
Chapter 9

Two battles in a war of love were being waged that night as we kissed. Years of self-doubt and uncertainty battled furiously against the new sense of confidence and awakening sensuality Kevin had sparked in me. In Kevin’s heart and mind a battle was being fought as well, though I never realized until much later.

His lips on mine, our bodies pressed firm against the other’s, we explored one another. I remember vividly pulling the soft cashmere sweater over his head, revealing to me for the first time his glorious torso. Mixed with the rising desire that seeing his strongly muscled arms and chest came whispers of self doubt about my own body. He was toned and perfect and I was not.

My doubt was silenced though as he began to slowly undress me. His words were soft and barely audible, quiet appreciation for my body....soft.....warm.....beautiful....a real woman’s body. By the time he had liberated both my body of its clothes and my mind of its doubts I laid upon the bed, my body stretched out to it’s fullest length, and I felt not even a hint of self-consciousness. He sat back on the bed and gazed at me, drinking in the sight of my body laying there illuminated only by a small sliver of light coming through the half open bathroom door. He sighed deeply and slowly shook his head, a look of awe in his eyes.

I reached out to him and ran a finger down the length of his bare arm. I wanted to touch him, every inch of him. I sat up and caressed his cheek with my hand, looking deep into his green eyes. He laid back on the bed and allowed me to move my hands, which seemed to move of their own will, across his chest, shoulders and arms. He slipped his trousers down and I followed them with my hands, my fingertips gliding across the strength of his thighs, knees and calves. He slowly slid out of his boxer shorts and again my hands followed, tracing the lines of his hip bones, across his limp manhood and down his thighs. It was if I couldn’t touch him enough, as if I might miss an inch, a patch of hair, a dimple or muscle and he laid there allowing me to explore him.

His body reacted to my touch, tensing and relaxing, and at the same time he grew stiff, his manhood growing long and engorged. I sat there touching him, yet wanting more. I wanted to press my fingers past the flesh, through the confines of his skin. I wanted to reach inside him and touch his heart, wanted to feel if his heart was as filled with desire, passion and want as mine was. I wanted to press my fingers past the flesh, into his brain so that I could see if it was as filled with excitement over the possibilities unfolding before us as mine was.

I leaned down and kissed him softly on the mouth, drawing his tongue into mine, trying to convey through the touch of my lips to his just how I felt about him. He returned the kiss with a slow burning kiss of his own and I felt myself getting lost in what was happening.

He pressed me back onto the bed and laid next to me, his hands running up my stomach, across my breasts and then slowly downward again. I raised my hips a bit and slightly parted my legs as his hand moved to the juncture between them. I took a deep breath and held it as he gently slid a finger past my soft folds and into my wetness. My body trembled and my breath caught as he began moving his finger inside of me, slowly stretching me, readying me.

I was shaking all over and he lifted his head to look down at me.

“India? Are you okay?” he asked, his voice filled with concern.

“Yes.” I said, the word catching in my throat.

“Are you sure?” he said, removing his finger and sitting up next to me.

“It’s just...I haven’t done this in a long time.” I finally confessed, my voice shakey.

He leaned down and kissed me softly. “We don’t have to do this right now” he said.

“Kevin” I said, taking his hand in mine. “I have never wanted anything more in the world than I want to be close to you right now.” I guided his hand down and pressed it against my warmth. “As close as two people can possibly be”

His fingers gently probed me, exploring me, exciting me. His mouth explored what his hands were not, kissing, nibbling, licking from my neck to my toes. I writhed beneath his touch, overwhelmed by the sensations and the emotions brought on by him. No longer able to control my want for him, I pulled him to lay upon me, kissing him, my hands tracing small circles on the small of his back.

He pressed the tip of himself against my opening and held it there, waiting for my body to take him in. I looked up into his eyes and he into mine and a million things passed between us, far beyond lust or love, hope or passion, things far more powerful than there are words to even describe. I opened myself up to him in that instant, opening my body to his, my heart and my mind to his as well.

He made love to me slowly, tenderly and softly, as if he were savoring each sensation, each gentle thrust, each moan, each touch. He made love to me like one might eat a fine piece of delectable chocolate, in slow savoring bites when deep inside there’s that temptation to just devour it. Slowly the temptation to simply devour one another took hold of both of us, and what had started out timid turned fervid

My body raised off the bed to meet his blows. I kissed and bit his shoulders, the salty taste of the fine blanket of sweat covering his body feeding the frenzy that was growing inside of me. He cried out as he released into me, the way his body tensed, the way he clutched my body, the heavy breathing in my ear filling me and overwhelming until I too peaked. I held on to him for dear life as I was washed over by heat and electricity, my core taking hold of him, milking him until we were both spent and exhausted.

I fell asleep almost immediately, comforted by Kevin’s strong arms wrapped tightly around me. I awoke to find the morning sun shining through the drapes and I smiled, stretched and turned over to find the bed empty. I ground the sleep from my eyes and sat up, looking around at the room and realizing for the first time just how beautiful it was. I heard the sound of the shower running in the bathroom and I smiled to myself. I slid from the bed and walked to the door, intending to sneak in and join him when I heard his voice.

“I know” he said. “Look, I can’t come home right now. I’m right in the middle of something”

There was a pause and I realized he was on the phone. I leaned towards the door and listened.

“No. You were the one who said we needed some time apart.”

Again a pause. My heart began to rise into my throat.

“I know, but it’s kind of hard to work things out when we’re a thousand miles apart, now isn’t it?”

I brought a trembling hand to my mouth to stifle the cry that was daring to escape.

“I’m not coming back right now. I’m sorry”

I tried desperately to make sense of what he was saying.

“No. I’m not.”

I went to the bed and slipped back under the blankets, my mind racing, my heart pounding. Kevin came out of the bathroom and tossed his cell phone onto a chair. I didn’t move, just laid there watching as he paced quietly, his cheeks red with obvious anger.

“Kevin?” I said quietly, startling him. “Is everything okay?”

He looked at me with a mixture of surprise and guilt in his eyes. He looked away.

“Kevin, who was that on the phone?” I asked, sitting up and pulling the blankets up to cover myself.

He looked over at me and then again looked away.


He walked over and sat on the bed next to me, his eyes cast downward. I put my hand on his back and could feel him trembling.


He looked over at me, his face filled with shame.

“That was my wife”