Magnolia in the Fall

Chapter 20

Maggie and Leah took a late lunch, allowing them to spend quality time catching each other up on the goings-on in their lives. Maggie couldn’t get over the fact that Kevin had actually brought Leah to visit. It was wonderful to have a bit of home with her for a few days.

“So, what’s it been like?” Leah asked as they were waiting for their dessert.

“It’s been nice,” Maggie replied, taking a sip of tea.

“Mags, this is me. We’ve been best friends since we were five. Again, what has it been like?”

“Absolutely incredible. Kevin dotes on me. I get to travel like I’ve always dreamed of. I’ve been places I never thought I would. People actually wait on me for a change. Anything I want is just a phone call away. I mean, last night, I called room service and had an entire tube of chocolate chip cookie dough delivered.”

“Ah, so it’s come down to that. How has the PMS been, stuck with a man all the time?”

“Oh, gee, Leah. He’s been so nice, I’ve had to be extra careful not to snap on him,” Maggie laughed.

“Well, at least you’re on your own. No other women around to have conflicting hormones with! Now tell me,” she grinned, leaning forward to prop her face on her hands, “what’s the sex like?”

“Leah! Honestly, the things that you say! You’re worse than the guys are! And sometimes they’re more bawdy than a classroom full of sophomores!”

“Really, Mags. It has to be great. I’ve never seen you with a better sex-related glow. Is it all normal?” She raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

“What are you talking about?” Maggie asked, squinting an eye at her friend.

“Not him and his, um, you know. I mean, have you been involved in anything, uh, different? I’ve heard some stories about these guys. Have you been with any of the others? Don’t tell me if you’ve been with Kevin and one of the others. Wait, do tell me!”

“Leah! I am not believing we are sitting here, having a conversation such as this! You should know me better than that!” Maggie admonished.

“Well, I thought I did. But, you up and run off to travel around with a rock singer. No, not even just a rock singer. One of the Backstreet Boys!”

Maggie quickly shushed Leah, reminding her to keep her voice down. She had finally gotten used to some of the attention she received, being Kevin’s companion. But she really enjoyed being able to go out and not be mobbed. Seeing a group of women at a table nearby staring at them, Maggie hurriedly engrossed herself studying the intricate pattern of the tablecloth, silently willing them to stay away.

“Sorry,” Leah whispered. “You know what a big mouth I have. But you still didn’t answer my questions.”

“Let’s just say you shouldn’t believe everything you read in those rags. Personally, I’ve never been involved in one of their sex-fests. I’m not denying they happen, but I’m not confirming them either. Anyway, I can’t believe I’m about to say this, Kevin keeps me, uh, happy enough to not need that.”

Leah clapped her hands and laughed, leaning back in her chair. Maggie looked down, feeling her face burning. Oh, please don’t let me fall victim to spontaneous combustion, she thought.

“If you tell anyone what I said, I will get even. Leah, you know me. I will make life hell for you!”

Maggie’s threat was interrupted as the waiter finally arrived with their dessert. The tall fudge and caramel sundaes were delicious. Fifteen minutes later, she glanced at her watch.

“Oh, foot! We better get going if we’re going to make it to the show on time,” Maggie said, grabbing her purse. “There’s always so much going on, you don’t want to miss a minute of it.”

As they were leaving the restaurant, Leah giggled at her best friend. “So, it’s that good, huh?”

“You are incorrigible and I’ve missed you something terrible,” Maggie laughed, hugging her friend.


“Oh, this is unbelievable!” Leah shouted to Maggie over the music. “I can’t believe how good they are!”

“I know!” Maggie beamed.

“Hey,” Leah said, placing a hand on Maggie’s arm, “I’ve got some stuff to give you when we get back to the hotel. Don’t forget to remind me. I don’t want to have to haul it all back with me!”

The music was infectious and soon, Maggie and Leah were dancing on the wings of the stage, well out of sight of the audience. Nick was doing some serious flirting with Leah. Maggie told her it had to be her blonde hair and big boobs that did it. In response, Leah playfully punched Maggie on the arm.

After the show, they all went out to eat. Adrenaline still pumping through their veins, the guys were loud and happy. Everyone in the restaurant knew they were there. Leah loved the way their personalities sparkled with electricity.

“If I were only a few years younger,” she whispered to Maggie, catching sight of Nick ogling her.

“I know what you mean,” Maggie agreed.

“Hey, wait! You get to know what I mean,” she teased.

“Exactly!” Maggie grinned devilishly.

