Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 10

As the door slammed shut, Howie pressed her against it, his body hard and hot upon hers, his mouth and tongue exploring hers, his hands wound in her long golden hair.

With a moan, her nails dug into his back, pulling him even closer to her, if that was even possible, her hips grinding against his erection.

He moved his hands down to the top of her blouse, his body tensing in self-control.

Sensing his need, Destina set the pace for what was to come. "Rip it."

Complying with her request, they both grinned as the buttons pinged off the walls. He looked down at her perfect breasts, temporarily covered with a deep purple lace bra, and firmly moved his hands up her ribcage to take one in each hand, bringing his mouth to hers again as he massaged her breasts.

Her hands snaked down his back, gripping his ass, grincing against him, before reaching a hand around to stroke his erection through his pants.

They giggled as Howie's buttons were next to dance across the walls, as he ripped his own shirt off, revealing his firm, hard, muscular chest. Destina flicked her tongue against his nipple, causing him to moan. That moan encouraging her to continue, which she did, making her way down his chest and torso, dropping to her knees before him.

She unzipped his pants, lowering them and his boxers to the floor, his cock standing proud before her waiting lips. She looked up at him, smiling, as she took the tip of him into her mouth, allowing her tongue to move across it languidly.

He reached out, putting his hands on the walls for support as Destina took him fully in her mouth, sucking him, stroking him with her hand, mouth, and tongue. She withdrew him from her, using her hand to stimulate him as she then took his balls in her mouth, Howie's knees going weak at the sensations. As she again brought her mouth to him, he knew he was close to his peak and he slowly pushed her off of him, bringing her to her feet before scooping her into his arms and carrying her to the bed.

He laid her down, removing her black skirt, pausing to admire her firm body. He climbed atop her, reaching behind to unhook her bra, throwing it off the bed.

His mouth claimed her right breast, licking and sucking as his hand toyed with her left nipple, turning it over in his fingers, her body writhing beneath him. She could feel the heat rising within her and yearned to feel him inside her.

He ran his tongue down her stomach, his hand rubbing against core through her sodden panties, nibbling at her center and she instinctively spread her legs as wide as she could to allow him the most access to all of her. As he nibbled through her panties, he slipped two fingers beneath them and inside of her, her wetness dripping off his fingers.

He ripped her panties from her and the feel of his hot wet tongue against her clitoris sent Destina reeling as the orgasm shook her. Howie made quick work of lapping at her juices, licking at her folds, removing his fingers to plunge his tongue into her depths.

She entwined her fingers into his hair, pulling him into her womanhood, his name a gasp on her lips.

He made his way back up to kiss her as he filled her in a single thrust, their moans trapped in the kiss. He rode her in that ageless rhythm, their bodies slick with sweat, turning to steam. The room felt almost like a tropical rain forest with that moist, hot, heat surrounding them.

He felt his peak approaching and he leaned up, slamming into her with need, her hips rising to meet each thrust. He poured his seed into her, a mangled groan emanating from him as his body shook. Her orgasm followed a moment later and it was her turn to shudder uncontrollably.

He fellt on top of her, spent, supporting himself on his elbows, gently stroking her hair and face. He looked down at her then, placing the gentlest of kisses upon her lips.

"I love you" he said, his voice thick with emotion.

"I love you too."

He disjoined himself from her, laying next to her on the bed, pulling her against him so he could wrap his arms about her, nuzzling into her neck.

"Never leave me."

"Never, Howie."


"I promise."

If she only knew the depth of the pain those words would cause Howie in the years to come, she never would've said them ...