Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 3

I can laugh now at how Brian had to practically punch me in the arm to get my attention to go onstage because I had been so intent on you. Watching the way you pushed a stray lock of hair from your face. Watching the graceful way you stepped aside so a Mother could rush her little girl to the ladies’ room ...

Gasping at the recollection of that part of her dream, Destina had to shake her head to clear her mind from the rush of emotions and her heart beat wildly as she continued to read.

I’m sorry, My Love. This must come as a shock to you. I’ve had fifty years to get accustomed to this strange magic our love created -- you’ve had a few moments, maybe an hour or two. It all depends upon when you picked up this book after you woke and saw these words. Please forgive me at rushing headlong into our story. For you to even have gotten the locked box and this book, then my time on this earth is running short and I so want to see you again. A last wish if you will. I’ve done it again, haven’t I? How about I start at the beginning? ...

“Oh, please do.” Destina quipped aloud -- to the book, mind you; but, aloud nonetheless. She just couldn’t seem to grasp what she was reading, having to sit on the bed to continue, as her legs were suddenly weak beneath her. Her “dream”, if she could even continue to call it that, came back to her like a flood, every sensation, every sight, every smell, every sound. It all came back and her recollection of it mirrored almost exactly the words that filled the early pages of the book.

For purely selfish reasons, I was so glad that all the attention was on AJ that night -- because then no one would really notice me paying attention ... to you. The look on your face, I can’t even describe it. It was like you were really seeing all of us for the first time. Little did I know ... throughout the show, my need to meet you and speak with you and know you grew by the moment; and, I will never forget the different emotions that registered on your face when you were presented with the backstage pass: surprise, excitement, awe -- and the smile that lit your face was beauty personified ...

‘Oh my God!’ she thought to herself, ‘I get to go backstage! Wow! I haven’t had a dream this great in so long! Oh! If only this were real ... if only I could’ve seen them like this for real ... so young ... so ... handsome ... so ... DAMN HOT! Especially Howie. He looks damn good for a man his age; but, young ... oh my God! Oh my God! He just looked at me! This dream feels so real.’

She then realized that the rather large bodyguard’s lips were moving, he was obviously saying something.

“I’m sorry. What?”

“Will you come with me please?”

“Oh, sure, absolutely.”

And then the way you threw your head back and laughed ...

Her mind traveled to the moment she stepped backstage, looking like a kid in a candy store, her face awash in awe and wonderment.

"Excuse me ...?" A soft, male voice had broken her trance and she turned to find herself face-to-face with Howie, jumping at the startle of seeing him so close-up. She could smell his sweat mixed faintly with his cologne and instantaneous desire glazed over her eyes.

"Oh! Sorry. Hi." she laughed at herself, covering her mouth with her hand to suppress a giggle.

"Hi. I'm Howard. Everyone pretty much calls me Howie." he said, offering his hand.

Taking the hand he offered in her own, she introduced herself as well. "Hi Howard. I'm Destina. What's wrong?" she asked, her smile being replaced with a look of confusion as his eyes grew wide.

"Oh, um, nothing. I've just never heard a name like that before. It's beautiful. Very exotic." 'Her name is "Destiny"?' he thought to himself, gooseflesh rising on his arms and neck.

"Oh, ok. The show was incredible. You have such a beautiful voice."

"Wow. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. Please excuse my being so forward; but, something tells me that I have very little time and I'd like to get straight to the point."

"Being forward? I'm not following."

Clearing his throat, Howie continued, a slight blush turning the apples of his cheeks pink. "Well, I'm the one that had security present you with the backstage pass and bring you backstage ..."

"I was wondering why I was invited back here. Sorry. Please continue."

"... I did that because I saw you on the monitor ..."

"The monitor? What's going on here? Oh, shoot. I'm interrupting again," she added with a giggle "I'll shut up now."

Grinning himself, Howie was determined to get everything out this time, and seemed to do so in nearly one breath "I saw you on the monitor and you are the most exquisite creature I've ever seen. I have to have you in my life. Tell me that you'll be with me."

Her mouth now agape, eyes wide as saucers, she began to stammer at first, then threw back her head and laughed, believing that she was only dreaming this.

'Oh my God! I really said that to him?! *groan* I've never been this ballsy with a guy before. Smacked ass!'

"Um, well, that was quite an admission; and, since this is all a dream and I can do anything I want in a dream ... Sure! I'm all yours!! In fact, let me show you ..."

Groaning aloud as the memory came back to her, Destina closed her eyes and grimaced as she recalled throwing her arms about his neck and kissing him passionately.