Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 17

Destina's tears eventually subsided and she slowly began to re-enter her life in her time. The loneliness she felt seemed to grow as each day passed; and, just when she thought she couldn't feel worse, she did. Every day was the same and she plodded through dressing and being at the shop, then plodded on back home, crawling into bed by 8:00, tossing and turning every night until slumber took her restfully, fitfully at some time around three a.m.

Every night, she checked the box for a momento, a ticket, a matchbook, a flower, something ... anything. Every night, there was nothing. She couldn't even imagine what Howie was going through, not knowing where she was, or why she'd left or if she were okay.

'Why didn't I just tell Nick the truth and consequences be damned?!' she'd cry to herself as the guilt ate away with her.


"Howie, we're all sure she's fine. The police have found nothing to suggest foul play and they've searched every hotel security camera from that night and there was no footage anywhere of her leaving the hotel or being taken from the hotel." Brian said, trying to soothe Howie's jangled nerves.

They'd never seen him like this. Howie was always the one to be calm and collected, no matter the situation. They'd never even seen him cry when his sister passed, although they knew he did. He would just go off, privately, and handle things in his own way. Publicly, and even in front of them, he never once let his emotions betray him.

Until now.

For days, he sat next to the phone in the hotel room, moving only to relieve himself or eat, which he barely did. He hadn't showered -- or slept for more than a couple hours a night (and that was only after one of the other guys swore on their mother's eyes that they'd sit by the phone while he slept) -- since the night Destina disappeared.

His face was drawn and gaunt, with deep black circles under his eyes, unshaven and covered with growth. He'd lost some weight, his clothes hanging on his frame; and, his hair, which had once been his pride and joy, was a straggly mess of kinks and curls.

"It's like she just disappeared." Kevin murmured, almost to himself.

"What did you just say, Kev?" Nick asked, whipping his head around, an idea forming in his mind.

"I said it's like she just disappeared. Why, Nick, what's up?"

"Did I ever tell you guys about the prank she pulled?"

"No, Nick, you didn't." AJ answered. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"Nick, do you know something?" Howie asked, pleading, hoping that there was some clue, some key to his finding Destina.

"I'm not sure, D, and this is pretty far-fucking-fetched if she was telling me the truth the whole time. Oh MAN! I am such an ass!"

“We know that Nick," Brian teased, "Now, tell us about the prank."


"Nick, you've got to be fucking kidding me!" AJ exclaimed, exasperated.

"Yeah, Nick, AJ's right." Kevin began, rolling his eyes, "Like that story's even remotely true. What do you take us for?"

"Kev - fuck off. Can YOU come up with any other explanation?"

"He may be on to something guys," Howie said, hope once again rising in his voice, the color visibly coming back to his face.

"D. Look, we know you're upset; but, you can't possibly believe this." Brian said, trying to be as gentle as possible.

"No, you guys look." he said, flinging himself half under the bed, pulling out a large metal box.

"Holy shit!" Nick exclaimed, choking on his soda, "That fucking box is REAL?!"

You could've heard a pin drop as they all gathered around the infamous "box", their hearts racing, feeling the power and magic of it strong within the room.

"Open it." AJ whispered. Howie did as requested, after pulling the small key, placing it in the lock.

"Howie, you DID turn the key, didn't you?" Kevin asked, the gooseflesh rising.

"No, Kevin, I didn't."

"Ok, this is too freaky for me. Someone come fill me in when you're done." Brian stammered, rubbing his arms to rid them of his own goosebumps, crossing himself for good measure as he quickly left the room.

"D, if I remember right, Destina said that you put things in there and she got them, right?"

"I guess so Nick. I mean, I put stuff in there; but, anything I put in there was always there the next day; so, I don't know if she got the stuff; although, she was always there when I DID put something in the box."

"Ok, well, then it's probably safe to assume that she got whatever you put in there." Kevin offered, stating the obvious.

"If you can put things in there, and she can get those things," AJ suggested, "then can she put stuff in there so that YOU'LL get it?"

"There's only one way to find out." Howie declared, going to the desk and returning with a few sheets of paper and a pen.


"It's hopeless!" Destina wailed after another night of finding nothing in the box. She slammed the lid shut and threw it forcefully under the bed, vaulting herself onto the bed. Silent tears coursed down her cheeks and she'd nearly cried herself to sleep when she heard a small sound come from beneath the bed, almost like a knocking sound. She jumped in alarm at the noise, yet instinctively knew both what the noise was and what it meant and she fell off the bed as her feet became tangled in the covers in her rush to remove them.

Pulling the covers with her, she slid under the bed on her belly, pulling the box out with her, scrambling to get the key in the lock and throwing the lid open.

With a sigh of relief and fresh tears, she pulled the single sheet of hotel stationery from the box, choking on a sob as she recognized Howie's beautiful script. With trembling hands, she opened the note:


I pray that this finds you and that you are safe. I'm lost without you, my love.

Please write back to me and place the letter in the box. Just let me know you're okay. I don't know why you left. I don't understand. If I've done something to hurt or anger you, you have my sincerest and most heartfelt apology.

I love you with every fiber of my being. Please write back. Please.

I will love you until the end of time. On this I swear.

~ D"

Destina went to her computer -- it was the only thing available in her time to compose a letter with -- and wrote a short note in reply, placing it inside the box. Returning the box beneath the bed, she felt asleep at once, hoping against hope that her words would reach him.


Howie woke with the box laying haphazardly in his lap, AJ, Kevin and Nick strewn across the bed, all asleep as well. He quietly flipped open the lid, his tears running unchecked.

"Well?" Kevin asked politely, rousing AJ and Nick at the sound of his voice. They all looked at him, hoping against hope that their plan had worked.

"Nothing." he sniffed, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.