Later, back at the hotel, the two women stayed up all night, still talking. Kevin had finally crashed around one a.m., leaving them in the living room. Leah just shook her head, chuckling softly to herself.

“Boy, the stories you could tell.”

“Boy, the stories I’m not going to tell. Where’s my stuff you brought?” Maggie demanded.

“It’s in my room. Come with me, so we won’t wake him.”

Once in her room, Leah hauled out the big “teacher bag” that Maggie had left. Taking it from her, Maggie gingerly fingered the little red schoolhouse appliqued on the front. Her name was embroidered in black letters on gold apples. Sighing, she sat the bag down and started going through its contents.

“All of that is from your students, Maggie. They heard I was coming to visit you, so they wanted to send you a few things. I think you’ve got some letters and other stuff. Don’t eat anything in there, though,” Leah cautioned.

Maggie laughed, taking out pictures and poems done by her seventh graders. The last tests she had administered were in there, secured by a bulldog clip. Flipping through them, she smiled as she noticed the lowest grade was a C-minus.

“I did it! They finally understood the concept of embargo,” she beamed. “Oh, my tenth graders did pretty well on the geography part. Way to go, guys!”

Leah opened her own bag and handed Maggie a stack of envelopes. She flipped through them, confusion on her face. She looked at Leah for an explanation.

“ Your kids. The class that everyone insisted was put together by the devil himself. They were the only ones who insisted on writing you letters. Not a short note, but an honest-to-goodness letter. They even sealed them before Watkins could read them. Probably something in there about her. Take them back to your room, Maggie. It’s nearly five in the morning. I need a little sleep. My flight doesn’t leave until noon, so I’ve got a little time.”

“Thanks for all this,” Maggie said, hugging her best friend as she left.

Maggie quietly opened the door to her room and sat on the couch, her legs curled underneath her. She opened the letter on top and began reading. Five letters later, Maggie had run through a gauntlet of emotions…sadness, anger, happiness, and chagrin. Opening the sixth letter, Maggie glanced to the bottom of the page to read the signature. Her eyebrows raised in mild shock. Jared, her one true challenge in the class. “Dear Miss Martin, Hey! How’s it going? I hope you’re having fun. You have to be, seeing how you’re not here! School hasn’t been the same without you. It was kinda weird at first, when they told us you had left. We thought it was something we did. Then, we remembered the big scene that bitch Watkins made in front of us. I never thought you’d let her win, though. Maybe you didn’t. Maybe this is all part of a bigger plan. She’s teaching us, now, you know. She said everything you had taught us was wrong. Do you remember telling us that we were only dumb if we thought we were? She said that was nonsense. Not everybody can be a brain. Some of us have to face the fact that we will dig ditches and work in the factories like our parents. Bitch. Even though you’re not here, I want to use my two cuss words for the year. I have a lot more, but I’m going to follow the rule. She even took over your room. It’s just not the same to walk in and not see you, glaring at us, trying not to smile. You always made each of us feel like we were somebody, that whatever we said was the most important thing ever. I wish you didn’t leave. Don’t tell anyone I said that, because you know how I gotta keep up the rep. Speaking of which, I finally got laid! Yeah, I know, you’re saying right now, ‘Get away from me. Go sit down. I don’t want to hear that kind of thing!’ You really did care, didn’t you, Miss Martin? The bitch showed us ‘Dead Poet’s Society’ again. It’s not like you hadn’t already used it in our class. We tried to tell her so, but she said you used it out of context. You know what? Not one of us stood up on our desks for her the way we did for you after the movie. That was so funny! She won’t even give us a ‘bathroom’ or ‘locker’ pass to the snack machine. We all hate her. She’s actually failing some of us. Not me, but just barely not me. Our Scholars’ Bowl team isn’t doing so hot without you, either. The new coach doesn’t cut up with us like you did. I think that’s the problem. He takes it waaaay too seriously. Well, time’s almost up and words are running short. Take care, Miss Martin and try not to forget us! Your favorite third-period student, Jared.”

Maggie re-folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope. Dropping it on the table, she stood up and went to the bedroom. She undressed and climbed into bed with Kevin. Feeling her warm body pressed to his, he was instantly awake and aroused. He pulled her closer to him, fitting his body to hers.

“Kevin,” she whispered into his neck.

“Shh, not now, Maggie. We can discuss it later,” he murmured as he rolled her onto her back and climbed on top of her.

Gently, he eased himself into her waiting body. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, pulling him into her with a fierceness she had never shown before.

“Easy now,” he drowsily told her. “I want it slow this time. You can have it as you want it next time.”
