Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 11

'Let this not have been a dream.' Destina thought to herself, afraid to open her eyes to the morning sun. Afraid to find herself alone ... in her own bed. 'It can't have been a dream - I can still smell his cologne on me.' she thought, smiling to herself at just how his cologne got on her.

She opened her eyes and began to panic as she did find herself in bed alone; but, then she realized that she didn't wake in her own bed, which calmed her again.

Destina wrapped the sheet around her naked form, wincing slightly as she sat up, the effects of the night before still fresh on her body.

She rose, her hair cascading down her back in wild disarray, and she felt every bit as wanton as she looked. She padded softly out of the bedroom, into the suite's living area, her nose following the scent of hot coffee.

Her eyes fell upon the coffee table, adorned with a silver service, and various covered dishes from which delicious smells emanated. She bent over, peeking under each dish in turn, not knowing which to have first, as she was suddenly and thoroughly famished. It was then that she noticed the single red rose in a thin crystal vase, with a folded slip of paper next to it. As the paper had her name on the outside, she picked it up, smiling as she read the contents.


I had to run out to do a radio program with the fellas. We'll be back at 10:00. I ordered everything off the breakfast menu because I didn't know what you liked. Save me something to feed to you in bed.


She let out a small gasp as she read the last line, her cheeks blushing furiously.

Sitting down on the couch, she removed the lid from a steaming plate of scrambled eggs, hash browns, and bacon, tearing into it with relish. She reached over and poured herself a cup of coffee, delighting in getting to do that for herself for the first time ... ever. She actually clapped her hands gleefully at getting to add her own sugar and milk. Of course, that was after she figured out that the containers held sugar and milk.

After clearing her plate, and another that had a piping hot stack of buttermilk pancakes with real maple syrup, she turned into a woman possessed with a child's innocence, making her way around the rooms, flipping light switches, turning knobs, pressing buttons.

Her cheeks were flushed with excitement as she found the travel alarm clock, having no clue what it was, turning it over and over in her hands to try and figure it out, when Howie and the rest of the Backstreet Boys entered the room.

"Well, Good MORNING!" AJ exclaimed at seeing her in her state of undress. Brian and Kevin turned away in embarrassment. Nick laughed along with AJ and Howie, well Howie wore another look entirely ... pure, unabashed lust. He felt the stirring in his groin as parts of his body noticed her state as well.

"Good morning guys!" Destina called out, excitedly. She looked down at herself, running a hand roughly through her hair as she realized how she must look, her cheeks flaming red. "Oh my goodness! I'm not dressed!" she gasped, running into the bedroom, dropping the clock to the floor, it's alarm ringing unchecked.

She slammed the door, tossing the sheet onto the bed and scrambled to find her clothes.

Howie found her laying half on the bed, leaning down to grab her bra, giving him the most spendid of views of her backside. His clothes were off by the time she retrieved her bra; and, as she pulled herself up onto her hands and knees, totally unaware that he'd entered the room, he positioned himself between her knees, entering her from behind as his hand reached around under her chin to bring her neck to his mouth.

"Good morning." he growled into her ear as he drove into her depths, his other hand fondling her core.