted him so badly. AJ had made her so hot. If she had stayed in there any longer, there's no telling what she would have done. Was she attracted to AJ? Hell yeah. Would she choose AJ over Nick? No way... or at least... she didn't THINK so...

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