
Chapter 8

Friday morning I woke up and sensed immediately that something was different. I walked to the window and peered out, seeing the first major snow of the season. With the deep snow came a quiet that always reminded me of my childhood and snowy days spent snuggling with my father, him quietly reading, me simply enjoying the comfort of my father’s warm lap.

I went about my morning routine, humming softly to myself, the prospect of the new day making my spirit soar. As I sat in the shop, I stared out the window watching even more snow fall and marveling at the lack of people on the usually busy street. Nearly two hours after I unlocked the door it opened for the first time. A young man in heavy coveralls walked in with a large bouquet of mixed flowers covered by a large plastic bag. He asked my name and then handed the flowers across the counter to me.

I knew without looking at the card that they were from Kevin and I smiled brightly as I lifted the plastic covering from the colorful bouquet. In an instant the sweet fragrance of them surrounded me and I stood for a moment with the card in my hand, my eyes closed simply smelling a hint of spring on the most wintery of days.

“I’m thinking of you” was all the card said and for the hundredth time in a few short days, a million butterflies filled my stomach.

An hour later the young man in the heavy coveralls returned again with another large bouquet, this time two dozen peach colored roses. He asked my name again and then handed the flowers across the counter to me. He smiled and said “See ya” before leaving out into the snow again.

“Dinner tonight?” the card read and I laughed softly.

Less than an hour later the door opened again and I looked up hopefully. I had not had a single customer all day and I was growing a bit bored. The young man in the heavy coveralls walked in again carrying yet another large bouquet of flowers. He asked my name again and then chuckled as he handed the flowers across the counter to me.

“I’ll pick you up at 7:00” the card read. I laughed out loud, more at how unbelievable the whole situation was than anything. What had I done to deserve such treatment? I thought to myself. I was a simple woman who lived a simple life. I had had only two men in my life whom I truly loved, one being my father and the other a man with whom I’d had a short lived but intense love affair two years before. It was almost impossible for me to believe that someone as beautiful, charming and talented as Kevin Richardson could ever find me even remotely attractive, let alone be so taken with me as to send me flowers not once, but three times in one day.

By two o’clock that afternoon I had given up hope of having any customers and decided to close the shop. I locked up and called Shae who was enjoying a rare day off. She cursed a bit about having to take a cab across town in the snow, but agreed to come over to help me ready myself for my date with Kevin. I had a feeling that the night held promise of something magical and I wanted to do my part to make certain that everything was perfect.

Shae dug through my closet, all the while commenting on my lack of anything form fitting and finally found, shoved completely at the back, an aqua silk sheath. I hadn’t worn it in years and then had only worn it once. I objected, saying that there was no way I could fit into it, but Shae insisted that I at least try it on. It fit me better than it had before, hugging my curves and accentuating my small but adequate chest.

By the time Shae left at 6:45 my hair was swept up and my nails and make up were perfect. I felt a bit odd being so dressed up, but at the same time the extra attentions to detail that I usually passed over were making me feel especially sexy.

Kevin arrived at seven o’clock, dressed in a pair of dark trousers and a black turtleneck sweater. He looked amazing. Gone was the stocking cap, his hair combed back from his face revealing his chiseled features. He smelled even more amazing, wearing a spicy cologne with a hint of floral. He helped me with my coat and we stepped out onto the snow covered street. I looked around expecting to see a waiting cab, and when I didn’t see one I looked at him puzzled.

“Walk with me” he said, taking my hand and wrapping it through his arm.

When we walked into the vast lobby of his hotel I looked up at him, unsure as to what he had planned.

“They have a fabulous restaurant here” he said, carefully removing my coat and flinging it over his arm.

The food was indeed fabulous, as was the decor. As we finished our desserts my nerves started to get the better of me, as I didn’t know what, if anything he expected after the meal. The mere knowledge that his bed was in the same building made my head spin. I wanted to be with him, in every sense, but I wasn’t sure enough of myself to let him know. I had never been one to take the reigns, so to speak, but the desire I felt was overwhelming and could be denied no longer.

“Kevin” I said softly, finally gathering the courage to ask him if we could go to his room.

“India” he interrupted. “I....” His words trailed off and he looked away, a hint of blush rising from his neck and settling on his cheeks.

“Kevin” I said again, trying desperately to find the words to let him know it was okay, that I was thinking the same thing he was thinking and wanting the same thing he wanted.

He looked up at me with those mesmerizing emerald green eyes and the expression on his face filled me with passion. Without saying a word he signed for our meal and we walked towards the elevator. We rode in silence to his floor and walked with determination to his room.

Once inside he pulled me into a long embrace, burying his face in my hair, his hands roaming up my back and into my upswept hair. I reached up and pulled the clasp from my hair, allowing it to billow down around my shoulders.

“India” he said, pulling back and looking deep into my eyes. “I need to tell you something”

“I need to tell you something too” I said. I wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly pulled him to me, my eyes closed, my mouth parted in an invitation for a kiss. I felt him sigh heavily before his lips met mine.

“I need....” he started to say, and then stopped as my eyes slowly opened to look up at him. “I need to.....”

“What?” I said, my voice a mere whisper, my fingers tracing his jawbone.

“I” he said.