Love of a Lifetime


"Mr. Carter. Ohh, Mr. Caaarrrrrtttteeerrr" Maria purred, running her fingers along Nick's naked chest as they lay together in bed.

"Ria, you know that drives me nuts when you call me that. Especially here. At work, it's okay. But it's kind of freaky when we're in bed. Makes me feel like a sexually-harrassing boss or something."

"Ooh, sexually harrass me whenever you want!" she cooed, snuggling up against him, her eyes dancing with laughter.

"Woman, you know how much I love you, right?" he asked, kissing her lightly on the lips.

"Yes I do." she replied, smiling earnestly, "Almost as much as I love you."

"I wish we could tell someone about us. I hate having to meet in secret."

"Nick. You know we can't. You ARE my boss. The other women will want to scratch my eyes out and I'll lose all credibility in the office if anyone found out."

"I hate to say it; but, you're right. But, why can't I tell the guys? They're my best friends. My family."

"Tell AJ? You're kidding right?" she teased. "AJ can't keep a secret to save his life and the rest of the guys will end up telling him."

"Ria, I want to marry you. I can't get married and not have anyone find out about it!"

"You what? Nick, is that a proposal?"

"No; but, this is." At that, Nick climbed off of the bed, completely naked, walking over to the dresser, and removing a small velvet box. He ran a hand through his hair to straighten it, and dropped to one knee in front of her as she sat up in bed.

"Maria, you are the love of my life. I was lost before you came into my life. Now I know the true meaning of love and what living really means just from knowing you. Do me the honor of becoming my wife." The last words of his proposal were mixed with tears, as the emotion showed on his cheeks.

Wiping his tears, Maria leaned forward, her hand cupping his chin. "Nick, it would be our honor to marry you."

"Oh baby, you've made me so happy!" he squealed, throwing his arms about her, hugging her fiercely. He slipped the ring on her shaking hand, with a shaking hand of his own.

"Are you sure you can't come tonight? Wait a minute. What d you mean by 'our honor'?"

"No, I can't come tonight. You go have a good time with the guys. I can't believe that AJ's throwing a Halloween party and you all are going ... at your ages!" she laughed heartily at the thought of how goofy they'd look. "As for the other question, I mean, me ... and the baby."

"Baby? You're going to have a baby?! WE'RE going to have a baby?!"

"Yup. Are you okay with us having a baby?"

"Okay with it?" he sobbed, "I've never been this happy. I love you so much! I'm not going tonight. I want to stay with you." he held her so tightly, releasing her quickly "I didn't hurt you did I?" his hand instinctively went to her belly.

"No, babe, we're fine. Hug us whenever you want. You HAVE to go tonight. You haven't seen the guys in months and the baby and I will be here when you get back."


On July 25, 2023, Maria gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl. She was informed by the nurses that, since she wasn't married, she couldn't give her baby the father's last name, which upset her; but, at the same time, she knew that it would help her not have to talk about him, which was too hard, and she couldn't imagine a day when it would be otherwise.

"Have you picked out a name, Honey?" the nurse asked, sweetly, holding a blank birth certificate on a clipboard, her pen held aloft.

"Nothing seems to fit so far. Could I have a few more minutes?"

"Sure thing, Sweetheart. A baby's name is often their destiny -- at least that's what they always say -- so you take as much time as you need, and just holler when you're ready."

"I'm ready."

"Well, that was quick!" the nurse laughed. "Ok, let me have it. What will you call this beautiful little girl?"

"Destina. Destina Theresa D'Onofrio."