Not A Moment Too Soon

Chapter 3

They made their way through the gates leading into Caverton Hall. It was a modest estate not quite as grand as Wilkenshire, but beautiful nonetheless. Howard looked over at Evelyn who was riding a short distance ahead of them. She was definitely a toothsome chit. But what kind of woman fences and wears mens britches?

        They stopped their horses in front of the stables and dismounted. Evelyn walked Thunder to her stall and tied her up. She practically ran into the house to wash up before starting on their dinner. William merely glanced over at Howard and shrugged. He had no idea why his sister was acting so strangely.

        They entered the house, and removed their riding cloaks. William led him into a small comfortable room which Howard guessed was the library or study. "Care for a drink, my lord?" He stood at the bar and fixed one for himself.

        "No thank you, sir. Pardon me for asking, but...have I done something to upset your sister? She acts as though I have a bad case of the plague or something." Howard asked curiously.

        William sat down in a worn wing chair and replied, "I apologize for my sister's actions, my lord. I suppose I haven't done the best job in raising her. You see, our mother and father passed away when Evey was just a little girl. I was left to care for and teach her all that know. Perhaps she has too many man-like qualities, being raised by a gentleman. She is very bright though and I love her dearly."

        Just then Evelyn walked into the room. She had changed out of her riding clothes and was wearing a pale pink gown. Her long red hair hung in curls on her left shoulder. She looked absolutely breathtaking. Howard's eyes studied her seductively.
        "What was that you were saying Will?" Evelyn asked, a mischievous look in her eyes.

        "Oh Evey, I didn't realize you had come in." William said, surprised. He noticed his sister had changed her clothes. Hmm interesting, he thought to himself.

        " I can see that William. Dinner will be ready in about an hour." She stated, plopping down on a nearby sofa. She seemed not to care if she wrinkled her gown.

        "Evey, I must say, you are quite the capable fencer." Howard remarked, trying to get on her good graces.

        "I have my brother to thank for that. He taught me all the ins and outs of the sport." Evelyn said, adding "My name is Evelyn, my lord. Will is the only one who calls me Evey."

        "Yes, well..." William chimed in, trying to ease the tension that was building in the room. "So, Earl Dorough, there are rumors about town that you are set to wed Lady Halberd. Is that true?"

        Howard shrugged off Evelyn's comments and responded, "Yes. I am hoping things return to normal at Wilkenshire within the next couple of weeks. After that, then I will marry her ladyship."

        William nodded, "She's very beautiful. I remember at Season all the local lords and earls would stand about her like dogs in heat. You're a lucky man, my lord."

        Evelyn stood up suddenly, "Excuse me. I should go check on that stew." With that, she left the room. She couldn't stand to listen to any more of their conversation. So, he was going to wed Lady Halberd? Big deal. She couldn't see the fascination with her in the first place. She wasn't that beautiful. Pretty perhaps. But beautiful? Never. She had been to Season a few times herself and had witnessed the men swooning over Victoria. But Evelyn knew her kind. She was nothing but a rich snob and any man that wed her would regret it. Of that she was sure.


        Approximately two hours later the Earl decided it was time to head back to Wilkenshire. William and Evelyn had escorted him back to the stables. He untethered Gabriel and mounted him quickly.

        "William thank you for inviting me to dinner. I must say it was delicious." He turned to Evelyn, "You make a tasty beef stew Evey." He purposely called her that, despite her wishes not to. For some reason he liked to ruffle her feathers, although he couldn't place why.

        "Thank you, my lord. Perhaps you could stop by again for a duel? I think it would be most entertaining to watch you lose to a lady." Evelyn said icily, stomping back into the house.

        Both men broke out into laughter, "I see my sister has daggers in her eyes for you, my lord. I'd be most careful if I were you. She is quite dangerous with a foil as you know." William explained.

        "I think I just might take her up on that offer, sir." Howard smiled, "Well, I am off. Be well and take care of that sister of yours." He grabbed hold of the reins and Gabriel came to life. Soon he disappeared into the distance.
