Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 7

Howie walked into the hotel room and threw his keys onto the dresser. “Damn!” he muttered aloud, “I forgot to get her phone number again.”

“Who’s number?” Nick asked, coming out of the bathroom.

“Nicky, what are you doing in here?”

“Brian’s shower drain got clogged and he wanted to take a shower and Kevin and AJ were out so I let him use mine; but, then I had to go to the bathroom and I remembered that I still had your extra room key from last night when you needed me to get that paper you wanted and -”

“Okay okay okay.” Howie chuckled, holding up his hands “I think I got it. Is it safe to go in the bathroom, or will I need a gas mask?”

Smirking back at him, Nick replied “I’d wait a little while if I were you. So, who’s number did you forget to get? Sounds like a girl.”

Howie blushed slightly in response, looking down at the floor.

“Ooh! It is a girl! C’mon Dude, what’s the scoop? Did you sleep with her yet?”

“Man! Is that all you think about?!”

“Yes. So ... did you?”

“Nah, Nick. It’s not like that with her. She’s ... I ... she’s ...”

“Oh shit! Howie. Man, don’t tell me you actually fell in love?”

Howie opened his mouth to speak, closing it quickly to ponder his response. He thought of Destina and everything about her, every moment that they’d shared, every memory he wanted to create with her. A small smile graced his lips and Nick could see the answer in Howie’s eyes as he looked up at him.

“Yeah, Nick. I did.”

His trademark grin on his face, Nick beamed at his longtime friend and brother of his heart, “That’s cool Howie. It’s about damn time. So, when do we get to meet her?”


Destina woke the next morning a changed woman, a woman in love. She lay in bed, recalling the feel of his hands on her back and the way he held her in his arms, the scent of him, his voice, the rich chocolate brown of his eyes and the way they sparkled.

She rose languidly, stretching and preening on the bed, like a cat in the warm afternoon sun. She actually skipped into the bathroom to get ready for the shop and her bouyant mood carried her all the way there. She found herself smiling at every customer that came in that day, every person she passed on the street.

Sighing to herself, she couldn’t help but marvel in the joy of this love she felt and in the man for whom she felt it.


As soon as she walked in the front door, she dropped her grocery bags on the counter, relishing in the excitement of actually doing her own shopping for once, and went into the bedroom to check the box.

Sure enough, there was a backstage pass and a ticket for Sunday, September 9, 2001.

Checking her watch, she hurriedly changed as she felt the exhaustion creep over her.

‘Oooh. Boston.’ she thought to herself, as she placed her head on the pillow. ‘I’ve always wanted to go to Boston.’


Destina wasn't the only one acting differently. Howie was walking on air and the rest of the fellas made quick work of teasing him mercilessly on his new found emotion.

"Howie's got a girlfriend. Howie's got a girlfriend." AJ quipped in a sing-song way, swaying his hips in the process.

"AJ, leave him alone." Kevin remarked, trying in vain to suppress a grin.

They all delighted in the change that took over him.

"So, Howie," Brian began, "when do we get to meet her? Howie? Howie! Yo! Earth to Howie!"

"Huh?! Oh. Sorry. What was that, Brian?"

Laughing and shaking his head, Brian continued. "Oh man, you've got it bad. I said ... when ... do ... we ... meet ... her?"

"Yeah Dude, come on. It isn't everyday that Howie D falls in love. She must be something special." AJ added, nudging Howie on the shoulder.

Grinning from ear-to-ear, Howie responded, "She is. I'm hoping that you all will meet her tonight."

"That's great Howie. That really is. However," Kevin said, the authoritative tone slipping into his voice, his eyes shining mischievously "do you think you can concentrate on singing and dancing until she gets here?"