Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 6

At one point during the evening, a band began to play and Destina laughed aloud as she caught the opening lyrics:

"When the moon hits your eye," she began incredulously, stifling a laugh, "like a big ... pizza pie? That's really what they're saying? Pizza pie?" she asked, tears falling down her cheek as she fought to control the most intense case of giggles she'd ever experienced.

"Hmmm, and what is that called boys and girls? That's right! Amore'!" She wrapped her arms across her torso, to 'hold it in' while Hoie stared at her, his hand covering his mouth to fight off his own giggles.

My God, Destina. I've never seen anything more beautiful than your face when you laugh. It steals my breath. Every time.

As the song ended and another began, their eyes met, passing a softness between them; and, in that moment, Destina knew she'd love this man forever. Even if it was only a dream.

Howie rose from the table, extendin his hand to her.

"Dance with me."

He led her onto the small dance floor, placing his right hand against the small of her back, pulling her into him. She rested her head on his shoulder, nuzzling into his neck as they glided across the floor, him singing softly into her ear.

At last, my love has come along
My lonely days are over;
And, life is like a song.
Oh yeah, at last
The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you.

I found a dream that I could cling to,
A dream that I could call my own.
I found a thrill to press my cheek to,
A thrill that I have never known.

Oh, you smiled, you smiled
Oh, and then the spell was cast;
And, here we are in Heaven
For you are mine
At last.

He placed the gentlest of kisses upon her upturned mouth, a physical pledge of their newborn love.


She awoke with a start, her heart beating wildly in her chest. A glance at the clock registered 2:45 a.m. She rolled off the bed, onto her hands and knees, scrambling for the box and the book to see if her dream was nothing more than that.

Her hands quickly skimmed past the first pages, looking for something new. She breathed a heavy sigh of relief when she saw Howie's recollections of that night.

"This isn't a dream." she whispered to herself, in awe of what was occurring. "This is really happening; but ... how?"

A fierce determination rose within her, her mind and her heart set upon finding the answer to that very question.

I don't know how this is all happening. I can't explain it; although, I'm beginning to believe the old gypsy woman was right.

I'd been feeling very lonely in the months before we met - consumed with this burning desire to find that one woman with whom I'd spend the rest of my life. About a week before Alex's first concert back, I'd gone to a fortune teller, as a joke; but, then again, maybe not. More like out of curiosity. I just couldn't take the not knowing any more. When I went to her, she presented me with this boc and the book, telling me that all I need do to find the woman of my dreams was to concentrate very hard, place a personal item in the box and wait for "she" would come to me. The gypsy would say nothing else save these words, which sent a chill down my spine when you told me your name: "Dov' e' amore? E' escritto in l'estrella. E' Destina." (Where is love? It is written in the stars. It is destiny)”