Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 15

Girl! Damn! I'm impressed!" Nick laughed, pulling Destina into a firm, warm embrace.

"Nick. I ... can't ... breathe!!!"

"Oh. Sorry." He loosened his grip on her; yet, continued his embrace. "I'm so glad that you weren't really mad at any of us ... at me. I don't ever want to do anything to make you angry, Sunshine."

"Thanks Nick-Knack."

Releasing her, they walked hand-in-hand towards the door. "Ok, I've got to jet. Bri and I are gonna catch a couple quick games of one-on-one." With a chuckle, he continued "AJ and Kevin are gonna be our cheerleaders. I'm assuming you've noticed how much Kevin has taken to wearing skirts!"

Laughing herself, Destina replied "You're a trip Nick-Knack. I'll see you later. Have a good time and kick Brian's butt!"


"Scatter!" Kevin whispered forecefully, the eavesdropping quartet scrambling to hide, bumping into each other along the way, before they all ran into the closest room: AJ's.

As Nick opened the door for him to leave, both he and Destina heard the resounding "THUD!" of a slamming door and looked at each other quizzically before shrugging their shoulders, dismissing the noise.

"Hey! I've got an idea. Why don't you and Howie come too?"

"Thanks for the offer Nick; but, we've got other plans. Don't we, Corazon?" Howie replied, casually coming down the hall from AJ's room.

The look in his eyes brought fresh color to Destina's cheeks. "Yes. Yes we do."

Noticing the look that passed between them, Nick cleared his throat and made his goodbyes. "Ooh. Hey D! Have you seen Brian?"

"Yeah, Nick. I think he's in AJ's room."

"Cool. Thanks."


The moment the door to AJ's room shut, Howie pressed Destina back against the open doorframe and he positioned himself against her, reaching a hand around to the back of her head, pulling her mouth to his. She felt weak in the knees at his passion and was glad to have him pressing her against the door, although the sensations of having his full body rubbing against hers was almost too much to bear.

They wordlessly made their way back into the room, the door being carelessly thrown shut. Their hands made quick work of removing clothes as they moved about the room and they never broke the kiss, even as they each bent down to remove their socks and shoes.

Completely naked now, they brought their bodies together, rubbing and writhing. As they made their way from the living room area to the bedroom, Destina tripped backward over an ottoman, bringing Howie down on top of her. Only her lower torso, buttocks, and upper thighs were resting on the ottoman itself, her head against the chair behind it. Howie dropped to his knees, spreading hers wide, and gently opened her folds to his masterful tongue.

Destina propped one foot up on the coffee table beside them, the other on the second easy-chair, allowing him full access to her womanhood. His tongue flicked repeatedly across her swollen bud as he inserted three fingers deep within her, massaging her 'G spot'. Her hands became tangled in his hair as she pressed herself more and more against his greedy mouth. Droplets of sweat ran down between her breasts, glistening across her stomach as she tried to control the orgasm that was quickly sweeping over her.

With a mischievous gleam in his eyes, Howie made a small 'O' shape with his mouth, which he fastened to her clitoris, creating a vaccuum, and he began to suck mercilessly until she could control herself no more. She cried out his name in guttural moans as her body shook repeatedly from her peak. Smiling to himself, he released her nub with a flick of his tongue, sending more shockwaves coursing through her. The ottoman moved and she lay with her head resting on the floor, arms flung out to her sides, her nude form completely exposed.

His erection throbbing, Howie positioned himself between her legs, filling her. He reached his arms beneath her, lifting her up, wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms around his neck and his mouth found a hungry nipple, yearning to be suckled, as he carried her into the bedroom.

He sat on the bed with Destina astride him and she pushed him back, setting the pace and the depth. She kept one foot on the bed, the other she put on the floor for support as she rode him like a barrelracer on a Quarter Horse. His hands reached out to caress her breasts, as well as the rest of her body, and she took her hands in his, denying him that pleasure, knowing that it would heighten his senses.

Howie grunted and moaned as his climax approached, as Destina continued to ride him, mercilessly stopping with just the tip of his cock inside her before constricting her vaginal muscles as she took every inch of him within her. Her juices were slick against his groin, running down between his legs, onto the bed. With a sharp intake of breath and a moan that surely must've come from the tips of his toes, Howie came like he never had before and the ferocity of it made his body shudder uncontrollably.

They laid out on the bed proper and he pulled her into his arms to cuddle with her and stroke her hair.

"Girl! Damn! I'm impressed!" he teased, playfully, not realizing just exactly WHAT he'd said. Destina's eyes went wide at his words; but, pushed it off as mere coincidence. "How about we take a little nap and then I take you out to dinner?"

"Sounds like a wonderful idea" Destina yawned, sleepily. Within moments, they were both sleeping softly in each other's arms.

Destina awoke with a wide, knowing smile on her lips, the scent of Howie invading her senses. She stretched like a cat, opened her eyes and gasped "NO!" The tears streamed down her cheeks as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"The time is now 11:05 p.m." Symbient announced in its trademark monotone.