Not A Moment Too Soon

Chapter 1

        The year was 1803 and Howard Dwaine Dorough was glad to be back in England. Back to his homeland estate.. He was an Earl and an Earl he would stay. The title didn't seem fitting to him but after his father's passing, that's exactly what he became. After selling out of the army and his father's death, he thought it best if he returned home and tended to affairs there. He entered his glorious mansion with a smile knowing that at any minute, his house servants would be there to see to his every need. Not one to let his master down- his faithful butler, Perry, attended him quickly.

        "Welcome home, my lord. Mrs. Rutherton has made fresh cinnamon buns especially for this ocassion. After all you've been gone for nearly four months now." Perry babbled on, a huge grin on his wrinkled face. Perry had been the Dorough's butler since Howard's grandfather was alive and Howard was very fond of him.
"Perry so good to see you. Indeed it is great to be home. I see you've kept up the place in my absence." Howard grinned at the old man.               
Perry stood proudly, "Yes my lord, everything here at Wilkenshire is running smoothly." he added, "I hope you will find things to your liking."

Howard slapped him playfully on the back, "Of course I will. You never let me down! Now where are those cinnamon buns?"        

Perry led him to the kitchen where the sweet smell of cinnamon wafted through the air. A large jovial woman by the name of Mary Rutherton was busy baking and humming an old Irish tune. She spun around when she heard the two men enter the room.

"Why my goodness! Look at ye! What have ye been eatin since ye've been gone?You're no bigger than a stick!" she shrieked with excitement at the Earl, grabbing him up in a huge hug.

"Mrs. Rutherton, I can assure you I haven't had food quite as good as yours in a long long time." Howard soothed. His mouth watered as he grabbed up a bun from the huge pile behind him. He bit into it slowly savoring the taste.

"We're so glad that ye've returned, my lord. This huge house is so quiet now with your father gone." Mrs. Rutherton's eyes began to fill with tears at the mention of the late Earl. She had cherished him just as much as any other person who knew him. For Earl Hoke Dorough was a great man.

He swallowed the last bite before replying, "We'll bring life back into this house yet, I promise Mary."

She nodded with a smile, and began wiping at her eyes.

"Sir, your cousin Lord Harry will be arriving day after tomorrow to discuss your upcoming marriage to Miss Victoria." Perry announced, changing the subject.

"Good. Have you seen Lady Halberd? Is she looking well?" He asked, curious to know how is future wife was doing. He had known Victoria Halberd for years and is affection for her had grown immensley right before he enlisted in the army. He had asked her father for her hand in marriage and the Baron agreed happily. She was a beautiful woman, all pink cheeks and glorious long blonde hair. Every man that ever set eyes on her was bewitched by her beauty.       
Perry got a rather curious look on his face just then making Howard wonder if something was the matter.

"My god man! Nothing has happened to her Ladyship has it?" He asked fearfully. He had waited a long time to make her his wife and he hoped that nothing would intercept his plan.

"No my lord, her Ladyship is of perfect health. I think it best if you speak of her to your cousin . Good day sir, I have much to attend to." Perry said, making a rather speedy exit from the kitchen.

Howard stood there with a look of confusion on his face. Perry's actions were rather odd. Perhaps his mind is going, he thought to himself. He laughed outloud.

"What's so funny, my lord?" Mrs. Rutherton asked, a quizzical look on her brow.

"Nothing ma'am. Nothing at all. It's so good to be home." Howard replied, making his own exit from the room.

Mrs. Rutherton stared after him and said aloud, "Aye, 'tis good to have ye home." then she continued her baking.
