Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 18

Howie continued to hold out hope that the story Nick told was true and he kept writing beautiful love letters to her, sending her flowers, gifts, everything he could think of -- and that would fit inside the box -- to let her know that he still loved her.

Time passed differently for them. Howie's passing years were mere days to Destina and she stopped trying to figure out how "this thing" worked, she only knew that she was grateful to whatever "this thing" was.

She'd also discovered that the love letters were copied in the book, along with his most private thoughts and these pages told the story of his life over the next forty-plus years.

Sometimes, here and there, there'd be a letter from Nick, and she always considered these a special treat. He always wrote about fun things and about how much he missed her, how he hoped that she was doing well and even asking if she remembered him in her time. 'As if I could forget you Nick-Knack!' she thought to herself, smiling. Once there was a small hand-held tape recorder of Nick singing "You are My Sunshine" and she laughed until her sides hurt until she discovered that it was a real song and not something he'd made up especially for her.

The last letter she got from him was dated October, 2022 and he'd included a picture of them all done up for Halloween and she got a good laugh at that as well -- 40-something men still dressing up for Halloween! God how she missed them. Along with the picture and letter, there was a small box with a silver cross on a delicate silver chair -- from Nick. "With all my love Sunshine" was how he signed the card.

As she put the cross around her neck, the thought popped into her head that, in her time, one of them was gone and tears of grief sprang to her eyes at not remembering which one it was. She knew it wasn't Howie as he was still in a coma at Johns Hopkins.

"Symbient, search the news archives for Brian Thomas Littrell."

"Brian Thomas Littrell," Symbient droned, "story date: September 2, 2046. Brian Littrell, formerly of the Backstreet Boys, head of BriLeigh Productions, the nation's largest record company, celebrated his 25th Anniversary with his wife, April, and their four children, on their ranch in Lexington, Kentucky. Every artist on the label, both past and present ..."

With a sigh of relief, she interrupted "Enough, Symbient. Search for Alexander James McLean."

"Alexander James McLean. Story date: July 14, 2041. A.J. McLean, of Backstreet Boys fame in the latter part of the last century, and as a solo artist for the better part of this century, was recently bestowed with a star on the famed Hollywood Walk of Fame. At his side ..."

"Symbient," she again interrupted, 'oh God, which one to pick? Which one?' she thought to herself, glad that AJ was alive and well, dreading her choice. "Symbient, search Kevin Scott Richardson."

"Kevin Scott Richardson. Story date: November 30, 2045. Kevin Richardson, board chairman of Just Within Reach, the foundation responsible for funding the world-wide clean-up after The War, donated $50 billion dollars to the European States ..."

"Thank you, Symbient." she said, clearing her throat.

"Oh Nick. Please not you. Symbient, search Nicholas Gene Carter."

'Please please please please let my memory be wrong. Let them all be alive. Please.' she silently prayed.

"Nicholas Gene Carter. Story date: October 30, 2022. Nick Carter, formerly of the Backstreet Boys, and the current head of Jive Records, was killed in an automobile accident on his way back from a private party ..."

Destina didn't hear the rest through her sobs. She reached into the box and pulled out the Polaroid picture of the five of them, dressed in their costumes; and, it was then that she noticed the date, written in Nick's hand, at the bottom of the picture: October 30, 2022.

Even though, in real time, he'd been gone for as long as she'd been alive, she mourned him as if it just happened. For her, it did.


The news alert from Symbient had Destina jumping out of her slumber and racing to the airport.

She entered Johns Hopkins Medical Center and went straight to the CCU, determined that no one would stop her from her course. She walked over to the nurses' station to find out which room was Howie's.

"Destina? Is that you?" Brian asked, his eyes wide and his mouth agape.

Turning at the sound of his voice, Destina dissolved into tears, rushing into his outstretched arms.

"Is it really you?" he asked again, his eyes searching her face, his hands touching her hair, looking for the truth, yet knowing it allthewhile in his heart. At the nod of her head, tears sprang to his eyes. "So, it was all true?"

"Yeah, Bri. It was. It's so good to see you!" she sobbed, as they hugged each other tightly.

The years had been good to Brian. To all of them really. Brian's hair was still blond with a few errant grays peeking through and his eyes still sparkled, his face still holding that boyish charm and brilliant smile.

"Sweet Jesus!" Kevin exclaimed, as he saw her. "Am I losing my mind?"

"No Kevin. It's me."

"Well then come here!" he intoned, wrapping her in his strong arms. Kevin, even for a man in his late-seventies, still had a firm, broad-shouldered body, his hair now salt-and-pepper, which made his eyes shine an even brighter emerald green.

"Holy shit!" AJ gasped, choking on his coffee. AJ looked well for his age, although he was now completely bald, and he had a slight Buddha belly thing working. He still wore his trademark sunglasses, now out of need instead of choice, as all those years wearing them had made his eyes incredibly sensitive to light.

"AJ! Don't have a stroke. You're not seeing anything. It's really me."

"Well, no shit." he joked, pulling her into an embrace.

"You came just in time." he said, gravely.

They walked with her, silently leading her to Howie's room, where he lay hooked to an IV, thankfully the only apparatus he was connected to. Destina didn't know what she'd do if she had to see him covered with tubes and wires. She rushed to his side, taking his hand in hers.

"Howie, it's Destina. Please open your eyes, Baby." she sobbed. A single tear fell from her cheek onto his and he slowly opened his eyes, gasping at the sight, the heart monitor going insane with beeps.

"Destina? Is it really you? Did I die?"

"No, my love. You're alive and well and we're together again."

"At last. My prayers have finally been answered."

She reached down and placed the gentlest of kisses upon his lips and the monitors went crazy again as Howie felt the first stirrings of passion, something he hadn't allowed himself to feel since the night she'd disappeared. After that night, he'd never been with another woman, keeping his promise to her.


After a few more days in the hospital, Howie was released a brand new man and he walked into his home with Destina at his side.

~~ Finis ~~
