penned by Summer

I laid on the bed my eyes barely open. I was in a dreamlike trance, a feeling I had grown to know only too well. My insomnia was getting worse day after day, and my weary body could only take so much. I prayed for the night when sleep would come. I tried everything. All the recommended remedies for insomniacs. Nothing seemed to help. It was well past midnight, and although my body was fatigued, my mind was still somewhat alert. I glanced over at the fire flickering brightly in the fireplace. It was then that I noticed a shadowy figure by my window. I sat up straight on the bed, alarmed by the unwelcome intrusion. Here I was in only a lace bra and panties with a stranger in my room. Inexplicably, something inside me told me not to be afraid, and I wasn't, although I probably should have been.

        "Lie back down. You're safe with me." The gentle voice said. A man's voice. There was something familiar about it. A familiarity I could not determine in my trance-like state, so I merely listened to the gentless of his voice.

        He walked closer to me and I could make out the shape of his masculine jawline in the dimness of the firelight. He wasn't a tall man, of that I was sure. He appeared to have light colored hair, but that was hard to determine as well.

        "Close your eyes. I promise I won't harm you." He soothed, creeping ever closer to me. He sat down at the foot of the bed, mere inches away from where I lay.

        I obediently did as I was told, as if this man had me under his spell and there was no way for me to escape. With my eyes closed, I could feel the heat emanating from him. It came off him and seemed to caress me, to warm me.

        "I'm going to touch you now. It will be alright." He said, consoling me. I felt his fingers dance lightly across my ankle causing a tingly sensation to well up inside of me. He moved slowy, his hands caressing my calf. I wanted to open my eyes, to look at him-this stranger in the night.

        He noticed my eyes opening and stopped me, "No. Keep them closed. For now."

        Once again, I listened to his wishes. I closed my eyes and sighed, frustrated that he wouldn't allow me to look at him.

        He continued his path up my leg, caressing and massaging leaving warmth where his hands had been. His hands felt like silk covering me in a soft embrace. I could smell his scent, like fresh air after the rainfall. I inhaled deeply, savoring his unique smell. Letting it drift into my senses.

        His fingertips slid slowly up my thigh, making my body tingle with anticipation. My body was aching with desire. I needed more than his gentle touch. I wanted to feel his hot breath on every place his hands had explored. A familiar wetness pooled between my legs, making my core ache to be touched. Suddenly I felt his hot tongue on my cool flesh. Teasing and taunting my inner thigh. I reached down and buried my hands in his hair, urging his mouth to take more of me.
        "I want to give you pleasure." He said, sliding his hands under the elastic of my panties, pulling them off in one swift motion. He proceeded on to my bra, unclasping it from the front, and taking it off of me carefully.

        Now I lay naked and vulnerable...waiting. He didn't make me wait long, bringing his mouth down to mine. His tongue slid between my lips-exploring, tasting. His kisses were gentle at first, then grew more intense, more passionate. My head was spinning in confusion and pleasure. I had no idea who this man was at all, and yet-I felt completely at ease with him. As if this moment in time was destined to be. His hands snaked around my waist, pulling me into him as he explored my mouth further. I could feel his hardness pressing against my leg, and I knew that before this night was over, I had to feel him inside of me.

        I reached down and untucked his shirt from his pants, aching to caress him as he had done with me. He helped me remove his shirt, and I pressed my palm against his chest. My eyes were still closed-as he had instructed-so I had to make use of my other senses. My fingers lightly touched his chest, and I stopped for a moment. I felt a ridge of skin along his chest, something like a scar. I wanted to open my eyes and look for myself.

        He reached down and took my hand in his, running it along the length of the scar, which seemed to go on forever. I got a pained expression on my face, imagining how much it must've hurt to get a scar so big.

        "What happened?" I began to ask.

        He pressed a finger gently against my lips, " questions. Just feel."

        I let my hands fall to the waistband of his jeans. I unbuttoned them expertly, and then slid my hand inside. He moaned into my mouth. A smile played on my lips as the realization of what I was doing to him hit me. I began to caress him outside of his boxers. I slid my hand up and down his erection slowly, methodically.

        He began to move his mouth lower, placing tiny kisses along my collarbone and between my breasts. His fingertips teased and taunted my right nipple, then he replaced them with his hot mouth. Sucking feverishly on my swollen nub, licking and teasing it with his tongue. My back arched toward him, giving him better access to my breast. His left hand slid over my stomach, and between my legs where he began to caress my already wet core. His fingers found my most sensitive spot and began rubbing it in a circular motion. I thought I would lose my mind at the sensations just his hand gave me.

        I removed my hand from his hardness just long enough to tug at his jeans, showing him that I needed to feel more of him next to me. He got up and removed his jeans and boxers, letting them fall casually to the floor. I wanted to look at him so badly, my eyes threatening to open at any minute.

        He said softly, "Keep your eyes closed. Don't open them, or I will go away."

        I heard him say those words and knew in an instant that I couldn't bear for him to leave me now. So I closed my eyes. Waiting, wanting.

        I felt him move on top of me, his mouth once again finding mine. Our tongues came together tasting the savory sweetness of the other's mouth. I could feel the tip of his erection at my core, and I pressed my body closer to his urging him to come inside of me. He slowly slid into my wetness, filling me with his hard cock. I thought I would cry at the pleasure his body was giving me. He began a rhythm within me that I couldn't take any longer. I could feel my walls tighten around him as wave after wave of my climax took over me. I cried out into the darkened room, holding tightly to the bedpost for support. He rocked me even harder now as his own orgasm overtook him.

        "Ohhh God.." I heard him sigh, as his body shook wildly.

        A fine layer of sweat glistened over our bodies, as we lay together still entwined.

        "Can I open my eyes now?" I asked him, as our breathing returned to its normal state.

        "Yes." He murmed quietly.

        I opened my eyes, anxious to see his face. This man who had brought me such pleasure. He wasn't there. I looked over at the window, it was closed. It took a moment for my mind to register that I had actually fallen asleep and dreamed the whole thing.

        So much for my insomnia...

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