Love of a Lifetime

Chapter 9

"We're here!?" Destina asked, pulling a compact from her purse, frantically smoothing her hair, re-applying her lipstick, primping like a madwoman.

"Do I look ok?" she asked, turning to Nick.

He couldn't help but laugh at the vulnerable look on her face and he shook his head as he laughed. "Yes, you look beautiful. Let's go get your man."

He held his hand out to her to assist her from the SUV, which she gratefully took. That protective feeling came over him again and he knew that Howie had chosen well. He really liked this girl.

They made their way into the lobby and Destina stood almost-patiently at Nick's side as he stopped to sign a few autographs, pose for a couple pictures and shake hands of some of the fans waiting in the lobby. At the sight of Destina doing something that can only be described as a "pee-pee dance", Nick knew her patience was wearing thin and he made his farewells to those gathered, taking her to the elevator.

Destina jumped from the elevator doors as soon as they opened, turning from right to left ... as if she knew which way to go.

With a grin, Nick simply said "Room 2435. To the right." and chuckled at her quick pace to the door.

"Hey Nick!"

"Yeah. Hey Brian." Nick said, turning around to see Brian coming up the hall towards him from his room. "Destina! Come here. There's someone I want you to meet."

"Is that her?" Brian whispered, as Destina started to turn and make her way to them.

"Yeah." Nick whispered back.

Still whispering, Brian continued "What's she like?"

"She's great. You'll love her."

"Cool." Brian said, breaking out into a wide grin as Destina joined them.

"Hi, I'm Brian Littrell." he said, offering his hand.

"Hi Brian. Nice to meet you. I'm Destina D'Onofrio." Her grin mirrored his and they both knew they'd get along famously.

"Howie is going to be so happy to --"

"What are y'all doin in the hallway?" Kevin hollered, as he came out of his room, coming towards them. "Do you guys like being sitting du -- too late. Who's this?" he asked, looking at Destina, his eyes roaming from the top of her head, down to her feet, and back again. An appreciative smile brought a blush to Destina's cheeks as she opened her mouth to speak.

"Kevin. This is Destina." Nick said firmly, also noticing the wolf gleam in Kevin's eyes, that protectiveness rising in him.

"Howie's Destina?"

"Yup." answered Brian, grinning, for he too saw the way Kevin had looked at her.

"It's nice to finally meet you." he backpedaled, extending his hand, which she took.

"You too. Kevin." Looking to the three of them, she asked plaintively, "Can we go see Howie now?"


"She sounds awesome Howie. I'm sure there's a logical reason why she didn't make it tonight."

"I hope so AJ. I just can't say for sure. I don't know what I'll do if I never see her again."

"D - you've gotta stop thinking like that. C'mon, it'll all be okay. You'll see."

A knock at the door brought AJ to his feet to answer its call. He opened the door to find Nick, who quickly grabbed AJ's collar and dragged him into the hall.

"Whoa! Nick! What's going on?! Get your fucking hands off me, Dude!"

"Sorry. I got a little excited."

"I don't fucking care."

"AJ, could you watch the language please? There's a lady present." Brian asked, gingerly, the grin firm upon his face.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Excuse me. Hi, I'm Alex."

"Hi, Alex. I'm Destina."

"No shit?!" He exclaimed, breaking into a huge smile. "Sorry. Howie is going to be so thrilled to see --"

"Guys, what's going on out here?" Howie asked, popping his head out the doorway.

"Oh, nothing." Nick stated, smiling, as he and Brian each moved aside, which gave Howie a clear view of exactly whom was standing behind them.

With a sharp intake of breath, Howie stood there, staring, almost afraid to believe what he was seeing. He tentatively moved into the hallway, closer to her, slowly extending his hand to touch her, to make sure she was real. The moment his fingers touched flesh, he pulled her into his embrace, holding her tightly against him, covering her face with kisses.

“I thought you weren't coming and I was so afraid that I'd never see you again. What took you so long? You look beautiful. I've missed you so much!"

"I'll explain later, I was afraid too, and I've never seen you look more handsome." Her voice choked with happy tears, she continued "I've missed you too."

He brought his mouth down to hers, hard, owning her in an ardent kiss. His foot kicked the door open and, without stopping, they made their way into the hotel room, with Howie using that same foot to slam the door shut.

Nick looked to Kevin, who looked to Brian, who looked to AJ, who looked to Nick, as one breaking out into gales of laughter, shaking their heads as they made their way to AJ's room, where they were having a late meal.

"Something tells me we're not going to see Howie until tomorrow night ..." AJ joked. "... at the earliest."

"He better not miss the show." Kevin lectured.

"Kevin, shut the fuck up and leave the man alone." Brian deadpanned, causing the other three to stare him dead in the face before letting loose into another round of laughter.