Not A Moment Too Soon

Chapter 4

        The next morning, shortly after he awoke, Howard could hear the sound of laughter coming from downstairs. He put on his britches and shirt, and walked downstairs to see what the fuss was all about. He came upon his butler and his cousin.

        "Howard! I see you finally woke up. I've been waiting for you." So said his cousin, Harry Thorpe. Harry was a rascal and proud of it. He had a way with the ladies that couldn't be matched in all of England. Howard often wondered how many bastard children his cousin had scattered about the country.

        "Harry. How good it is to see you!" Howard grinned, and gave him a firm handshake. Harry was a handsome man with his tousled brown hair, sharp jawline, and deep brown eyes. He was of considerable height and stood a few inches taller than Howard.

        "Always good to see you, my lord.'re an Earl now. How does that feel?"

        Howard looked thoughtful for a moment as if trying to find the right words, "I am still having a hard time adjusting to it actually."

        Harry smiled, "Ahh. Hogwash! You were made to be an Earl. You've always been tough as nails. I am sure you'll be the finest Dorough Earl yet!"

        "Thank you, cousin. Now on to other matters,. Perry tells me you wanted to discuss my upcoming marriage to Lady Halberd. I must say, I am curious." He glanced over at his butler, who looked back and forth between the two men as if expecting a fight to break out at any moment.

        Harry too, seemed a bit cautious, "Perhaps we should go into the study." he offered. He didn't want to cause a scene in front of the servants. He was sure that soon enough, they would be in fistcuffs on the floor.

        "Alright." Howard shrugged, leading them into the huge room. They each took a seat and then Harry began speaking.

        "For quite some time, I know you've been enamored with her ladyship. Well, 'twas the last Season and I happened to have a dance with Lady Victoria. We got along rather well and I called on her several times." he paused for a moment to read the expression on his cousin's face, then continued, "Our relationship took a turn to the more serious side and well...we're now married." he waited for what he was sure would be alot of yelling.

        Howard's response was a slow one, "You're what?"

        "Married. She is now Lady Thorpe. I wanted to tell you myself so you wouldn't hear it from the gentlemen in town. I must say I took an enormous load off you, cousin. She is quite the handful." Harry rambled on.

        Howard's eyes became daggers boring into Harry's arm, "HOW COULD YOU?" he yelled.

        Harry quickly replied, "Trust me. She is not the wife for you. Much too spoiled. She doesn't like to cook or clean. She sits in her pretty gowns all day staring at her reflection in the mirror. No, I did you a favor. You should be thanking me."

        That sent Howard over the edge. He lunged toward Harry knocking him onto the floor, "Thanking you! For marrying the woman intended for me? How dare you think such a thing?" His fist met Harry's jaw with a loud crack.

        Harry got control of the situation and knocked Howard off balance, he got to his feet in a hurry. "Calm down, Howard. My God! I did what was right and it can't be changed. I am married to Victoria now. We are traveling to Pembrook House tomorrow where we will reside as husband and wife." He excalimed, straightening up his clothing a bit.

        Howard laid on the floor and stared up at him in disgust, "You've done crazy things in your time Harry, but this...this is an outrage! I can't believe you stole my fiance while I was off at war!" he said through clenched teeth.

        Perry, hearing all the commotion in the hallway, entered the room. He saw blood running out of Lord Thorpe's mouth and he knew that his master had bested him. He glanced down at the floor where the Earl was laying. "My Lord, let's get you up off the carpet and talk about this like gentlemen."

        "Perry? You knew! You knew that this bastard stole my future wife and you did nothing to stop it? All of you have betrayed me." Howard spat, picking himself up off the floor. He lunged again at his cousin, but Perry intercepted.

        "Yes I knew. Now your cousin will be leaving shortly and I know you would regret him leaving on such bad terms. I'll get some coffee and you can discuss this." He looked at both men, "Will you keep your hands about you while I leave for a moment?"

        "I will have to kill him, Perry." Howard growled under his breath.

        "Perhaps not, my lord. You must listen to him first. You were-are-quite fond of him, you know." With that, he left the room.

        The two men sat opposite each other. Howard looked as if he would strike again. He breathed deeply, "So, tell me why you betrayed me."

        Harry's hair stood on end, and he had a huge tear in his white shirt. He managed to keep his distance. "Will you listen to me without trying to kill me again?"

        "I'll listen. As for killing you, I dare say that will happen sometime before you leave."

        "God, Howard, don't talk like that! I didn't mean it to happen, but it did."

        Perry chose that moment to return, coffee in hand, "Enough of this. His Lorship needs facts. All this emotion is wearisome and not to the point."

        "I fell in love with Victoria the moment I saw her and she with me. I know all of her faults, Howard, faults you can't begin to imagine, but I didn't care. I understood her and I knew that I could handle her. We eloped. Perhaps you are angry with me, of that I don't have doubt. But know, that I didn't mean to betray you. I simply...fell in love."Harry sighed, he knew that he had hurt his cousin, but he couldn't take back what he had done. Not that he even wanted to.

        "Ha! You slippery sod, you make it sound as if you saved me from a fate worse than death.You want me to believe that you removed the plague from me and took it upon yourself. that you martyred yourself for me.You stole my wife, Harry! Damn you, it is too much. I have listened to your lame excuses and I-"

        "My lord," Perry said softly, his hand on Howard's shoulder, "we must remain for the moment with the facts. I will not allow any more violence here at Wilkenshire Estate."

        " I'll tell you what I am going to do. I am going for a ride. When I return, I want you gone!" Howard yelled to his cousin and stormed up the stairs.

        Perry spoke calmly to Harry, "I think it best if you leave soon. I am not sure that the Earl will get over this any time in the near future."

        Harry glanced at the clock on the mantel, "You speak with words of wisdom, Perry. I should go. I just wish I didn't have to leave on such bad terms."

        Perry tried to comfort him, "He'll come around, with time. Just give him time. I assure you the next time you visit he will be in better spirits." He just hoped that his prediction was correct for he had seen the anger and hurt in his master's eyes.

        "Well, Perry I hope you're right. Good day." He adjusted his riding cloak, and then was gone.

        "So do I, my lord. So do I."
